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Zack Katz edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 7 revisions

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Modify note values before added using GFFormsModel::add_note().

Since: 1.15.2

See: \GFFormsModel::add_note

Name Type Description
note array Array with lead_id, user_id, user_name, note, and note_type key value pairs


Modify the notes array for an entry.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
notes \stdClass[], null Integer-keyed array of note objects
entry_id int Entry to get notes for


Modify the GravityView "Bulk action" dropdown list. Return an empty array to hide.

Since: 1.16.3

See: for an example of how to use this filter

Name Type Description
bulk_actions array Associative array of actions to be added to "Bulk action" dropdown inside GravityView <optgroup>. Parent array key is the <optgroup> label, then each child array must have label (displayed text) and value (input value) keys
form_id int ID of the form currently being displayed


Shall we allow a cap check for non-logged in users? USE WITH CAUTION!

Name Type Description
allow_logged_out bool Allow the capability check or bail without even checking. Default: false. Do not allow. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
caps_to_check string, array Single capability or array of capabilities to check against
object_id int, null (optional) Parameter can be used to check for capabilities against a specific object, such as a post or us.
user_id int, null (optional) Check the capabilities for a user who is not necessarily the currently logged-in user.


Modify the parameters sent to get all views.

Name Type Description
params array Array of parameters to pass to get_posts()


The form ID used to get the custom entry ID. Change this to avoid collisions with data from other forms with the same values and the same field ID.

Since: 1.17.2

Name Type Description
form_id int ID of the form to search. Default: 0 (searches all forms)


Modify the forms returned by GFAPI::get_forms().

Since: 2.17.6

Name Type Description
forms array Array of forms, with form ID as the key.
active bool, string Status of forms. Use any to get array of forms with any status. Default: true.
trash bool Include forms in trash? Default: false.
order_by string, array Optional. Either the field name to order by or an array of multiple orderby fields as $orderby => $order.
order string Optional. Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Only used if $orderby is a string.


Modify the form fields shown in the Add Field field picker.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
fields array Associative array of fields, with keys as field type, values an array with the following keys: (string) label (required), (string) type (required), desc, (string) customLabel, (GF_Field) parent, (string) adminLabel, (bool)adminOnly
form array GF Form array
include_parent_field bool Whether to include the parent field when getting a field with inputs


Modify the search operator for the field (contains, is, isnot, etc).

Name Type Description
operator string Existing search operator
filter array array with key, value, operator, type keys


Apply final criteria filter (Used by the Advanced Filter extension).

Name Type Description
criteria array Search criteria used by GravityView
form_ids array Forms to search
view_id int ID of the view being used to search


Define entries to be used before GFAPI::get_entries() is called.



Modify the array of entries returned to GravityView after it has been fetched from the cache or from GFAPI::get_entries().



Whether to enable and use custom entry slugs.

Name Type Description
bool True: Allow for slugs based on entry values. False: always use entry IDs (default)


When using a custom slug, allow access to the entry using the original slug (the Entry ID).

Name Type Description
custom_slug_id_access bool True: allow accessing the slug by ID; False: only use the slug passed to the method.


Override whether to check entry display rules against filters.

Since: 1.16.2

Name Type Description
check_entry_display bool Check whether the entry is visible for the current View configuration. Default: true.
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
view \GV\View, null The View


Filter the View fields' configuration array.

Since: 1.6.5

Name Type Description
fields array Multi-array of fields with first level being the field zones
post_id int Post ID
form_id int The main form ID for the View.


Filter the View fields' configuration array.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields array Multi-array of fields with first level being the field zones.
view \GV\View The View the fields are being pulled for.
form_id int The main form ID for the View.


Filter the sortable fields.

Since: 1.12

Name Type Description
fields array Sub-set of GF form fields that are sortable
formid int The Gravity Forms form ID that the fields are from


What types of fields are numeric?

Since: 1.5.2

Name Type Description
numeric_types array Fields that are numeric. Default: [ number, time ]


Modify the message shown when Javascript is disabled and an encrypted email field is displayed.

Since: 1.7

Name Type Description
message string Existing message
content string Content to encrypt


Modify the attributes that are allowed to be used in generating links.

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
allowed_atts array Array of attributes allowed


There are issues with too many users using get_users() where it breaks the select. We try to keep it at a reasonable number. \n.

Name Type Description
settings array Settings array, with number key defining the # of users to display


Modify the HTML before it's echo'd

Name Type Description
output string HTML to be displayed
instance array Widget settings


Modify the updated instance. This will allow for validating any added instance settings externally.

Name Type Description
instance array Calculated widget settings after processing
new_instance array Widget form settings after update
old_instance array Widget form settings before update


Modify the merge tag modifier output.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
return string The current merge tag value to be filtered.
raw_value string The raw value submitted for this field. May be CSV or JSON-encoded.
value string The original merge tag value, passed from Gravity Forms
merge_tag string If the merge tag being executed is an individual field merge tag (i.e. {Name:3}), this variable will contain the field's ID. If not, this variable will contain the name of the merge tag (i.e. all_fields).
modifier string The string containing any modifiers for this merge tag. For example, "maxwords:10" would be the modifiers for the following merge tag: {Text:2:maxwords:10}.
field \GF_Field The current field.


Turn off merge tag variable replacements.\n.

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
do_replace_variables bool True: yes, replace variables for this text; False: do not replace variables.
text string Text to replace variables in
form array GF Form array
entry array GF Entry array


values from an array to string.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
glue string String used to implode() $_GET values Default: ', '
property string The current name of the $_GET parameter being combined


merge tag.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
esc_html bool Whether to esc_html() the value. Default: true


replacement before being used.

Name Type Description
value string Value that will replace {get}
text string Text that contains {get} (before replacement)
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry array Entry array


Modify the displayed pagination numbers.

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
counts array Array with $first, $last, $total numbers in that order


Modify the fields displayed in a table.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/table/fields


If a zone has no field output, choose whether to show wrapper False by default to keep backward compatibility

Since: 1.7.6

Name Type Description
hide_empty_zone bool Default: false
context \GV\Template_Context The context. Null here. Since this path is deprecated.


The CSS class applied to the widget container <div>.

Since: 1.16.2

Name Type Description
css_class string Default: gv-grid gv-widgets-{zone} where {zone} is replaced by the current $zone value. If the View has no results, adds gv-widgets-no-results
zone string Current widget zone, either header or footer
widgets array Array of widget configurations for the current zone, as set by gravityview_get_current_view_data()['widgets']



Name Type Description
image_exts array Default: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'ico', 'webp']


Modify the image size presets used by GravityView_Image class.

Name Type Description
image_sizes array Array of image sizes with the key being the size slug, and the value being an array with width and height defined, in pixels


Filter the HTML image output.

Name Type Description
html string the generated image html
this \GravityView_Image The current image object


Modify the default status for a new View. Return empty for the new View to inherit existing View status.

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
string, null If string, the status to set for the new View. If empty, use existing View status.
post \WP_Post View being cloned


When copying a View, should the date also be copied?

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
copy_date bool Whether the copy the date from the existing View. Default: false
post \WP_Post View being cloned


Modify View configuration before creating the duplicated View.

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
new_view array Array of settings to be passed to wp_insert_post()
post \WP_Post View being cloned


Modify the Clone View URL that is generated.

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
clone_view_link string Link with admin_url("admin.php"), plus the action query string
view_id int View ID
context string How to display the link. If "display", the URL is run through esc_html(). Default: display


Strip scheme from the displayed URL?

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
enable bool Whether to strip the scheme. Return false to show scheme. (default: true)\n If true: =&gt;


Strip www from the domain?

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
enable bool Whether to strip www. Return false to show www. (default: true)\n If true: =&gt;


Strip subdomains from the domain?

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
enable bool Whether to strip subdomains. Return false to show subdomains. (default: true)\n If true: =&gt; \n If false: =&gt;


Display link path going only to the base directory, not a sub-directory or file?

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
enable bool Whether to enable "root only". Return false to show full path. (default: true)\n If true: =&gt; \n If false: =&gt;


Strip the query string from the end of the URL?

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
enable bool Whether to enable "root only". Return false to show full path. (default: true)\n If true: =&gt;


Modify the arguments passed to get_terms().

Since: 1.15.3

See: \get_terms()


Since: 1.22.5


Whether to display Support Port.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
display_support_port bool Default: true


Filter data passed to the Support Port, before localize_script is run.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
configuration array { @type array $suggest Article IDs to recommend to the user (per page in the admin) } }


Should the "GravityView Support Port" setting be shown on user profiles?

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
allow_profile_setting bool Default: true, if the user has the gravityview_support_port capability, which defaults to true for Contributors and higher
user \WP_User Current user object


Tap in to modify the field information displayed next to an item.

Name Type Description
field_info_items array Additional information to display in a field
this \GravityView_Admin_View_Field Field shown in the admin


Modify the icon output to add additional indicator icons.

Name Type Description
icons array Array of icons to be shown, with visible, title, css_class keys.
item_settings array Settings for the current item (widget or field)


and gravityview_template_widget_options.

Name Type Description
array Array of field options with label, value, type, default keys
template_id string Table slug
field_id float GF Field ID - Example: 3, 5.2, entry_link, created_by
context string What context are we in? Example: single or directory
input_type string (textarea, list, select, etc.)
form_id int The form ID. {@since 2.5}


examples: textarea, list, select, etc.).

Name Type Description
array Array of field options with label, value, type, default keys
template_id string Table slug
field_id float GF Field ID - Example: 3, 5.2, entry_link, created_by
context string What context are we in? Example: single or directory
input_type string (textarea, list, select, etc.)
form_id int The form ID. {@since 2.5}


Modify the capabilities shown in the field dropdown.

Since: 1.0.1


Name Type Description
select_cap_choices array Associative array of role slugs with labels ( manage_options => Administrator )
template_id string Optional. View slug
field_id string Optional. GF Field ID - Example: 3, 5.2, entry_link, created_by
context string Optional. What context are we in? Example: single or directory
input_type string Optional. (textarea, list, select, etc.)


Modify the output for a GravityView setting.

Name Type Description
output string field class name
option array option field data


Modifies the field type class name to be loaded for a given field.

Name Type Description
class_suffix string field class suffix; GravityView_FieldType_{$class_suffix}
field array field data


Modifies file path to be loaded for a given field.

Name Type Description
field_type_include_path string field class file path
field array field data


Modify the list of no conflict scripts or styles\n.

Name Type Description
required_objects array


Filters the tooltips available

Name Type Description
__gf_tooltips array Array containing the available tooltips


Modify the tooltip HTML before outputting

See: \GravityView_Support_Port::maybe_add_article_to_tooltip()


Modify the default settings metabox tabs.

Since: 1.8

Name Type Description
metaboxes array


Modify the default orderby field for the Data Source dropdown.

Since: 2.17.8

Name Type Description
order_by mixed Either the field name to order by or an array of multiple orderby fields as $orderby => $order.


Filter the detail output returned from [gravityview detail="$detail"].

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
return string Existing output


Modify whether to run the after_submission process.

Since: 2.3

Name Type Description
process_after_submission bool default: true


Modify the default approval status for newly submitted entries.

Since: 2.0.14

Name Type Description
default_status int See GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status() for valid statuses.


Filter the approval status on entry update.

Name Type Description
value string The approval status.
form array The form.
entry array The entry.


Add a note when the entry has been approved or disapproved?

Since: 1.16.3

Name Type Description
add_note bool True: Yep, add that note! False: Do not, under any circumstances, add that note!


Since: 2.2.2

Name Type Description
approval_status int, false Approval status integer, or false if you want to not update status. Use GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status constants. Default: 3 (GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status::UNAPPROVED)
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry_id string Numeric ID of the entry that was updated
view \GV\View Current View where the entry was edited


Where should the popover be placed?

Since: 2.3.1

Name Type Description
placement string Where to place the popover; 'right' (default ltr), 'left' (default rtl), 'top', or 'bottom'


Apply the Single Entry Title filter outside the WordPress loop?

Name Type Description
in_the_loop bool Whether to apply the filter to the menu title and the meta tag <title> - outside the loop
entry array Current entry


Override whether to check entry display rules against filters.

Since: 2.7.2

Name Type Description
check_entry_display bool Check whether the entry is visible for the current View configuration. Default: true.
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
view \GV\View The View


Whether to set comments to open or closed.

Since: 1.5.4

Name Type Description
open bool Open or closed status
post_id int Post ID to set comment status for


We can use a shortcode here, since it's pretty much the same.


Compatibility with filters hooking in gravityview_search_criteria instead of gravityview_fe_search_criteria.


Modify the search criteria.

See: Adds the default search criteria \GravityView_Widget_Search::filter_entries

Name Type Description
search_criteria array Empty field_filters key
form_id int ID of the Gravity Forms form that is being searched
args array The View settings.


Modify entry status requirements to be included in search results.

Name Type Description
status string Default: active. Accepts all Gravity Forms entry statuses, including spam and trash


Filter the entries output to the View.

Deprecated: since 1.5.2


Filter the entries output to the View.

Since: 1.5.2

Name Type Description
criteria array associative array containing count, entries & paging
args array View settings associative array


Filter get entries criteria.

Name Type Description
parameters array Array with search_criteria, sorting and paging keys.
args array View configuration args. { @type int $id View id @type int $page_size Number of entries to show per page @type string $sort_field Form field id to sort @type string $sort_direction Sorting direction ('ASC', 'DESC', or 'RAND') @type string $start_date - Ymd @type string $end_date - Ymd @type string $class - assign a html class to the view @type string $offset (optional) - This is the start point in the current data set (0 index based).
form_id int ID of Gravity Forms form


Filter get entries criteria for a specific View.

Name Type Description
parameters array Array with search_criteria, sorting and paging keys.
args array View configuration args.


The default number of entries displayed in a View.

Since: 1.1.6

Name Type Description
default_page_size int Default: 25


Override how to sort when sorting address

Since: 1.8

Name Type Description
address_part string street, street2, city, state, zip, or country (default: city)
sort_field_id string Field used for sorting
form_id int GF Form ID


Override how to sort when sorting full name.

Since: 1.7.4

Name Type Description
name_part string Sort by first or last (default: first)
sort_field_id string Field used for sorting
form_id int GF Form ID


Override how to sort when sorting time.

Since: 1.14

See: \GravityView_Field_Time

Name Type Description
name_part string Field used for sorting
form_id int GF Form ID


Modify the entry that is being displayed.

Since: 1.6


Override the lightbox script to enqueue. Default: thickbox.

Deprecated: Naming. See gravityview_lightbox_script instead.


Override the lightbox script to enqueue. Default: thickbox.

Since: 2.5.1

Name Type Description
script_slug string If you want to use a different lightbox script, return the name of it here.
\GV\View The View.


Modify the lightbox CSS slug. Default: thickbox.

Deprecated: Naming. See gravityview_lightbox_style instead.


Override the lightbox script to enqueue. Default: thickbox.

Since: 2.5.1

Name Type Description
script_slug string If you want to use a different lightbox script, return the name of it here.
\GV\View The View.


If the form has checkbox fields, enqueue dashicons

Since: 1.15



Modify the array passed to wp_localize_script().

Name Type Description
js_localization array The data padded to the Javascript file
views array Array of View data arrays with View settings


Should GravityView use the legacy Search Bar stylesheet (from before Version 1.17)?

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
use_legacy_search_style bool If true, loads gv-legacy-search(-rtl).css. If false, loads gv-default-styles(-rtl).css. -rtl is added on RTL websites. Default: false


Since: 1.7


Modify what fields should never be sortable.

Since: 2.14

Name Type Description
not_sortable array Array of field types that aren't sortable.
field_type string Field type to check whether the field is sortable.
form array Gravity Forms form.


Modify whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the url.

Since: 2.10

Name Type Description
add_query_params bool Whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the Delete Link URL. Default: true.


Should the Delete button be shown in the Edit Entry screen?

Name Type Description
show_entry bool Default: true


Modify the query args added to the delete entry redirect.

Since: 2.9.2

Name Type Description
delete_redirect_args array Array with _delete_nonce, message and status keys


Delete mode: permanently delete, or move to trash?

Since: 1.13.1

Name Type Description
delete_mode string Delete mode: trash or delete. Default: delete


Should posts connected to an entry be deleted when the entry is deleted?

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
delete_post bool If trashing an entry, trash the post. If deleting an entry, delete the post. Default: true


Override Delete Entry nonce validation. Return true to declare nonce valid.

Since: 1.15.2

See: \wp_verify_nonce()

Name Type Description
valid int, bool False if invalid; 1 or 2 when nonce was generated
nonce_key string Name of nonce action used in wp_verify_nonce. $_GET['delete'] holds the nonce value itself. Default: delete_{entry_id}


Modify the Delete Entry Javascript confirmation text.

Name Type Description
confirm string Default: "Are you sure you want to delete this entry? This cannot be undone."


Modify the Delete Entry messages.

Since: 1.13.1

Name Type Description
message string Message to be displayed
status string Message status (error or success)
message_from_url string The original error message, if any, without the "There was an error deleting the entry:" prefix


Modify the new entry details before it's created.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
row array The entry details
entry array The original entry


Modify the new entry meta details.

Name Type Description
save_this_meta array The duplicate meta. Use/add meta_key, meta_value, item_index.
row array The duplicated entry
entry array The original entry


Override Duplicate Entry nonce validation. Return true to declare nonce valid.

Since: 2.5

See: \wp_verify_nonce()

Name Type Description
valid int, bool False if invalid; 1 or 2 when nonce was generated
nonce_key string Name of nonce action used in wp_verify_nonce. $_GET['duplicate'] holds the nonce value itself. Default: duplicate_{entry_id}


Modify the Duplicate Entry Javascript confirmation text (will be sanitized when output).

Name Type Description
confirm string Default: "Are you sure you want to duplicate this entry?". If empty, disable confirmation dialog.


Modify the Duplicate Entry messages. Allows HTML; will not be further sanitized.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
message string Message to be displayed, sanitized using esc_attr()
status string Message status (error or success)
message_from_url string The original error message, if any, without the "There was an error duplicating the entry:" prefix


Disables the duplicate link on the backend.

Name Type Description
enable bool True by default. Enabled.
form_id int The form ID.


after return.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
strings array Text in key => value pairs


Modify the note content before rendering in the template.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
note_content array Array of note content that will be replaced in template files
note object Note object with id, user_id, date_created, value, note_type, user_name, user_email vars
show_delete bool True: Notes are editable. False: no editing notes.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the dropdown values displayed in the "Also email note to" dropdown.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
note_emails array Array of email addresses connected to the entry
entry array Current entry


Whether to include a Custom Email option for users to define a custom email to mail notes to.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
include_custom bool Default: true


Documented in get_note_email_fields

See: \get_note_email_fields


Modify the values passed when sending a note email.

Since: 1.17

See: \GVCommon::send_email

Name Type Description
email_settings array Values being passed to the GVCommon::send_email() method: 'from', 'to', 'bcc', 'reply_to', 'subject', 'message', 'from_name', 'message_format', 'entry', 'email_footer'


Should the message content have paragraphs added automatically, if using HTML message format.

Since: 1.18

Name Type Description
wpautop_email bool True: Apply wpautop() to the email message if using; False: Leave as entered (Default: true)


Choose whether to update user information via User Registration add-on when an entry is updated?

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
boolean bool Whether to trigger update on user registration (default: true)


Modify entry details before updating the user via User Registration add-on.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
entry array Gravity Forms entry
form array Gravity Forms form


Keep the current user role or override with the role defined in the Create feed.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
preserve_role bool Preserve current user role Default: true
config array Gravity Forms User Registration feed configuration for the form
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry array Gravity Forms entry being edited


Modify the User Registration Addon feed configuration.

Since: 1.14

Name Type Description
config array Gravity Forms User Registration feed configuration for the form
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry array Gravity Forms entry being edited


Whether display names should be restored to before updating an entry.

Since: 1.14.4

Name Type Description
restore_display_name bool Restore Display Name? Default: true


Modify the user data after updated by Gravity Forms User Registration but before restored by GravityView

Since: 1.14

Name Type Description
restored_user \WP_User The user with restored details about to be updated by wp_update_user()
user_before_update \WP_User The user before being updated by Gravity Forms User Registration
user_after_update \WP_User The user after being updated by Gravity Forms User Registration
entry array The Gravity Forms entry that was just updated


Filter the edit URL link.

Since: 2.14.6

Name Type Description
url string The url.
entry array The entry.
view \GV\View The View.
\WP_Post, null WP_Post $post WP post.


Array of fields that should not be displayed in Edit Entry.

Since: 1.20

Name Type Description
fields string[] Array of field type or meta key names (eg: [ "captcha", "payment_status" ] ).
entry array Gravity Forms entry array.


Modify whether user can edit an entry.

Since: 1.15

Name Type Description
user_can_edit bool Can the current user edit the current entry? (Default: false)
entry array, \WP_Error Gravity Forms entry array {@since 1.15}
view_id int ID of the view you want to check visibility against {@since 1.15}


Modify the cancel button link URL.

Since: 1.11.1

Name Type Description
back_link string Existing URL of the Cancel link
form array The Gravity Forms form
entry array The Gravity Forms entry
view_id int The current View ID


altogether, return an empty string.

Since: 2.13.4

Name Type Description
back_link string Existing "back" of the Cancel link.
form array The Gravity Forms form.
entry array The Gravity Forms entry.
view_id int The current View ID.
update_count int The number of pages to go back based on the # of updates to the edited form.


Whether to delete values of fields hidden by conditional logic.

Since: 1.22.2

Name Type Description
unset_hidden_field_values bool Default: true
this \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render This object


Modify the edit entry title.

Name Type Description
edit_entry_title string Modify the "Edit Entry" title
this \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render This object


Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
enable_paged_edit bool Should paged editing be supported?
form array The current form connected to the entry being edited


Modify the cancel/submit buttons' labels.

Since: 1.16.3

Name Type Description
labels array Default button labels associative array
form array The Gravity Forms form
entry array The Gravity Forms entry
view_id int The current View ID


Modify the edit entry success message on pages.

Since: develop

Name Type Description
entry_updated_message string Existing message
view_id int View ID
entry array Gravity Forms entry array


Modify the edit entry success message (including the anchor link).

Since: 1.5.4

Name Type Description
entry_updated_message string Existing message
view_id int View ID
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
back_link string URL to return to the original entry. @since 1.6
redirect_url string, null URL to return to after the update. @since 2.14.6


Before rendering the Edit Entry form.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
this \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render


Modify the cancel/submit buttons' labels.

Since: 1.16.3

Name Type Description
labels array Default button labels associative array
form array The Gravity Forms form
entry array The Gravity Forms entry
view_id int The current View ID


Modify the message when someone is editing an entry attached to a post that no longer exists.

Name Type Description
message string The existing "This field is not editable; the post no longer exists." text


Modify the message when someone isn't able to edit a post.

Name Type Description
message string The existing "You don't have permission..." text


Allow the pre-populated value to override saved value in Edit Entry form. By default, pre-populate mechanism only kicks on empty fields.

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
bool True: override saved values; False: don't override (default)
field GF_Field object Gravity Forms field object


Change the value of an Edit Entry field, if needed.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
field_value mixed field value used to populate the input
field object Gravity Forms field object ( Class GF_Field )
this \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render Current object


Change the value of an Edit Entry field for a specific field type.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
field_value mixed field value used to populate the input
field \GF_Field Gravity Forms field object
this \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render Current object


Modify the fields displayed in Edit Entry form.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
fields \GF_Field[] Gravity Forms form fields
edit_fields array, null Fields for the Edit Entry tab configured in the View Configuration
form array GF Form array (fields key modified to have only fields configured to show in Edit Entry)
view_id int View ID


Since: 2.7


Name Type Description
render_hidden_field bool Whether to render this Hidden field in HTML. Default: true
field \GF_Field The field to possibly remove


When Edit tab isn't configured, should the Gravity Forms "Admin Only" field settings be used to control field display to non-admins? Default: true.

Since: 1.9.1

Name Type Description
use_gf_adminonly_setting bool True: Hide field if set to Admin Only in GF and the user is not an admin. False: show field based on GV permissions, ignoring GF permissions.
form array GF Form array
view_id int View ID


Should the Edit Entry form use Gravity Forms conditional logic showing/hiding of fields?

Since: 1.9

Name Type Description
use_conditional_logic bool True: Gravity Forms will show/hide fields just like in the original form; False: conditional logic will be disabled and fields will be shown based on configuration. Default: true
form array Gravity Forms form


See: for filter documentation \GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render::filter_conditional_logic


Override Edit Entry nonce validation. Return true to declare nonce valid.

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
valid int, bool False if invalid; 1 or 2 when nonce was generated
nonce_field string Key used when validating submissions. Default: is_gv_edit_entry


Modify the cancel/submit buttons' labels.

Since: 1.16.3

Name Type Description
labels array Default button labels associative array
form array The Gravity Forms form
entry array The Gravity Forms entry
view_id int The current View ID


Should Coupon fields be hidden in Edit Entry?

Since: 1.20

Name Type Description
has_transaction_data bool If true (the Entry has transaction data), hide the fields. Otherwise (false), show the Coupon field


Prevent Chained Select Search Bar input fields from outputting styles.

Since: 2.14.4

Name Type Description
should_print_styles bool True: Output styles; False: don't.
this \GravityView_Widget_Search GravityView Widget instance.
array{key:string,label:string,value:string,type:string,choices:array} $search_field


Modify the cache time for a type of cache.

Name Type Description
time_in_seconds int Default: DAY_IN_SECONDS


Override GravityView cleanup of transients by setting this to false.

Name Type Description
cleanup bool Whether to run the GravityView auto-cleanup of transients. Default: true


Modify whether to use the cache or not.

Name Type Description
use_cache bool Previous setting
this \GravityView_Cache The GravityView_Cache object


Modify the anchor text for the Powered By link.

Name Type Description
anchor_text string Anchor text for the Powered By link. Default: "Powered by GravityView". Will be sanitized before display.


Modify the URL returned by the Powered By link.

Name Type Description
url string The URL passed to the Powered By link


Modify the settings passed to the Post Content wp_editor().

Since: 1.7

See: For the options available \wp_editor()

Name Type Description
editor_settings array Array of settings to be passed to wp_editor(). Note: there are also two additional values in the array: logic_event and placehodler, added to the textarea HTML by GravityView.



Since: 1.2

Name Type Description
audio_settings array Array with src and class keys
context \GV\Template_Context The context.



Since: 1.2

Name Type Description
video_settings array Array with src and class keys
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the default image attributes for uploaded images

Since: 2.0

See: For the available attributes \GravityView_Image

Name Type Description
image_atts array


Filter to alter the default behaviour of wrapping images (or image names) with a link to the content object.

Since: 1.5.1

See: GravityView_API:field_value() for info about $gravityview_view->field_data

Name Type Description
disable_wrapped_link bool whether to wrap the content with a link to the content object.
field_compat array Current GravityView field array
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the link text (defaults to the file name)

Since: 1.7

Name Type Description
content string The existing anchor content. Could be <img> tag, audio/video embed or the file name
field_compat array Current GravityView field array
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the link attributes for a file upload field.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
link_atts array, string Array or attributes string
field_compat array Current GravityView field array
context \GV\Template_Context The context.
additional_details array Array of additional details about the file. {


Modify the files array.

Since: 1.7

Name Type Description
output_arr array Associative array of files. { @type string $file_path The path to the file as stored in Gravity Forms.
@type string $content The generated output for the file.
field_compat array Current GravityView field array.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the file extension before it's used in display logic.

Since: 2.13.5

Name Type Description
extension string The extension of the file, as parsed by pathinfo().
file_path string Path to the file uploaded by Gravity Forms.


Modify the file path before generating a link to it.

Since: 1.22.3

Name Type Description
file_path string Path to the file uploaded by Gravity Forms
field_settings array Array of GravityView field settings
context \GV\Template_Context The context.
index int The current index of the $file_paths array being processed


Should post categories be added to or replaced?

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
append bool If true, don't delete existing categories, just add on. If false, replace the categories with the submitted categories. Default: false


URL to the Approval field CSS file.

Since: 1.19

Name Type Description
style_url string Override to use your own CSS file, or return empty string to disable loading.


Convert Hidden fields into Text fields on Edit Entry.

Since: 1.22.6

Name Type Description
reveal_hidden_field bool True: Convert the hidden field to text; False: Leave hidden
field \GF_Field_Hidden The field in question


Modify the search parameters before the entries are fetched.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
criteria array Gravity Forms search criteria array, as used by GVCommon::get_entries()
view_settings array Associative array of settings with plugin defaults used if not set by the View
form_id int The Gravity Forms ID
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


Hide product fields from being editable.

Since: 1.9.1

See: \GVCommon::entry_has_transaction_data()

Name Type Description
hide_product_fields bool Whether to hide product fields in the editor. Uses $entry data to determine.


Override the date format with a PHP date format.

Name Type Description
date_format null, string Date Format (default: null)


Modify the settings that a field supports.

Name Type Description
options array Options multidimensional array with each key being the input name, with each array setting having type, label, desc and value (default values) keys


Whether to override the Gravity Forms date format with a PHP date format.


Name Type Description
null, string Date Format (default: $field->dateFormat)


Modify the output of the [gv_entry_link] shortcode.

Since: 2.0.15

Name Type Description
return string The HTML link output
array { @type string $url The URL used to generate the anchor tag. {@see \GravityView_Entry_Link_Shortcode::get_url} @type string $link_text {@see \GravityView_Entry_Link_Shortcode::get_anchor_text} @type array $link_atts {@see \GravityView_Entry_Link_Shortcode::get_link_atts} @type array


The tooltips GravityView adds to the Gravity Forms tooltip array.

Deprecated: Renamed to gravityview/metaboxes/tooltips


The tooltips GravityView adds to the Gravity Forms tooltip array.

Name Type Description
gv_tooltips array Associative array with unique keys containing array of title and value keys, as expected by gform_tooltips filter


Modify the links shown in the Connected Form links.

Since: 1.6

Name Type Description
links array Links to show
form array Gravity Forms form array




Since: 2.9

Name Type Description
blocklist_field_types array Array of field types which are not proper to be shown for the $context.
context string View context ('single', 'directory', or 'edit').


non-standard Fields to show at the bottom of the field picker.

Name Type Description
additional_fields array Associative array of field arrays, with label_text, desc, field_id, label_type, input_type, field_options, and settings_html keys


Modify the default fields for each zone and context.

Name Type Description
entry_default_fields array Array of fields shown by default
form string, array form_ID or form object
zone string Either 'single', 'directory', 'header', 'footer'


Modify the available fields that can be used in a View.

Name Type Description
fields array The fields.
form string, array form_ID or form object
zone string Either 'single', 'directory', 'header', 'footer'


Since: 2.8.1

Name Type Description
button_label string Text for button: "Add Widget" or "Add Field"
atts array { @type string $type 'widget' or 'field' @type string $template_id The current slug of the selected View template @type string $zone Where is this button being shown? Either 'single', 'directory', 'edit', 'header', 'footer' }


Modify the default widgets for new Views.

Name Type Description
widgets array A Widget configuration array
zone string The widget zone that's being requested
post_id int The auto-draft post ID


See: \GravityView_Template::assign_active_areas()

Name Type Description
template_areas array Empty array, to be filled in by the template class
template_id string Template ID, like default_list, default_table, preset_business_data, etc. {@see \GravityView_Template::__construct()}
context string Current View context: directory, single, or edit (default: 'single')


Modify the notices displayed in the admin.

Since: 1.12


Disable filter links.

Since: 1.17.1

Name Type Description
show_filter_links bool True: show the "approved"/"disapproved" filter links. False: hide them.
form array GF Form object of current form


Return true to hide reject/approve if there are no connected Views.

Since: 1.7.2

Name Type Description
hide_if_no_connections bool


Override whether the column is shown.

Name Type Description
show_approve_column bool Whether the column will be shown
form_id int The ID of the Gravity Forms form for which entries are being shown


Disable the Change Entry Creator functionality.

Since: 1.7.4

Name Type Description
disable bool Disable the Change Entry Creator functionality. Default: false.


Disable assigning the new user to the entry by returning false.

Name Type Description
user_id int WordPress User ID
config array User registration feed configuration
entry array GF Entry array


Disable adding a note when changing the entry creator.

Since: 1.21.5

Name Type Description
disable bool Disable the Change Entry Creator note. Default: false.


Should GravityView use the legacy Table layout stylesheet (from before Version 2.1)?

Since: 2.1.1

Name Type Description
use_legacy_table_style bool If true, loads table-view-legacy.css. If false, loads table-view.css. Default: false


Modify the return URL after entry approval.

Since: 2.18.7

Name Type Description
entry_id int Entry ID.
approval_status int Approval status.
form_id int Form ID.
scopes array Token scopes to be passed to the return URL and used in {@see \maybe_show_approval_notice()}.
return_url string Url to redirect to once moderation happens.


Modify the HTML of the Recent Entries widget output.

Name Type Description
output string HTML to be displayed
this \GravityView_Entry_List The current class instance


The link to this other entry now.

Name Type Description
link string The link.
entry array The entry.
this \GravityView_Entry_List The current entry list object.


Modify the content displayed after the entry link in an entry list.

Since: 1.7.2

Name Type Description
item_output string The HTML output for the after_link content
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
this \GravityView_Entry_List The current class instance


Modify each item's output in an entry list.

Since: 1.7.2

Name Type Description
item_output string The HTML output for the item
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
this \GravityView_Entry_List The current class instance


Fetch available View templates.

Name Type Description
templates array Templates to show


Filter the available page sizes as needed.

Name Type Description
sizes array The sizes, with value and text keys. text key used as HTML option label.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Filter the settings for the widget.

Name Type Description
settings array Configuration for how output will display, with label, choices, default_choice_text keys
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Filter the pagination options.

Since: 1.1.4

Name Type Description
page_link_args array Array of arguments for the paginate_links() function. Read more about paginate_links()


Modify the pagination widget output.

Name Type Description
output string HTML output
first int First entry #
last int Last entry #
total int Total entries #


Modify display settings for the poll widget.

Since: 1.8

Name Type Description
settings array Settings with field, style, percentages and counts keys


Modify the search form method (GET / POST).

Since: 1.16.4

Name Type Description
search_method string Assign an input type according to the form field type. Defaults: boolean, multi, select, date, text
field_type string Gravity Forms field type (also the name parameter of GravityView_Field classes)


Change the types of search fields available to a field type.

See: for the available input types \GravityView_Widget_Search::get_search_input_labels()

Name Type Description
input_types array Associative array: key is field name, value is array of GravityView input types (note: use input_text for text)


Change the label of search field input types.

Name Type Description
input_types array Associative array: key is input type name, value is label


Modify the fields that are displayed as searchable in the Search Bar dropdown\n.

Since: 1.17

See: Used to fetch the fields \gravityview_get_form_fields()

Name Type Description
fields array Array of searchable fields, as fetched by gravityview_get_form_fields()
form_id int


Modify the search form input type based on field type.

Since: 1.2

Name Type Description
input_type string Assign an input type according to the form field type. Defaults: boolean, multi, select, date, text
field_type string Gravity Forms field type (also the name parameter of GravityView_Field classes)
field_id string, int, float ID of the field being processed


Since: 2.5.1


Modifies the fields able to be searched using the Search Bar.

Since: 2.14

Name Type Description
searchable_fields array Array of GravityView-formatted fields or only the field ID? Example: [ '1.2', 'created_by' ]
view \GV\View Object of View being searched.
with_full_field bool Does $searchable_fields contain the full field array or just field ID? Default: false (just field ID)


Search for each word separately or the whole phrase?

Since: 1.20.2

Name Type Description
split_words bool True: split a phrase into words; False: search whole word only [Default: true]
view \GV\View The View being searched


Remove leading/trailing whitespaces from search value.

Since: 2.9.3

Name Type Description
trim_search_value bool True: remove whitespace; False: keep as is [Default: true]
view \GV\View The View being searched


Whether to adjust the timezone for entries. \n.

Since: 1.12

Name Type Description
adjust_tz bool Use timezone-adjusted datetime? If true, adjusts date based on blog's timezone setting. If false, uses UTC setting. Default is false.
context string Where the filter is being called from. search in this case.


Filter to control if empty field values should be ignored or strictly matched (default: true).


Name Type Description
ignore_empty_values bool
filter_key int, null
view_id int, null
form_id int, null


or any).

Since: 1.5.1

Name Type Description
mode string Search mode (any vs all)


Call any userland filters that they might have.


Modify the search operator for the field (contains, is, isnot, etc).

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
operator string Existing search operator
filter array array with key, value, operator, type keys
view \GV\View The View we're operating on.


Modify what fields are shown. The order of the fields in the $search_filters array controls the order as displayed in the search bar widget.

Name Type Description
search_fields array Array of search filters with key, label, value, type, choices keys
this \GravityView_Widget_Search Current widget object
widget_args array Args passed to this method. {@since 1.8}
context \GV\Template_Context {@since 2.0}


Modify the CSS class for the search form.

Name Type Description
search_class string The CSS class for the search form


Override the search URL.

Name Type Description
action string Where the form submits to.
Further parameters will be added once adhoc context is added.
Use gravityview()->request until then.


Modify the label for a search field. Supports returning HTML.

Since: 1.17.3

Name Type Description
label string Existing label text, sanitized.
form_field array Gravity Forms field array, as returned by GFFormsModel::get_field()
field array Field setting as sent by the GV configuration - has field, input (input type), and label keys


Filter the output filter details for the Search widget.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
filter array The filter details
field array The search field configuration
\GV\Context The context


Only output used choices for this field.

Since: 2.16

Name Type Description
sieve_choices bool True: Yes, filter choices based on whether the value exists in entries. False: show all choices in the original field. Default: false.
field array The field configuration.
\GV\Context The context.


Filter the display text in created by search choices.

Since: 2.3

Name Type Description
string[in,out] The text. Default: $user->display_name
user \WP_User The user.
view \GV\View, null The view.


Modify the datepicker settings.

See: Learn what settings are available

Name Type Description
js_localization array The data padded to the Javascript file
view_data array View data array with View settings


Name Type Description
css_class string CSS class to use. Default: gv-datepicker datepicker mdy \n Options are: - mdy (mm/dd/yyyy) - dmy (dd/mm/yyyy) - dmy_dash (dd-mm-yyyy) - dmy_dot ( - ymd_slash (yyyy/mm/dd) - ymd_dash (yyyy-mm-dd) - ymd_dot (


Since: 2.1.1

Name Type Description
format string Default: mdy Options are: - mdy (mm/dd/yyyy) - dmy (dd/mm/yyyy) - dmy_dash (dd-mm-yyyy) - dmy_dot ( - ymd_slash (yyyy/mm/dd) - ymd_dash (yyyy-mm-dd) - ymd_dot (


An array of allowed operators for a field.

Since: 2.14

Name Type Description
string[] An allowlist of operators.
string The filter name.


Filter the user meta fields to search.

Name Type Description
array The user meta fields.
view \GV\View The view.


Filter the user fields to search.

Name Type Description
array The user fields.
view \GV\View The view.


Change the label for the "Link" search bar input type.

Since: 1.17

Name Type Description
links_label string Default: Show only: if search field label is not set. Otherwise, search field label.


Change what separates search bar "Link" input type links.

Name Type Description
links_sep string Default: `&nbsp;


Prevent Chained Select Search Bar input fields from outputting styles.

Since: 2.14.4

Name Type Description
this \GravityView_Widget_Search GravityView Widget instance
array{key:string,label:string,value:string,type:string,choices:array} $search_field


Choose whether to hide inactive dropdowns in the chain.

Since: 2.14.4

Name Type Description
hide_inactive bool Whether to hide drop-downs that aren't available yet.
this \GravityView_Widget_Search GravityView Widget instance
array{key:string,label:string,value:string,type:string,choices:array} $search_field


Define the text for the default option in a select (multi or single dropdown).

Since: 1.16.4

Name Type Description
default_option string Default: &amp;mdash; (—)
field_type string Field type: "select" or "multiselect"


Define the text for the default option in a select (multi or single dropdown).

Since: 1.16.4

Name Type Description
default_option string Default: &amp;mdash; (—)
field_type string Field type: "select" or "multiselect"


Append content to a field label.

Name Type Description
appended_content string Content you can add after a label. Empty by default.
field array GravityView field array


Modify field label output.

Deprecated: Use the context-aware version gravityview/template/field/label


Modify the link HTML.

Name Type Description
link string HTML output of the link
href string URL of the link
entry array The GF entry array
field_settings array Settings for the particular GV field


Modify the text displayed when there are no entries.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/text/no_entries


Modify the text displayed when there are no entries.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
output string The existing "No Entries" text.
is_search bool Is the current page a search result, or just a multiple entries screen?
context \GV\Template_Context The context.
unformatted_output string Output without wpautop().


Modify the URL to the View "directory" context.

Since: 1.19.4

Name Type Description
link string URL to the View's "directory" context (Multiple Entries screen)
post_id int ID of the post to link to. If the View is embedded, it is the post or page ID


Modify the URL to the View "directory" context.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
link string URL to the View's "directory" context (Multiple Entries screen)
context \GV\Template_Context


or even, if unique, {first-name}-{last-name}.

Name Type Description
hash string Existing hash generated by GravityView
id string The entry ID
entry array Entry data array. May be empty.


Whether to enable and use custom entry slugs.

Name Type Description
bool True: Allow for slugs based on entry values. False: always use entry IDs (default)


On entry creation, check if we are using the custom entry slug feature and update the meta.

Name Type Description
custom bool Should we process the custom entry slug?


Modify whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the url.

Since: 2.10

Name Type Description
add_query_params bool Whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the Entry Link URL. Default: true.


Modify the URL arguments that should not be used because they are internal to GravityView.

Since: 2.10

Name Type Description
reserved_args array Array of URL query keys that should not be used except internally.


Modify the CSS class to be added to the wrapper

of a View.

Since: 1.5.4

Name Type Description
css_class string Default: gv-container gv-container-{view id}. If View is hidden until search, adds hidden. If the View has no results, adds gv-container-no-results
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


What to display when a field is empty.

Name Type Description
value string (empty string)


Modify the back link URL.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/links/back/url


Modify the back link URL.

Since: 2.0

See: Generated the original back link \gv_directory_link()

Name Type Description
href string Existing label URL
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the back link text.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/links/back/label


Modify the back link text.

Since: 2.0

See: Generated the original back link \gv_directory_link()

Name Type Description
label string Existing label text
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the attributes used on the back link anchor tag.

Since: 2.1

Name Type Description
atts array Original attributes, default: [ data-viewid => $view_id ]
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the map link generated. You can use a different mapping service, for example.

Name Type Description
link string Map link
address string Address to generate link for
url string URL generated by the function


Modify the args before generation begins.



Modify the context before generation begins.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
context \GV\Template_Context The context.
args array The sanitized arguments, these should not be trusted any longer.
passed_args array The passed arguments, these should not be trusted any longer.


Allow Pre filtering of the HTML.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
markup string The HTML for the markup
args array All args for the field output
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the opening tags for the template content placeholders.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
open_tag string Open tag for template content placeholders. Default: {{
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the closing tags for the template content placeholders.

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
close_tag string Close tag for template content placeholders. Default: }}
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


gravityview/field_output/context/{$tag} Allow users to filter content on context

Since: 1.11

Name Type Description
value string The content to be shown instead of the {{tag}} placeholder
args array Arguments passed to the function
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify field HTML output.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
html string Existing HTML output
args array Arguments passed to the function
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify field HTML output.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
html string Existing HTML output
args array Arguments passed to the function
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


The address parts delimiter.

Since: develop

Name Type Description
string The delimiter. Default: newline
\GV\Template_Context The context.


The value used to separate multiple values in the CSV export.

Since: 2.4.2

Name Type Description
string The glue. Default: ";" (semicolon)
\GV\Template_Context The context.


The value used to separate multiple values in the CSV export.

Since: 2.4.2

Name Type Description
string The glue. Default: ";" (semicolon)
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Filters field types to output by value instead of display_value.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
raw bool Raw or not. By default, outputs raw for $raw_types.
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify entry being displayed.

Name Type Description
entry array The current entry being displayed.
form array The current form the custom content is using.
\GV\Template_Context The GravityView template context instance.


Modify form that content is being pulled from.

Name Type Description
form array The current form the custom content is using.
entry array The current entry being displayed.
\GV\Template_Context The GravityView template context instance.


Modify Custom Content field output before Merge Tag processing.

Since: 1.6.2

Name Type Description
content string HTML content of field
\GV\Template_Context The gravityview template context instance.
\stdClass The gravityview template context object.


Decode brackets in shortcodes, rendering them inert (escape brackets).

Since: 1.16.5

Name Type Description
decode bool Enable/Disable decoding of brackets in the content (default: false)
content string HTML content of field
\GV\Template_Context The gravityview template context instance.


Modify Custom Content field output after Merge Tag variables get replaced, before shortcodes get processed.

Since: 1.6.2

Name Type Description
content string HTML content of field
\GV\Template_Context The gravityview template context instance.


Modify the format of the display of Quiz Score (Percent) field.

Since: 2.0

See: For formatting guide

Name Type Description
format string Format passed to printf() function. Default %d%%, which prints as "{number}%". Notice the double %%, this prints a literal '%' character.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context.


Override whether to show the value or the label of a Select field.

Since: 1.5.2

Name Type Description
show_label bool True: Show the label of the Choice; False: show the value of the Choice. Default: false
entry array GF Entry
field \GF_Field_Select Gravity Forms Select field
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context



Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
hide_epoch bool True: hide values that are 1970-01-01. False: show the value.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The $gravityview context object.


Filter is defined in /templates/fields/field-checkbox-html.php


The value used to separate multiple values in the Survey field output.

Since: 2.10.4

Name Type Description
string The glue. Default: "; " (semicolon with a trailing space)
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify what size is fetched for the post's Featured Image

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
size string The size to be fetched using wp_get_attachment_image_src() (default: 'large')
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
context \GV\Template_Context The context


Modify the values used for the image meta.

See: Read more about the filter


Whether to show labels for the image meta.

See: Read more about the filter


Modify the Gravatar settings for the field.

Name Type Description
settings array Settings passed to {@see \get_avatar()} for parameters.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context Current context


Format of single list column output of a List field with Multiple Columns enabled.

Since: 1.14

Name Type Description
format string html (for
    list), text (for CSV output)
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


Deprecated: since 1.11


Modify whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the url.

Since: 2.10

Name Type Description
add_query_params bool Whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the Entry Link URL. Default: true.


Modify the link HTML (here for backward compatibility).

Name Type Description
link string HTML output of the link
href string URL of the link
entry array The GF entry array
field_settings array Settings for the particular GV field


Prevent encrypting emails no matter what - this is handy for DataTables exports, for example

Since: 1.1.6

Name Type Description
\GV\Template_Context The $gravityview template context object.


The default radio field output template.

Since: 2.0


Format of single list column output of a List field with Multiple Columns enabled.

Since: 1.14

Name Type Description
format string html (for
    list), text (for CSV output)
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


The value used to separate multiple values in the CSV export.

Since: 2.4.2

Name Type Description
string The glue. Default: ";" (semicolon)
\GV\Template_Context The context.


The value used to separate multiple values in the CSV export.

Since: 2.4.2

Name Type Description
string The glue. Default: ";" (semicolon)
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Change the output for a checkbox "check" symbol. Default is the "dashicons-yes" icon.

Since: 2.0


Name Type Description
output string HTML span with dashicons dashicons-yes class
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
field array GravityView field array
\GV\Template_Context The template context.


Override whether to show the value or the label of a Select field.

Since: 1.5.2

Name Type Description
show_label bool True: Show the label of the Choice; False: show the value of the Choice. Default: false
entry array GF Entry
field \GF_Field_Select Gravity Forms Select field
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


Allow the following HTML tags and strip everything else.

Since: 2.8

Name Type Description
allow_html bool Whether to allow rendering HTML submitted in the textarea field. If disabled, output will be escaped with esc_html(). Default: true.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


Allow the following HTML tags and strip everything else.


See: For allowed contexts \wp_kses_allowed_html()

Name Type Description
allowed_html array, string Context string (allowed strings are post, strip, data, entities, or the name of a field filter such as pre_user_description) or allowed tags array (see above). [Default: 'post']
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context


Modify the "Read more" link used when "Maximum Words" setting is enabled and the output is truncated.

Since: 1.16.1

Name Type Description
excerpt_more string Default: ...


Modify the wrapper container.

Since: 2.15

Name Type Description
wrapper_container string Wrapper container HTML markup
anchor_id string (optional) Unique anchor ID to identify the view.
view \GV\View The View.


Modify the wrapper container.

Since: 2.15

Name Type Description
wrapper_container string Wrapper container HTML markup
anchor_id string (optional) Unique anchor ID to identify the view.
view \GV\View The View.


Modifies capability to access GravityKit Settings.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
capability string Capability.


Modifies plugin settings object before saving.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
settings array Plugin settings.


Modifies global settings configuration.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
config array Configuration.


Modifies plugin settings object before validation.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
ui_settings array Settings.


Modifies plugin settings object after validation.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
ui_settings array Settings.


Changes path where logs are stored.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
log_path string Location where logs are stored relative to WP_CONTENT_DIR. Default: WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/logs'.


Allows logging of WP heartbeat requests.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
log_heartbeat bool Default: false.


Sets link to the product settings page.

Since: 1.0.3

Name Type Description
settings_url string URL to the product settings page.


Modifies products data object.

Since: 1.0.3

Name Type Description
products array Products data.
args array Additional arguments passed to the get_products_data() method.


Sets product action links in the Plugins page.

Since: 1.0.3

Name Type Description
links array Combined GravityKit and original action links.
gk_links array GravityKit-added action links.
link array Original action links.


Modifies permissions to access Licenses functionality.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
permissions array Permissions.


Modifies REST routes object.

Since: 1.0.11

Name Type Description
array{array{version?: integer, endpoint: string, methods: string, callback: callable, permission_callback: callable, args?: array, override: boolean}} $routes


Modifies the REST API route response.

Since: 1.0.11

Name Type Description
response mixed
route array


Modifies a list of Ajax routes that map to backend functions/class methods. $router groups routes to avoid a name collision (e.g., 'settings', 'licenses').

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
routes array[] Ajax route to function/class method map.


Modifies Ajax call result.

Since: 1.0.11

Name Type Description
result mixed, \Exception
router string
route string
payload array


Displays counter next to the submenu title.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
badge_count int


Controls the position of the top-level GravityKit admin menu.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
menu_position float Default: value of gform_menu_position filter + 0.001.


Displays counter next to the top-menu title.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
total_badge_count int


Modifies the submenus object.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
submenus array Submenus.


Controls whether to include a GravityKit product in GF's system report.

Since: 1.0.3

Name Type Description
include_in_system_report bool Default: true.
text_domain string Product text domain.


Modifies the capabilities added/removed by TL.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
capabilities array


Toggles whether HS beacon should be displayed. Return "true" to short-circuit all other checks.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
display_beacon bool Whether to display the beacon.
page string, null Current page ($_REQUEST['page']).
post_type string, null Current post type ($_REQUEST['post_type']).


Modified HS beacon configuration.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
beacon_configuration array Beacon configuration.


Sets permission to install languages.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
can_install_languages bool Default: 'install_languages' capability.


Controls whether the Foundation standalone plugin instance should always be returned regardless of the version.

Since: 1.0.2

Name Type Description
force_standalone_instance bool Default: true.


Modifies the GravityKit general settings object.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
all_settings array GravityKit general settings.


Modifies scripts inlined by Foundation.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
inline_scripts array Scripts inlined by Foundation.


Modifies styles inlined by Foundation.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
inline_styles array Styles inlined by Foundation.


Controls the display of HTML comment with Foundation information.

Since: 1.0.1

Name Type Description
display_foundation_information bool Whether to display the information.


Includes a way to disable the configuration notice.

Since: 2.17.8

Name Type Description
should_display bool Whether to display the notice. Default: true.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The $gravityview template object.
context string The context of the notice. Possible values: directory, single, edit.


Modify the reserved embed slugs that trigger a warning.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
reserved_slugs array An array of strings, reserved slugs.
gravityview \GV\Template_Context The context.


Filter the template class that is about to be used to render the view.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
class string The chosen class - Default: \GV\Field_HTML_Template.
field \GV\Field The field about to be rendered.
view \GV\View The view in this context, if applicable.
source \GV\Source The source (form) in this context, if applicable.
entry \GV\Entry The entry in this context, if applicable.
request \GV\Request The request in this context, if applicable.


Modify the url part for a View. Read the doc.

Name Type Description
rewrite_slug string The slug shown in the URL


Enable custom CSS class settings for widgets.

Name Type Description
enable_custom_class bool False by default. Return true if you want to enable.
this \GV\Widget Current instance of \GV\Widget.


Array of zones available for widgets to be dropped into.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/widget/active_areas instead


Array of zones available for widgets to be dropped into.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
default_areas array Definition for default widget areas


Deprecated: In favor of allowlist.


Some widgets have got to stay shown.

Since: 2.14

Name Type Description
allowlist string[] The widget IDs that have to be shown by default.


Modify whether to hide content until search.

Name Type Description
hide_until_searched bool Hide until search?
this \GV\Widget Widget instance


Get the list of registered widgets. Each item is used to instantiate a GravityView_Admin_View_Widget object.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/widgets/register


Each item is used to instantiate a GravityView_Admin_View_Widget object.

Name Type Description
registered_widgets array Empty array


Is this request renderable?

Since: 2.5.2

Name Type Description
is_renderable bool Huh?
this \GV\Request This.


A joined request.


Whether we're currently on the Edit Entry screen \n.

Name Type Description
is_edit_entry bool


Modifies the global blocks localization data.

Since: 2.17

Name Type Description
block_localization_data array


Modifies the Views object used in the UI.

Since: 2.17

Name Type Description
formatted_views array


Change the slug used for single entries.

Name Type Description
endpoint string Slug to use when accessing single entry. Default: entry


Modify whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the url.

Since: 2.10

Name Type Description
add_query_params bool Whether to include passed $_GET parameters to the end of the Entry Link URL. Default: true.


Modify the URL to the View "directory" context.

Since: 1.19.4

Name Type Description
link string URL to the View's "directory" context (Multiple Entries screen)
post_id int ID of the post to link to. If the View is embedded, it is the post or page ID


The permalink of this entry.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
permalink string The permalink.
entry \GV\Entry The entry we're retrieving it for.
view \GV\View, null The view context.
request \GV\Request The request context.


Modify the entry URL slug as needed.

Since: 2.2.1

Name Type Description
entry_slug string The slug, sanitized with sanitize_title()
this null, \GV\Entry The entry object.
view null, \GV\View The view object.
request null, \GV\Request The request.
track_directory bool Whether the directory is tracked.


Define meta keys to parse to check for GravityView shortcode content.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
meta_keys array Array of key values to check. If empty, do not check. Default: empty array
post \WP_Post The post that is being checked
views \GV\View_Collection The current View Collection object, passed as reference




Filter the [gvfield] shortcode attributes.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
atts array The initial attributes.


Otherwise, sort by date_created


This View has no data source. There's nothing to show really.


Private, pending, draft, etc.


Unapproved entries.


Filter the [gvfield] output.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
output string The output.
view \GV\View, null The View detected or null.
entry \GV\Entry, null The Entry or null.
field \GV\Field, null The Field or null.


Modify the default settings for new Views.



Modify the default settings for new Views.

Name Type Description
default_settings array Array of default settings.


Modify the fields displayed in a table.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/table/fields


Modify the fields displayed in this tables.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields \GV\Field_Collection The fields.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Deprecated: Here for back-compatibility.


Override the field label.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
column_label string The label to override.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Name Type Description
hide_empty bool Should the row be hidden if the value is empty? Default: don't hide.
context \GV\Template_Context The context ;) Love it, cherish it. And don't you dare modify it!


Call the Gravity Forms field value filter.


Make various pieces of data available to the template under the $gravityview scoped variable.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
context \GV\Template_Context The context for this template.


What to display when a field is empty.

Deprecated: Use the gravityview/field/value/empty filter instead


What to display when this field is empty.

Name Type Description
value string The value to display (Default: empty string)
\GV\Template_Context The template context this is being called from.


Modify the field value output for a field type before Show As Link setting is applied. Example: gravityview_field_entry_value_number_pre_link.

Deprecated: Use the gravityview/field/{$field_type}/output or gravityview/field/output filters instead.


Modify the link HTML.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/field/entry_link


Modify the link HTML.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
link string HTML output of the link
href string URL of the link
context \GV\Template_Context The context


Modify the field value output for a field type. Example: gravityview_field_entry_value_number.

Deprecated: Use the gravityview/field/{$field_type}/output or gravityview/field/output filters instead.


Modify the field value output for all field types.

Deprecated: Use the gravityview/field/{$field_type}/output or gravityview/field/output filters instead.


Modify the field output for a field type.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
output string The current output.
\GV\Template_Context The template context this is being called from.


Modify the field output for a field.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
output string The current output.
\GV\Template_Context The template this is being called from.


Filter the [gventry] shortcode attributes.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
atts array The initial attributes.


Otherwise, sort by date_created


This View has no data source. There's nothing to show really.


Private, pending, draft, etc.


Unapproved entries.


Modify the edit entry success message in [gventry].

Since: develop

Name Type Description
message string The message.
view \GV\View The View.
entry \GV\Entry The entry.
atts array The attributes.
back_link string URL to return to the original entry. @since 2.14.6
redirect_url string, null URL to return to after the update. @since 2.14.6


Filter the [gventry] output.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
output string The output.
view \GV\View, null The View detected or null.
entry \GV\Entry, null The Entry or null.


When editing an entry don't render multiple views.


When viewing an entry don't render multiple views.


Filter the detail output returned from [gravityview detail="$detail"].

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
string[in,out] $output Existing output
view \GV\View The view.
entries \GV\Entry_Collection The entries.
atts array The shortcode atts with defaults.


Hmm, slugs? Must be.


Make various pieces of data available to the template under the $gravityview scoped variable.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
context \GV\Template_Context The context for this template.
template \GV\Entry_Template The current template.


Make GravityView Views hierarchical by returning TRUE.

Since: 1.13

Name Type Description
is_hierarchical bool Default: false


Since: 1.15.2

See: \add_post_type_support()

Name Type Description
supports array Array of features associated with a functional area of the edit screen. Default: 'title', 'revisions'. If $is_hierarchical, also 'page-attributes'
is_hierarchical bool Do Views support parent/child relationships? See gravityview_is_hierarchical filter.


Should Views be directly accessible, or only visible using the shortcode?

Since: 1.15.2


Name Type Description
bool true: allow Views to be accessible directly. false: Only allow Views to be embedded via shortcode. Default: true
view_id int The ID of the View currently being requested. 0 for general setting


Enable Custom Post Type archive?

Since: 1.7.3

Name Type Description
bool False: don't have frontend archive; True: yes, have archive. Default: false


Modify the url part for a View.


Name Type Description
slug string The slug shown in the URL


Should the permalink structure.

Since: 2.0


Name Type Description
with_front bool




Editing a single entry.


Viewing a single entry.


Whether the view can be rendered or not.

Name Type Description
result bool, \WP_Error The result. Default: null.
view \GV\View The view.
context string[] See \GV\View::can_render
request \GV\Request The request.


Should Views be directly accessible, or only visible using the shortcode?



Should this View be directly accessbile?

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
bool Accessible or not. Default: accessbile.
view \GV\View The View we're trying to directly render here.
request \GV\Request The current request.


Filter the View fields' configuration array.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/view/configuration/fields or gravityview/view/fields filters.


Filter the View fields' configuration array.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields array Multi-array of fields with first level being the field zones.
view \GV\View The View the fields are being pulled for.


Filter the Field Collection for this View.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields \GV\Field_Collection A collection of fields.
view \GV\View The View the fields are being pulled for.


Filter the View widgets' configuration array.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields array Multi-array of widgets with first level being the field zones.
view \GV\View The View the widgets are being pulled for.


Filter the Widget Collection for this View.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
widgets \GV\Widget_Collection A collection of widgets.
view \GV\View The View the widgets are being pulled for.


Modify the entry fetching filters, sorts, offsets, limits.

Name Type Description
entries \GV\Entry_Collection The entries for this view.
view \GV\View The view.
request \GV\Request The request.


Controls whether the query is cached.

Since: 2.18.2

Name Type Description
enable_caching bool Default: true.


Modify the name of the generated CSV or TSV file. Name will be sanitized using sanitize_file_name() before output.

Since: 2.1

See: \sanitize_file_name()

Name Type Description
filename string File name used when downloading a CSV or TSV. Default is "{View title}.csv" or "{View title}.tsv"
view \GV\View Current View being rendered


Add da' BOM if GF uses it

See: \GFExport::start_export()


Allowlist more entry fields by ID that are output in CSV requests.

Name Type Description
allowed array The allowed ones, default by_visible, by_position( "context_*" ), i.e. as set in the View.
view \GV\View The view.
entry \GV\Entry WordPress representation of the item.


Name Type Description
string The query class. Default: GF_Query.
this \GV\View The View.


Bypass restrictions on Views that require unfiltered_html.

Since: develop

Name Type Description
cap string The capability requested.
user_id int The user ID.
args array Any additional args to map_meta_cap


Modify the anchor ID.

Since: 2.15

Name Type Description
anchor_id string The anchor ID.
this \GV\View The View.


Allows Multiple Forms and other plugins to deactivate this piece of functionality when loaded.

Since: 2.17.2

Name Type Description
should_apply bool Determines if legacy join condition should be applied.
query \GF_Query Which is being dealt with.
join \Join Which join we are dealing with.
view self Instance of the view we are dealing with.


Deprecated: Here for back-compatibility.


Override the field label.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
column_label string The label to override.
context \GV\Template_Context The context. Does not have entry set here.


Modify the fields displayed in a table.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/table/fields


Modify the fields displayed in this tables.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
fields \GV\Field_Collection The fields.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Filter the row attributes for the row in table view.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
attributes array The HTML attributes.
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Modify the class applied to the entry row.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/table/entry/class


Modify the class aplied to the entry row.

Name Type Description
class string The existing class.
\GV\Template_Context The context.


Filter the field class about to be created from the configuration.

Name Type Description
field_class string The field class about to be used.
configuration array The configuration as per \GV\Field::as_configuration()


Override the displayed value here.

Name Type Description
value string The value.
\GV\Field The field we're doing this for.
view \GV\View The view for this context if applicable.
source \GV\Source The source (form) for this context if applicable.
entry \GV\Entry The entry for this context if applicable.
request \GV\Request The request for this context if applicable.


Override the displayed value here.

Name Type Description
value string The value.
\GV\Field The field we're doing this for.
view \GV\View The view for this context if applicable.
source \GV\Source The source (form) for this context if applicable.
entry \GV\Entry The entry for this context if applicable.
request \GV\Request The request for this context if applicable.


Should this field be visible?

Name Type Description
visible bool Visible or not, defaults to the set field capability requirement if defined.
field \GV\Field The field we're looking at.
\GV\View, null A context view. Since @develop


Is the current admin page a GravityView-related page?

Name Type Description
is_page string, bool If false, no. If string, the name of the page (single, settings, or views)
hook string The name of the page to check against. Is passed to the method.


Overrides whether GravityView supports a feature.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
supports bool, null Whether the feature is supported. Default: null.


Filter default global settings.

Name Type Description
[in,out] array The defaults.


Override whether to show GravityView settings.

Since: 1.7.6

Name Type Description
show_settings bool Default: true


Deprecated: Here for back-compatibility.


Override the field label.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
label string The label to override.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Name Type Description
hide_empty bool Should the row be hidden if the value is empty? Default: don't hide.
context \GV\Template_Context The context ;) Love it, cherish it. And don't you dare modify it!


Modify the template slug about to be loaded in directory views.

Since: 1.6

See: gravityview_get_template_id filter \The

Name Type Description
slug string Default: 'table'
view string The current view context: single


Filter the template class that is about to be used to render the entry.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
class string The chosen class - Default: \GV\Entry_Table_Template.
entry \GV\Entry The entry about to be rendered.
view \GV\View The view connected to it.
request \GV\Request The associated request.


Deprecated: Here for back-compatibility.


Override the field label.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
label string The label to override.
context \GV\Template_Context The context.


Name Type Description
bool Should the row be hidden if the value is empty? Default: don't hide.
context \GV\Template_Context The context ;) Love it, cherish it. And don't you dare modify it!


Modify the class applied to the entry row.

Deprecated: Use gravityview/template/list/entry/class


Modify the class aplied to the entry row.

Name Type Description
class string The existing class.
\GV\Template_Context The context.


The logic attributes.

Since: 2.5

Name Type Description
atts array The logic attributes.


Filter the logger instance being used for logging.

Name Type Description
logger \GV\Logger The logger instance.


Modify the template slug about to be loaded in directory views.



Figure out whether to get the entries or not.

Name Type Description
get_entries bool Get entries or not, default: true.


Filter the template class that is about to be used to render the view.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
class string The chosen class - Default: \GV\View_Table_Template.
view \View The view about to be rendered.
request \GV\Request The associated request.


Allow appending the View ID anchor to the search URL.

Since: 2.15

Name Type Description
set_view_id_anchor bool


Allow more entry fields that are output in regular REST requests.

Name Type Description
allowed array The allowed ones, default by_visible, by_position( "context_*" ), i.e. as set in the view.
view \GV\View The view.
entry \GV\Entry The entry.
request \WP_REST_Request Request object.
context string The context (directory, single)


Filter the key name in the results for JSON output.

Name Type Description
field_id string The ID. Should be unique or keys will be gobbled up.
view \GV\View The view.
entry \GV\Entry The entry.
request \WP_REST_Request Request object.
context string The context (directory, single)


meta tags in the HTML output describing the data.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
insert_meta bool Add tags? [Default: true]
count int The number of entries being rendered
view \GV\View The view.
request \WP_REST_Request Request object.
total int The number of total entries for the request


Da' BOM :)


Disable rest output. Final chance.

Name Type Description
bool Enable or not.
view \GV\View The view.


Make various pieces of data available to the template under the $gravityview scoped variable.

Since: 2.0

Name Type Description
context \GV\Template_Context The context for this template.
template \GV\View_Template The current template.


Allow template choices to be filtered.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
templates array Names of template files that should be looked for, for given slug and name.
slug string Template slug.
name string Template variation name.


Allow ordered list of template paths to be amended.

Since: 1.0.0

Name Type Description
var array Default is directory in child theme at index 1, parent theme at 10, and plugin at 100.


Deprecated: Do not use this filter anymore.


Deprecated: Do not use this filter anymore.


Append content to a field label.

Name Type Description
appended_content string Content you can add after a label. Empty by default.
field array GravityView field array


Modify field label output.

Since: 1.7

Name Type Description
label string Field label HTML
field array GravityView field array
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry array Gravity Forms entry array


Append content to a field label.

Name Type Description
appended_content string Content you can add after a label. Empty by default.
field array GravityView field array


Modify field label output.

Since: 1.7

Name Type Description
label string Field label HTML
field array GravityView field array
form array Gravity Forms form array
entry array Gravity Forms entry array
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