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Terraform module for deploying ECS service for Fargate GitLab runner

This repo is part of a set of repos for the complete setup of ECS Service for managers and workers:


ECS Fargate GitLab runner Architecture

Folder structure

|_ environments
   |_ sample-dev                               # Sample dev environment
      |_ ...
      |_ ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service     # Specification of the ECS service module for this environment
         |_ terragrunt.hcl
      |_ env_inputs.hcl                        # Environment-specific parameters
   |_ sample-prd                               # Sample prd environment
      |_ ...
      |_ env_inputs.hcl
   |_ terragrunt.hcl                           # Common Terragrunt config for all environments
|_ terraform_modules
   |_ ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service        # Module for ECS service for Fargate GitLab runner

This folder structure follows Terragrunt's's recommendation to keep Terraform configurations DRY:

  • Terraform modules are kept in terraform_modules
  • Common Terragrunt settings for all environments are kept at environments/terragrunt.hcl
  • Each environment can provide its own parameters in environments/<env>/env_inputs.hcl
  • Live modules for deployment are kept in each environment's folder with a terragrunt.hcl to provide link to the module in terraform_modules and provide variables' values in inputs block



Following resources are required to be set up either manually or via another set of Terraform code (recommended):

  • Secret for GitLab Token: Obtain token for runners from GitLab, create a new secret in either AWS Secret Manager or System Manager Parameter Store. Take note of the KMS key used.
  • VPC, subnets and security groups required for both managers and workers. Take note that SSH communication via port 22 need to be allowed between managers' and workers' network ACLs and security groups.
  • Workers' ECS Task roles with appropriate policies for the worker tasks to access AWS services.


  • Copy from environments/sample-dev to a new env environments/<env>
  • Update your environment settings at environments/<env>/env_inputs.hcl.
  • If there's no existing ECS Cluster for either managers or workers, create new one(s) following the samples at environments/<env>/ecs-cluster-for-managers or environments/<env>/ecs-cluster-for-workers.
  • Update variable values in environments/<env>/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service/terragrunt.hcl matching your environment. Refer to environments/sample-dev/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service/terragrunt.hcl for sample values. Snippet:
inputs = merge(local.vars.inputs,
    project_code = local.vars.inputs.project_name
    environment  = local.vars.inputs.env
    service_name = "--SERVICE-NAME--"

    manager_instance_count     = 1
    manager_ecs_cluster_arn    = "arn:aws:ecs:${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}:${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}:cluster/<MANAGER_CLUSTER_NAME>"
    manager_docker_image       = "${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}<MANAGER_DOCKER_IMAGE>"
    manager_subnet_ids         = ["<MANAGER_SUBNET_1>", "<MANAGER_SUBNET_2>", "<MANAGER_SUBNET_3>"]
    manager_security_group_ids = ["<MANAGER_SECURITY_GROUP_1>"]
    gitlab_token_secret_arn    = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}:${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}:secret:PATH_TO_GITLAB_TOKEN"

    gitlab_url                = "<GITLAB_FULL_URL>"
    gitlab_runner_concurrency = 10
    gitlab_runner_name_prefix = "<RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX>"

    managers_configs = {
      dev_tool1 : {
        tags : ["dev", "tool1"]
        limit : 10 # Check the available IPs in worker subnet
        worker_docker_image : "${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}<WORKER_DOCKER_IMAGE_1>"
        worker_cpu : 256
        worker_memory : 512
        worker_ecs_cluster_arn : "arn:aws:ecs:${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}:${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}:cluster/<ECS_CLUSTER_NAME>"
        worker_aws_region : local.vars.inputs.aws_region
        worker_subnet_id : "WORKER_SUBNET_1"
        worker_security_group_id : "WORKER_SECURITY_GROUP_1"
        worker_ssh_user : "user_1"
        worker_task_role_arn : "arn:aws:iam::${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}:role/<WORKER_IAM_ROLE_1>"
      dev_tool2_tool3 : {
        tags : ["dev", "tool2", "tool3"]
        limit : 5 # Check the available IPs in worker subnet
        worker_docker_image : "${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}<WORKER_DOCKER_IMAGE_2>"
        worker_cpu : 512
        worker_memory : 2048
        worker_ecs_cluster_arn : "arn:aws:ecs:${local.vars.inputs.aws_region}:${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}:cluster/<ECS_CLUSTER_NAME>"
        worker_aws_region : local.vars.inputs.aws_region
        worker_subnet_id : "WORKER_SUBNET_2"
        worker_security_group_id : "WORKER_SECURITY_GROUP_2"
        worker_ssh_user : "user_2"
        worker_task_role_arn : "arn:aws:iam::${local.vars.inputs.aws_account_id}:role/<WORKER_IAM_ROLE_2>"

    iam_permissions_boundary = "" # modify as required

Deployment with terragrunt

cd environments/<env>/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service
terragrunt apply

If you prefer to use Terraform instead of Terragrunt for a quick test,

  • Create terraform.tfvars file in folder terraform_modules/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service with all variable values found in environments/<env>/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service/terragrunt.hcl
  • Copy content of and from environments/terragrunt.hcl into their respective files in terraform_modules/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service.
  • Finally, run terraform apply.

Test Gitlab job

Use this code for a simple test of the created GitLab runner(s):

    # these should match all the tags set in the manager configs or a subset (note that a subset may mean other non-Fargate runners can pick up the job, depending on your setup)
    - dev
    - tool1
    - echo "It works!"
    - for i in $(seq 1 30); do echo "."; sleep 1; done

More info on ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service Terraform module

Refer to terraform_modules/ecs-fargate-gitlab-runner-service/ for detailed documentation of the module.

Important parameters:

Name Description Type Default Required
gitlab_runner_concurrency Number of jobs that can run concurrently. Refer to the guide at number 10 no
gitlab_token_secret_arn ARN of the secret in either Secret Manager or Parameter Store which stores the GitLab token for runner registration string n/a yes
manager_docker_image n/a string n/a yes
manager_ecs_cluster_arn ARN of the ECS Cluster for managers string n/a yes
manager_instance_count Number of ECS Fargate instances. Final number of GitLab runners is manager_instance_count * length(keys(managers_configs)) number 1 no
managers_configs Map of managers' names and their worker configs. Final number of GitLab runners is manager_instance_count * length(keys(managers_configs))
tags : list(string)
limit : number, # Note that this is limited by the number of available IPs in the worker subnet
worker_docker_image : string
worker_cpu : number
worker_memory : number
worker_ecs_cluster_arn : string
worker_aws_region : string
worker_subnet_id : string
worker_security_group_id : string
worker_ssh_user : string
worker_task_role_arn : string
"r1": {
"limit": 10,
"tags": [
"worker_aws_region": "region-1",
"worker_cpu": 256,
"worker_docker_image": "image_1",
"worker_ecs_cluster_arn": "ecs_cluster_arn_1",
"worker_memory": 512,
"worker_security_group_id": "sg-321",
"worker_ssh_user": "user_1",
"worker_subnet_id": "subnet-123",
"worker_task_role_arn": "task_role_arn_1"


Followings are some issues that can occur:

Unable to start Fargate Task due to No Container Instances were found in your cluster error

  • Check your ECS Cluster for workers and make sureDefault capacity provider strategy is set to FARGATE

Manager unable to connect to ECS to start a task

  • If the managers are hosted in private subnets, create VPC endpoints for ECS and ECR and make sure the managers can access them.

Manager unable to connect to worker ECS task via ssh

  • Make sure your worker container image has openssh installed and SSH_PUBLIC_KEY is added to the right user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  • Check that the subnets and security groups of both managers and workers allow traffic on port 22. Use the VPC Reachability Analyzer to confirm.
  • If the error is signature algorithm ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms, enable ssh-rsa by adding this to worker container image: RUN echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Worker ECS task has no credentials to access AWS


Known Limitation: