Team Members: John Keaney, Utkarsh Gupta, Yifan Zhu, Dominik Guzowski, Mike Kelly, Aaron Byrne.
Demonstrator: Dung Pham.
Client: Trinity Teaching & Learning: Stephanie Reilly.
If you wish to see a live version of the app you can view it here:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Navigate to the correct directory:
cd ttl_hotdesking_system
- Install dependencies
npm install
cd client && npm install
- Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn
- Start the server
yarn dev
Our app aims to provide for swift booking of desks by the hotdesking method. Users should be able to book through a calendar view. An administrator should be able to oversee all, including implementing functionality such as quotas, and running usage reports.
- John Keaney ( - 18328855)
- Utkarsh Gupta ( - 19312536)
- Yifan Zhu ( - 18300717)
- Dominik Guzowski ( - 19334866)
- Mike Kelly ( - 18318983)
- Aaron Byrne ( -19334098)