This is a fork of the dbw_mkz_ros package that is used for connecting to and configuring the Dataspeed Drive-by-Wire Kit for Lincoln MKZ / Ford Fusion vehicles. It may also work for other vehicles compatible with the Dataspeed Drive-by-Wire Kit, though this is not guaranteed. This fork has been modified to allow for building a Docker image that can serve as a CAN driver for the CARMA Platform.
Assuming the CARMA Platform is installed at ~/carma_ws/src
cd ~/carma_ws/src
git clone
cd dataspeed_can_driver/docker
sudo ./ -d
After the Docker image is successfully built, connect the Drive-by-Wire Kit USB cable to your device and run lsusb
in the terminal to determine which bus and device number it has been assigned to. Assuming here that it is Device 007 on Bus 001, add the following lines to the appropriate docker-compose.yml
file in the carma-config
directory, and make sure that the current user (and not root
) is the owner of /dev/bus/usb/001/007
image: usdotfhwastoldev/carma-dataspeed-can-driver:develop
container_name: dataspeed-can-driver
network_mode: host
privileged: true
- /dev/bus/usb/001/007:/dev/bus/usb/001/007
- container:carma-config:ro
- /opt/carma/logs:/opt/carma/logs
- /opt/carma/.ros:/home/carma/.ros
- /opt/carma/vehicle/calibration:/opt/carma/vehicle/calibration
command: bash -c '. ./devel/setup.bash && export ROS_NAMESPACE=$${CARMA_INTR_NS} && localhost:11311 -- roslaunch /opt/carma/vehicle/config/drivers.launch drivers:=dataspeed_can'
Finally, add the following lines to the drivers.launch
file in the same directory as docker-compose.yml
<include if="$(arg dataspeed_can)" file="$(find dbw_mkz_can)/launch/dbw.launch">
<arg name="frame_id" value="base_link"/>
<arg name="load_urdf" value="false"/>
Publication frequencies are provided for a Dataspeed Drive-by-Wire Kit installed on a 2017 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE.
can_node/can_err [can_msgs/Frame]
: publishes error messages received from the vehicle CAN bus.can_node/can_rx [can_msgs/Frame]
: publishes CAN messages received from the vehicle CAN bus (772 Hz).can_node/version [std_msgs/String]
: publishes the Dataspeed CAN USB Driver version.vehicle/can_tx [can_msgs/Frame]
: publishes commands intended for the vehicle CAN bus.vehicle/antilock_brakes_active [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's anti-lock braking system (ABS) is active (50 Hz), False otherwise.vehicle/brake_feedback [automotive_platform_msgs/BrakeFeedback]
: publishes the current brake pedal position (50 Hz).vehicle/brake_info_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/BrakeInfoReport]
: publishes braking-related information including wheel torques, vehicle acceleration, brake pedal quality factor, and status of the hill start assist system, anti-lock braking system (ABS), electronic stability control system (ESC), traction control system (TCS), and parking brake (50 Hz).vehicle/brake_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/BrakeReport]
: publishes braking information including brake pedal position, braking torque, braking deceleration, and braking status (50 Hz).vehicle/dbw_enabled [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the Drive-by-Wire system has been enabled, False otherwise.vehicle/driver_assist_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/DriverAssistReport]
: publishes information pertaining to advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS), including whether any such systems (forward collision warning (FCW), automatic emergency braking (AEB), and adaptive cruise control (ACC)) are enabled or active, as well as vehicle deceleration.vehicle/fuel_level_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/FuelLevelReport]
: publishes vehicle fuel level and battery voltage data (10 Hz).vehicle/gear_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/GearReport]
: publishes gear data including gear status and current gear enumeration (20 Hz).vehicle/gps/fix [sensor_msgs/NavSatFix]
: publishes the Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), specified using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid (1 Hz).vehicle/gps/time [sensor_msgs/TimeReference]
: publishes time reported by the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in use (1 Hz).vehicle/gps/vel [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
: publishes linear and angular velocity (twist) measured by the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in use (1 Hz).vehicle/imu/data_raw [sensor_msgs/Imu]
: publishes data from the vehicle's IMU (100 Hz).vehicle/misc_1_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/Misc1Report]
: publishes miscellaneous information obtained from the CAN bus, including the status of turn signals, high beam, windshield wipers, steering wheel buttons, doors, passenger seat, and seat belt, as well as ambient light sensor and outside air temperature measurements (20 Hz).vehicle/parking_brake [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's parking brake is active, False otherwise (50 Hz).vehicle/sonar_cloud [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]
: publishes a point cloud created from the observations of the vehicle's ultrasound sensors.vehicle/steering_feedback [automotive_platform_msgs/SteeringFeedback]
: publishes the current steering wheel angle (100 Hz).vehicle/steering_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/SteeringReport]
: publishes steering information including steering wheel angle, steering torque, and vehicle speed (100 Hz).vehicle/stability_ctrl_active [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's electronic stability control system (ESC) is active, False otherwise (50 Hz).vehicle/stability_ctrl_enabled [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's electronic stability control system (ESC) is enabled, false otherwise (50 Hz).vehicle/surround_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/SurroundReport]
: publishes data obtained from the vehicle's ultrasound sensors as well as cross traffic alert (CTA) and blind spot information system (BLIS) data.vehicle/throttle_feedback [automotive_platform_msgs/ThrottleFeedback]
: publishes the current throttle pedal position (100 Hz).vehicle/throttle_info_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/ThrottleInfoReport]
: publishes throttle-related information including throttle pedal position and rate of change, engine rpm, gear number, ignition status, and battery current (100 Hz).vehicle/throttle_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/ThrottleReport]
: publishes throttle pedal data (50 Hz).vehicle/tire_pressure_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/TirePressureReport]
: publishes tire pressure data (2 Hz).vehicle/traction_ctrl_active [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's traction control system (TCS) is active, False otherwise (50 Hz).vehicle/traction_ctrl_enabled [std_msgs/Bool]
: publishes True if the vehicle's traction control system (TCS) is enabled, False otherwise (50 Hz).vehicle/transmission_state [j2735_msgs/TransmissionState]
: publishes the current state of the vehicle's transmission (20 Hz).vehicle/twist [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
: publishes the vehicle's current twist (velocity in free space broken down into its linear and angular parts) (100 Hz).vehicle/vin [std_msgs/String]
: publishes the vehicle identification number (VIN).vehicle/wheel_position_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/WheelPositionReport]
: publishes individual wheel positions (50 Hz).vehicle/wheel_speed_report [dbw_mkz_msgs/WheelSpeedReport]
: publishes individual wheel speeds (100 Hz).vehicle/discovery [cav_msgs/DriverStatus]
: publishes the CARMA DriverStatus message (1.25 Hz).
vehicle/can_tx [can_msgs/Frame]
subscribes to this topic to receive commands that should be published to the vehicle CAN bus.can_node/can_rx [can_msgs/Frame]
subscribes to this topic.vehicle/enable [std_msgs/Empty]
subscribes to this topic to receive the command for enabling the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/disable [std_msgs/Empty]
subscribes to this topic to receive the command for disabling the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/brake_cmd [dbw_mkz_msgs/BrakeCmd]
subscribes to this topic to receive the braking command intended for the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/gear_cmd [dbw_mkz_msgs/GearCmd]
subscribes to this topic to receive the gear change command intended for the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/steering_cmd [dbw_mkz_msgs/SteeringCmd]
subscribes to this topic to receive the steering command intended for the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/throttle_cmd [dbw_mkz_msgs/ThrottleCmd]
subscribes to this topic to receive the throttle command intended for the Drive-by-Wire system.vehicle/turn_signal_cmd [dbw_mkz_msgs/TurnSignalCmd]
subscribes to this topic to receive the turn signal command intended for the Drive-by-Wire system.
: bit rate of the CAN bus.can_node/mask_0
: CAN bus filter mask of a mask/match filter pair.can_node/match_0
: CAN bus filter match of a mask/match filter pair.vehicle/dbw_node/ackermann_track
: distance between the left and right tires in Ackermann steering geometry.vehicle/dbw_node/ackermann_wheelbase
: distance between the front and rear tires in Ackermann steering geometry.vehicle/dbw_node/buttons
: enable/disable buttons.vehicle/dbw_node/frame_id
: TF2 frame ID of CAN messages.vehicle/dbw_node/joint_states
: enable/disable publishing joint states.vehicle/dbw_node/pedal_luts
: pedal look-up tables.vehicle/dbw_node/steering_ratio
: steering ratio in Ackermann steering geometry.vehicle/dbw_node/warn_cmds
: warn on received commands.
See the dbw.launch
file in the dbw_mkz_can/launch
directory that is used to launch the Drive-by-Wire Kit.
The latest release can be found on the downloads page.
If using ROS, setup your workspace and get started with the joystick demo here.
Get started early with recorded data here.