umm idfk what to put for the read me ngl
Here are some things though First of this is HEAVILY inspired by the demonlist created by the team at pointercreate. most credit goes to them for inspiring me to make a seprate list foucusing on other leaderboard aspects of geometry dash. (pointer create github repo) ---->
Second off i am Completely open to any contributions from other people for the time being, as we are not as offical and we are just three people putting out our own view of what these lists should look like. if intrested, dm me on (perferably) discord or twitter @grassismid
LISTS WE HAVE CAME UP WITH SO FAR : Deco list - mainly centered around how good looking a level is, never centered around gameplay. For now it does not need to be rated to be put on this list, but it is mainly subject to change.