Names: 1- Sufian. 2- Qusai. 3- Ayah. 4- Sukina. 5- Abdallah. 6- Sumaya.
A website for tourists to view our recommended places in Jordan according to previous people who were in Jordan using our guidance through the website.
Title: Recumended places User Story sentence: As a user i would like to know recommended places in the website. Feature Tasks: Featuring the recomended places that have been visited. Acceptance Tests: the user should see the image and the name of the place.
Title: Ratings User Story sentence: i would like to see the rating for each place. Feature Tasks: I would like to see the most rated place. Acceptance Tests: the user should see the rating for each place.
Title: Testimonials User Story sentence: As a user i would like to know the opinions for the pre tourist. Feature Tasks: I would like to see people's opnions about the place that they have visisted. Acceptance Tests: the user should see the opnions for each place.
Title: location User Story sentence: As a user i would like to know the location for a specific place. Feature Tasks: I would like to see the location for each place. Acceptance Tests: the user should see the location for each place.
Title: contact with a local family User Story sentence: As a user i would like to contact with a local family to stay in their home. Feature Tasks: I would like to see the contact information and images for each house. Acceptance Tests: the user should see the contact information and images for each house.
- What is the group process to resolve conflict, when it arises?
- We will have a democracy system so we will vote on every solution we provide (Different opinions).
- In case of a dissagrement the leader or anyone can help this person for his issue.
- How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing?
In this case we will all try to motivate him/her and help him/her on this matter.
- How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful?
No we will try to understand why he/she has this conflict and try to solve it and if there is no hope for him/her to contribute, then we will do his/her work with no problems.
- How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend?
We will communicate through the slack zoom, and Email.
- What is your strategy for ensuring everyone’s voice is heard?
We will have a democracy system so we will vote on every solution and idea we provide.
- How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?
- How you will identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general?
we will have like a deadline for each assignement delivered for each person in the team, so can track our progress.
- What project management tool will be used?
- What components of your project will live on GitHub?
The whole project will live on Github
- How will you share the repository with your teammates?
my teammates are already a contibuter in the repository.
- What is your Git flow?
First we will work on a branch for every feature we add then we will merge to the main branch.
- Will you be using a PR review workflow?
How many people must review a PR?
Depends on the task, if we are all done with main assinement so we will review our PR's as a group, if there is a small task between 3 or less they will review the PR and tell the team that they will merge this PR so please do your pull from he main.
- Who merges PRs?
The leader of the group
- How often will you merge?
Atleast once a day
How will you communicate that it’s time to merge?
On meeting sission we will dicide if its time to merge.