Name: Kim Jung Yub
Date of Birth: June 30th, 1996
Military Service: Discharged from the service as Sergeant, served at 8th Army KATUSA, IMO
Education: Graduated from Dogguk University, majored in Computer Engineering
I'm a passionate software developer with experience in server infrastructure and game development. I have a solid foundation in various programming languages and a keen interest in building efficient, scalable systems.
Role: Server Infra Team Member & Game Client/Server Side Programmer
Tenure: January 8th, 2023 - September 23rd, 2024
Server Infrastructure:
- Provided other teams with Operation tools such as stress test tool, web operation tool, etc.
Game Development:
- Developed and maintained game client/server communication protocols.
- Implemented features for online multiplayer gaming, mostly on UI and basic functions such as Inventory, Death, Crafting, etc.
Web Operation tool - Link to Project
Description: Web Operation tool connects to the backend/database and receives the information of user, kicking user, etc.
Stress test tool(very basic) - Link to Project
Description: The Stress test tool made with the Windows form. Connected to the server of live/QA server and sends required amount of bots to test the AOI and the server vulnerability.
- Email:
- GitHub: GoodleaF
This README was generated with ❤️ by Kim Jung Yub.