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FireInstall edited this page Sep 10, 2024 · 2 revisions


While not being a permission, owner and member access to a sign dictates a lot, what a user can do with a lock.

Owners is a set of users who can use and edit a lock. The first owner of a lock is set, when a lock is created. Additional owners can only get added by admins with the padlock.admin.edit permission.

Members is a list of users who can use a lock. Members may get added when a lock is created, or by owners and admins. Additionally, there are multiple ways to acquire access level of a member of the lock, without being a member:

  • If the access type of a sign is public
  • If the user apply the right password if one was set (temporary!)
  • Having the padlock.admin.use permission

Cmd help
Allows to use the /padlock help command - But what commands are shown there is guarded behind the permissions of the specific commands.

Cmd info
Allows members and owners of a lock to acquire more information via /padlock info about it. Includes

  • List of members
  • List owners
  • The access type
  • The timer to toggle if any was set
  • Expiration of the lock

Cmd set access type

Owners of a sign can with /padlock setaccesstype <type> set how players that are neither owners nor members interact with the locked block:

access type explanation
private the standard access type: nobody except members and owners are allowed to use / interact with the locked
public everyone has member access
donation everyone can put items in, but only members and owners can take them out
display everyone can open and look at the items, but neither put more items in nor take any out
supply everyone can take items out, but only members and owners put any items in

Cmd set connected

Owners of a sign may set if adjacent openable blocks of the same type should open / close together.

Cmd set timer

Owners of a sign may set a duration after witch openable blocks (doors, trapdoors, fence gates) should toggle after getting used.

Cmd set password

Owners of a sign may set a password via /padlock setpw so users can get temporary member access

Cmd apply password

Users can get temporarily member access via /padlock applypassword

Cmd version

/padlock version returns the version of this plugin.

Cmd update sign

Using /padlock updatedisplay forces the plugin to update the txt of the lock sign. This may come in handy whenever a user has changed their user name or the language file was changed.

Cmd reload

padlock.cmd.reload Reloads the config and language files via /padlock reload.

Cmd update sign

Using /padlock updatelegacy forces the plugin to update a lock sign from Lockette(Pro) signs.

Admin cmds

padlock.admin.cmds Permission to use all Commands (except debug).

Action lock

Allows a user to create lock signs.

Action lock others

padlock.action.lockothers Allows a user to create locks they don't own.
Note: A user still needs the action lock permission to create locks at all.
Note: Does not allow to add / change owners of a lock after it was created.


Needed for ALL changes to a lock after it was created.

  • Does permit to select locks
  • Does permit to add / remove members

Admin edit

padlock.admin.edit Edit locks owned by other players. padlock.edit is a child of this permission.

Admin break

padlock.admin.break Break locks owned by other players.

Admin password

padlock.admin.password Allows to manage passwords of Signs one does not own. Dangerous!

Admin use

padlock.admin.use Use locked blocks of other players

Admin interfere

padlock.admin.interfere Place blocks that would interfere with locked blocks.


padlock.debug Debug permission. Only for development/serious problems.


padlock.admin Parent of all other permissions.