(ql:quickload "cl-fxml")
For template code interleaved with normal code including top-level forms use:
(named-readtables:in-readtable cl-fxml:syntax)
or wrap your template code with with-xml
"Paragraph number one."))
The variable cl-fxml:*new-line-after-opening*
controls whether to make a newline after >
of the opening tags.
((:title) "Html example"))
((:a :href "#") "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")))
Output redirection to string:
(let ((str (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output* str)
((:title) "Html example"))
((:a :href "#") "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))))
Interleaving code:
(let ((x 25))
((:root :x x 'attribute-without-value)
(loop for i below 10
do ((:element :index i)
(format t "~:r" i)))))
A template in a variable:
(defvar *x* '((:element :x x) "Test"))
((:root 'blah)
(eval `(cl-fxml:with-xml
(let ((x 123))
((:!-- "This is a comment."))
For lower case use the standard symbol character escaping (e.g. :|RootElement|
((:|RootElement| '|Blah|)
((:![CDATA[ "Raw data with symbols < >"))
((:?xml :version "1.0"))
((:!doctype 'lolz "["
((:!entity "lol0" (format nil "~s" "lol")))
((:!element 'lolz "(#PCDATA)"))
(loop for i from 1 below 10
do ((:!entity (format nil "lol~a" i)
(format nil "~s"
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(loop repeat 10
collect (format nil "&lol~a;" (1- i))))))))
XSD file:
(setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
(((:xsd :schema) (:xmlns :xsd) "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
(:xmlns :tns) "http://tempuri.org/PurchaseOrderSchema.xsd"
:targetNamespace "http://tempuri.org/PurchaseOrderSchema.xsd"
:elementFormDefault "qualified")
(((:xsd :element) :name "PurchaseOrder" :type "tns:PurchaseOrderType"))
(((:xsd :complexType) :name "PurchaseOrderType")
(((:xsd :sequence))
(((:xsd :element) :name "ShipTo" :type "tns:USAddress" :maxOccurs "2"))
(((:xsd :element) :name "BillTo" :type "tns:USAddress")))
(((:xsd :attribute) :name "OrderDate" :type "xsd:date")))
(((:xsd :complexType) :name "USAddress")
(((:xsd :sequence))
(((:xsd :element) :name "name" :type "xsd:string"))
(((:xsd :element) :name "street" :type "xsd:string"))
(((:xsd :element) :name "city" :type "xsd:string"))
(((:xsd :element) :name "state" :type "xsd:string"))
(((:xsd :element) :name "zip" :type "xsd:integer")))
(((:xsd :attribute) :name "country" :type "xsd:NMTOKEN" :fixed "US"))))
Names can be
- keywords:
- namespaced:
(:namespace :element-name)
- computed:
(:|| (if (= 0 (random 2)) :even :odd))
- computed and namespaced:
(:|| :namespace (if (= 0 (random 2)) :even :odd))
In the composite names, only the first atom has to be a keyword, i.e. you can use: (:|| (gensym) (gensym))
You can use it recursively:
(let ((r (random 2)))
(((:|| (if (= 0 r) (:even :zero) (:odd :one)))
:first-param "value-1"
(:|| (if (= 0 r) (:zero r) (:one r))) "value-2"
:last-param "value-3")
You can compute the sequence of attributes:
((:element :pre "pre"
(loop for i below 3
append `(,(:ns (format nil "param-~a" i)) ,i))
:post "post")
- comments
<!-- ... -->
- escaping
<![CDATA[ ... ]]>
- ampersand escape sequences
- namespaced names
- in-place computation of element and attribute names
- hook for transforming body values which aren't elements, we're now accepting only strings (perhaps using multiple values for distinguishing nil caused by elements from other values)