This website gives the user access to information about almost (but not quite) every backpacking and hiking trail in Oregon. It has the following functionality. Allow users to create accounts with email and password or with Google credientials. Utilize protected routing, e.g. only logged-in users can access certain pages. On the homepage, display all trails on a Google map: trails near each other are clustered into single markers. On the Trails page, all 500 trails are listed as well as displayed, again, on a map. The Trails page also has search functionality. Users may search trails by name, location, or proximity to a given location. E.g. trails that are X number of miles from location Y. We used the haversine formula and several APIs for this. After a search, the trails list and map display the relevent results. Additionally, each trail has a detail page, which includes a forecast, trailhead location, an air quality index rating, and a list of trip reports generated by users who have recently hiked that trail. We think these reports are the most useful feature on the site. A similar site, Washington Trails Association,, has trip reports, and we and many of our backpacking friends have found them extremely helpful when choosing routes and planning trips.
- Drastically style (while maintaining the simple, accessible user interface) the entire site.
- Create user dashboard. Allow user to create full profile, post pictures and reviews, and comment and rate helpful trip reports.
- Flesh out our database of trails so that every single backpacking and hiking trail in Oregon is included.
- On the trail detail page, include length of trail, difficulty level, whether trail is a day- or multiple-night hike.
- Create feed on homepage listing most recent trail reports.
- Implement NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) API, thus allowing far more accurate forecasting. E.g. enable forecasting for precise latitude and longitude coordinates, so that hikers can best plan for extended, remote, and high altitude trips.
- Build a mobile version of the site.
- Build a mobile app.
None required. For a live version of the site, visit:
- CSS, Bootstrap
- Typescript
- Angular
- Firebase
- APIs: Google Maps. Open Weather. Google geocode. AQI api.
John Rykken Chase Bowden Dave Lewis Dan Kiss
Licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2018 John Rykken Chase Bowden