import random
import time
from simple_socket.tcp_client import SimpleTCPClient # try also SimpleSSLClient for semi-secure communication (it does not verify the cert)
client = SimpleTCPClient('', 1885)
print('client.Hostname=', client.Hostname)
# by default, the client will connect and attempt to maintain its connection.
# if you want to manually control the connection, pass autoConnect=False
# then use the .Connect() and .Disconnect() methods to manage your connection manually
client.onConnected = lambda _, state: print('The client is', state)
client.onDisconnected = lambda _, state: print('The client is', state)
client.onReceive = lambda _, data: print('Rx:', data)
while True:
cmd = random.choice(['q', 'n', 'i'])
print('sending:', cmd)
if 'Connected' in client.ConnectionStatus:
from simple_socket.udp_client import SimpleUDPClient
import time
client1 = SimpleUDPClient('localhost', sendIPPort=1025, receiveIPPort=1024)
def Client1HandleReceive(interface, data):
client1.Send('From client1 echo: {}'.format(data.decode()))
client1.onReceive = Client1HandleReceive
print('client1=', client1)
client2 = SimpleUDPClient('localhost', sendIPPort=1024, receiveIPPort=1025)
client2.onReceive = lambda _, data: print('Rx:', data)
print('client2=', client2)
while True:
client2.Send(f'From client2: The time is {time.asctime()}\r\n')
from simple_socket.tcp_server import SimpleTCPServer # try also SimpleSSLServer for semi-secure communication (it uses a self-signed cert)
server = SimpleTCPServer(3888)
server.onConnected = lambda client, state: print('Client {} is {}'.format(client, state))
server.onDisconnected = lambda client, state: print('Client {} is {}'.format(client, state))
def HandleRx(client, data):
print('Server received {} from {}'.format(data, client))
client.Send(b'Echo: ' + data + b'\r\n')
if b'q' in data:
# the server can force-close a connection
# in this case,
# the server will disconnect a client if they send the letter 'q'
server.onReceive = HandleRx
You can pass the parameter "listenAddress" to a Server init. This will allow you to listen to