This library is intended to be used with the Python version of Google
Cloud Endpoints. If you'd like to learn more about Google Cloud
Endpoints, please visit our documentation. To run each of these samples,
you should include the endpoints_proto_datastore
folder included with
this project.
By extending the functionality provided by ndb.Model
class and the
library, this library allows you to directly interact with
model entities in your API methods rather than ProtoRPC requests. For
example, instead of:
@endpoints.method(MyModelMessage, MyModelMessage,
path='mymodel', http_method='POST',
def InsertModel(self, request):
my_model = MyModel(attr1=request.attr1, attr2=request.attr2, ...)
transformed_model = DoSomething(my_model)
return MyModelMessage(attr1=transformed_model.attr1,
attr2=transformed_model.attr2, ...)
we can directly use the entity in the request:
@MyModel.method(path='mymodel', http_method='POST',
def InsertModel(self, my_model):
return DoSomething(my_model)
without ever even having to define a ProtoRPC message class!
Get started with the examples.
To use this library in your App Engine application you can
Download the endpoints_proto_datastore library and unzip it in the root of your App Engine application. For example, on a Unix based machine:
(${GAE_PROJECT_ROOT})$ wget ""` `"endpoints-proto-datastore/blob/"` `"zipfile-branch/"` `"" \ -O (${GAE_PROJECT_ROOT})$ unzip (${GAE_PROJECT_ROOT})$ rm
Alternatively you can stay up to date by adding this repository to your project as a
submodule:(${YOUR_GIT_ROOT})$ git submodule add
This will create the entire project in the
folder in your project. Since Python packages
files for imports to work and the root of this project is not meant to be a Python package, you'll need to addendpoints-proto-datastore
to your Python import path.The simplest way to do this is to add the following lines to your file (or create the file if it doesn't yet exist):
import os import sys ENDPOINTS_PROJECT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'endpoints-proto-datastore') sys.path.append(ENDPOINTS_PROJECT_DIR)
Note: If the App Engine project stored in your
repository is not at the root, you may need to add a symlink to theendpoints-proto-datastore/endpoints_proto_datastore
directory and put it at the root of your App Engine project.
To install App Engine visit the Development Environment page.
- To request a feature, report a bug, or request a new sample or piece of documentation; please file an issue.
- For troubleshooting issues or asking general questions, please
ask a question on StackOverflow using the
All tests are wrapped into the module. To run the tests, simply execute
$ python ${PATH_TO_TEST_RUNNER}/
This test runner assumes that you have App Engine SDK tools on your path
and will use the location of the
script to
determine the location of the SDK. For example, on a Unix based system
it would be equivalent to:
$ dirname `readlink \`which\``
To create docs for a contributed example, use pycco. For example:
$ pycco example_name/
- Note: The test runner includes some code from the Twisted project, which is listed under terms other than Apache 2.0.