Just 4 coders coding
Closet Fashionista is a simple yes/no voting app for fashion and style. Users can log in, upload a photo of an outfit, accessory or style and let their fellow users vote on how well that color, look, or vibe works for them.
It can push to heroku with postgres as an addin db, but needs persistent data store for images We started to connect to Amazon S3 account for that storage, could be finished Allowing users to star favorites Allow users to put up outfit choices (3 tops with a bottom) and get votes Allow users to access your closet and build outfits for you - tell me what to wear
Angular front-end Node.js and Express server Postgres for the Database AWS-SDK -- amazons sdk for accessing s3 buckets
Master project file is maintained at the Org Level Each dev forks the main repo to their github and then clones that copy to their local git Add the master branch from the Org(CodeQuatro) as an upstream master for future pull --rebase commands We had some difficulty with rebase in endless loops when there were conflicts
-- starting new branch/feature -- git pull --rebase upstream master to get latest changes (as needed)
git checkout -b to start new branch git add and git commit early and often to your local branch git push orign to backup to github
-- prior to final push/pull request to org master -- git add and commit in your local branch git pull --rebase upstream master to get latest changes to local master resolve any conflicts => when in doubt, slack it out and ask others git push orign to your github submit pull request to scrum master/maintainer of master repo from your newly updated branch on your github
repeat as need with new branches/features
git pull --rebase upstream master can happen anytime you need to grab changes to the org master repo, or after the scrum master lets you know any changes have been merged into the master branch