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Site Boundaries

Milind More edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 5 revisions

Privacy Sandbox brings forward a set of platform proposals to create and strengthen cross-site privacy. The goal of these proposals is to ensure that information collected on one site is not automatically shared with another site, unless the user explicitly consents. These proposals include:

Proposal Description
Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS ⤴) Allow developers to opt-in a cookie to "partitioned" storage, with a separate cookie jar per top-level site. Partitioned cookies can be set by a third-party service, but only read within the context of the top-level site where they were initially set.
Related Websites Sets (RWS ⤴) A mechanism allowing organizations to declare relationships among sites, so that browsers allow limited third-party cookie access for specific purposes.
Federated Credential Management (FedCM ⤴) A web platform API that allows users to login to websites with their federated accounts in a manner compatible with improvements to browser privacy
Fenced frames ⤴ Securely embed content onto a page without sharing cross-site data.
Storage Partitioning ⤴ To prevent certain types of side-channel cross-site tracking, Chrome is partitioning storage and communications APIs in third-party contexts.

PSAT includes a Site Boundaries component in the Privacy Sandbox DevTools panel. The purpose of this component is to provide information about some of the proposals in this area of Privacy Sandbox, and progressively incorporate additional capabilities to help developers understand and debug the use of these proposals.

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