- Eva platform notes
- Languages : {Python, C++, TypeScript, Git, SQL, CSS, bash}
- Technologies : {EOSIO, Blockchain, SQLAlchemy, Flask, React-Native, XCode, Android Studio, Docker, Git}
- Networking : {Client-API, Client-EOSNet, API-EOSNet}
- Code deployment and agile board : Phabricator
- Communication : Telegram EVA Developers
- Go through the Eos Wiki (tutorials at the end too)
- Presentation of the EVA contract.
- Blank project Link
- React Native Tutorials Link
- Map React-Native app challenge
- Presentation of the EVA client.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Then you need to build and deploy abi
docker exec -it eos_tutorial_keosd_1 ./contracts-entrypoint.sh
Open container from within with bash
docker exec -ti eos_tutorial_nodeosd_1 /bin/sh
Alias cleos to run it
alias cleos='docker exec eos_tutorial_nodeosd_1 cleos -u http://nodeosd:8888'