Releases: GrandOrgue/grandorgue
Releases · GrandOrgue/grandorgue
- Added storing the GrandOrgueVersion key in the Organ Settings file #1375
- Added capability of redefining ReleaseLength and IgnorePitch on each level of Organ Settings
- Changed defaults for the General Setter elements to Piston #1360
- Added new fields ManualTuning and AutoTuningCorrection of Organ Settings #1333
- Fixed duplicating packaged organs in the organ list #1367
- Fixed displaying a popup window when a cache had been created with another GO version #1363
- Fixed not saving midi settings of divisional buttons #1350
- Added PitchCorrection for organs and windchest. Pipe999PitchCorrection became additive to PitchCorrection of the rank, of the windchest and of the organ #1351
- Added full support of '/' as the file sepearator in ODF unless 'Check ODF for HW1-compatibility' is set #827
- Added support of ODF comments from ';' at any position to the end of line #828
- Fixed saving position when some panel is outside the screen area #1271
- Fixed playing release samples for very short notes #1222
- Fixed help: the wrong panel positioning on wayland was documented #1271
- Fixed typos and spelling errors in the Help
- Fixed continuing loading an organ after an exception in one loading thread
- Fixed size of text fields in the Organ Settings dialog on OsX #1315
- Fixed missing the object filename in an error message if some exception occured when loading this object
- Fixed an old version number in the gnome application metadata #1304
- Fixed switching off generals when using crescendo in not override mode #1299
- Fixed error messages of GrandOrguePerf #1280
- Fixed exit from GrandOrgue with an unhandled exception occurred on loading an organ
- Fixed displaying output volume indicators on OSx #1255
- Fixed sending midi-off events from generals and another pushbuttons #1291
- Fixed crashing on exit in some cases
- Fixed playing multitrack midi files with changes of tempo
- Fixed displaying audio ports on OSx #1216
- Added divisional combination banks #708
- Renamed audio ports: Pa to PortAudio and Rt to RtAudio #1216
- Fixed size of the Organ Selection Dialog #1215
- Fixed generals buttons behaviour with the crescendo in add mode #1209
- Fixed an empty stop set to a general combination #1212
- Fixed translation of temperaments' names #1104
- Fixed saving ReleaseTail #1161
- Moved build for OsX to OsX 11