The govright.platformServices
module provides services that encapsulate
common techniques of interacting with the GovRight Corpus API.
Check the documentation
for detailed API reference.
Add govright.platformServices
module as a dependency to your main application module. Example:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="js/angular.js"></script>
<!-- Include the platform services script -->
<script src="dist/govright-platform-services.js"></script>
// ...and add 'govright.platformServices' as a dependency
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['govright.platformServices']);
This will add the following services to your app:
- Check the documentation for examples and more detailed description of each service.
- Check this AngularJS boilerplate by GovRight as an example
First install your local project's npm tools:
# This will install all the npm & bower packages:
npm install
Then run the gulp tasks:
# To build packaged js files from sources
gulp js
# To build html documentation from source ngdocs
# Changes must be commited on `gh-pages` branch
gulp docs
# To run local documentation server
gulp serve
# Build dist and docs
Finally, test the package:
# To run tests from `/test/specs` with npm
npm test