A tmux parameterizer
Zmux provides a simple way to parameterize commands across several tmux panes. A simple example:
$ zmux launch "ls {directory}"
Supply up to 6 values for directory: ., zmux
💅 Creating tmux layout
🚀 Sending command to pane 1/2
🚀 Sending command to pane 2/2
% ls .
LICENSE setup.py zmux
README.md tests zmux.egg-info
% ls zmux
__init__.py __main__.py __pycache__ cli.py
Installation using pipx
is recommended:
pipx install zmux
Or using pip
pip install zmux
For help, run:
zmux --help
You can also use:
python -m zmux --help
To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:
cd zmux
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:
pip install -e '.[test]'
To run the tests: