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Engineering Documentation

Arun Bakt edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 18 revisions


Kotlin and Koin

Work in progress

Data and Entity Model

The data stored by Treetracker app on the device is structured as Entities used by the Room persistence framework. The following is the list of these entities with brief description.

  • PlanterInfoEntity - Stores planter information when user registers on a device
  • PlanterCheckInEntity - Stores the check-in log of a planter
  • TreeCaptureEntity - Stores the details of a tree tracking activity
  • TreeAttributeEntity - Stores additional attributes of a tree during a tracking activity
  • LocationDataEntity - Stores the GPS data of the device when planter is taking the picture of a tree

Entity relationship diagram

The following diagram gives an overview of the entities and their relationship with each other.

Entity data definition

All the entities, the fields and their description are tabulated below


Holds the user information when planter registers on a device. A device may have multiple users and thus this table might have more than one record in a device.

column Description
_id The primary key for the table
identifier string variable that stores email address or phone number to uniquely identify a planter. Note that this uniqueness constraint is not defined in the entity definition but in the application code.
first_name first name of the planter
last_name last name of the planter
organization An optional field that stores the name of the organization the user or planter registered on the device belongs to.
phone Currently not being used in the app
email Currently not being used
latitude GPS location data of the registering user
longitude GPS location data of the registering user
uploaded A flag to identify whether the registered user info has been uploaded or not
created_at Unix time at which the user registered
bundle_id Usage yet to be determined Note
record_uuid This UUID is only for detecting duplicate inserts later in the greenstand pipeline, it has no significance in identifying the planter.
Note: <a name="Usage-Note"/> This attribute must have been added
earlier for some reason that the document creator has not yet determined.


Holds the details of each check-in of a planter logging the time and reference to the planter_info id and a photo url. This entry is used as a reference by the tree_capture entity to associate the tree tracking entries to identify the planter.

column Description
_id Autogenerated primary key of the table
planter_info_id The reference to the planter_info record to associate this check-in to a specific planter
local_photo_path Stores the path of the picture of the planter taken during a check-in
longitue GPS location data of the planter during check-in
latitude GPS location data of the planter during check-in
created_at Unix time at which the planter checked in
photo_url Usage yet to be determined Note


Holds the details of each individual tree tracked by the app. Each record has associated planter_check_in reference identifying the planter tracking the individual tree.

column description
_id Autogenerated primary key of the table
uuid A UUID for the new tree tracker acitivity logged in the device
planter_checkin_id A reference to the record in planter_check_in associated with this tree tracker activiy
local_photo_path The path of the tree image taken during a tree tracking activity
photo_url Usage yet to be determined Note
note_content Holds any note taken during the tree tracker activity
latitude GPS location of the tree obtained at the time of capturing its picture
longitude GPS location data of the tree obtained at the time of capturing its picture
accuracy GPS location accuracy metric from android.Location class
uploaded A flag to denote whether a specific record in the table has been synced with the greenstand services for verifying tree growth and attributing the work to a planter
created_at Unix time at which the tree tracking activity was created
bundle_id Usage yet to be determined Note


Holds one or more optional attributes of a specific tree associated with a record in tree_capture if capturing such attributes are enabled in the app. One such example is the height of a tree which is a feature that can be enabled in the app.

column description
_id Autogenerated primary key of the table
key A value for the name of the tree attribute
value The value for the tree attribute
tree_capture_id A reference to the specific tree tracking activity recorded in tree_capture and thus associates this tree attribute to the specific tree tracked.


In addition to the GPS data stored along in tree_capture for each tree, additional location data is stored during the process where the planter initiates the "Add Tree" and is taken to the camera screen. From this moment when the camera is activated and until the time where an actual image of a tree is captured, any stream of location data streamed by the device is captured in this table. The location stream is triggered only when there is a detectable change in location by the device. This additional data is for improving the verification process at Greenstand in ascribing the planters work of tracking a tree and its growth.

The base64 encoded json data is obtained from the LocationData data class in the class. This json contains the planterCheckInId attribute associating a checkin to the location data thus making it unnecessary to track the planter_check_in in the table.

Importantly, this table has no functional value for the treetracker application except for data collection for analysis.

column description
_id Autogenerated primary key of the table
base64_json A base64 encoded json data containing location information of the device when the tree image capture is in progress. The json format is derived from the data class LocationData in class
uploaded A flag to denote whether the location data has been uploaded to green stand services or not
created_at Unix time at the time location data is recorded

Planter login and switching between planters

Navigation flows

Tree capture and associated flows

Syncing of planter info and tree's planted