These are docker images of Apache HBASE.
The images have a small footprint ( base docker image is openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine3.8).
Available hbase services are:
- HBASE master
- HBASE region-server
The base image provides a custom entrypoint that uses environment variables to set hbase configuration file properties.
Environment variables must be in the form HBASE_CONF_<PROPERTY>
should be provided with the following replacements:
. => _
_ => __
- => ___
For example:
hbase.rootdir property should be provided as the environment variable:
A docker-compose.yml is provided with an example of hbase deployment (hbase-master, hbase-region, zookeeper, hdfs-namenode and hdfs-datanode).
docker-compose up -d
After deployment, HBASE-master info ui is available at http://localhost:60010
HBASE-region info ui is available at http://localhost:60030