Utility modules to make dealing with async iterators easier, some trivial, some not.
- it-all Collect the contents of an iterable into an array
- it-batch Batch up the contents of an iterable into arrays
- it-buffer-stream Creates an iterable of buffers
- it-drain Consume an iterable and ignore any output
- it-first Return the first item in an iterable
- it-flat-batch Take an iterable of variable length arrays and make them all the same length
- it-glob Glob matcher for file systems
- it-last Return the last item in an iterable
- it-map Map the output of an iterable
- it-multipart Parse multipart message bodies as an iterable
- it-parallel-batch Take an iterable of functions that return promises and run them in parallel in batches
- it-reduce Reduce the output of an iterable
- it-to-browser-readablestream Turns an iterable into a WhatWG ReadableStream
- it-to-buffer Takes an iterable of Buffers and concatenates them