Metaschema framework is s an information modeling methodology. Metaschema framework is developed by NIST. An information model developed using this framework can be used to automatically:
- Generate associated XML and JSON schema
- Produce model documentation
- Create content converters capable of converting between XML and JSON formats
- Data APIs for use in application code
This project extends metaschema beyond xml/json/yaml. This project allows users to generate golang code for processing those xml/json/yaml files out of NIST's metaschema.
# Acquire latest OSCAL metaschema (OSCAL is the most evolved appliacation of the metaschema)
git clone --depth 1
# Parse metaschema and generate golang structs
./gocomply_metaschema generate ./OSCAL/src/metaschema types/oscal
go get -u -v
- GoComply/oscalkit - OSCAL implementation, oscalkit uses CI to re-generate models periodically from usnistgov/OSCAL