This repository contains miniRyś robot navigation system in ROS2 using the nav2 navigation software and SLAM Toolbox. Nav2 is a fully integrated navigation software that allows robots to navigate in dynamic and changing environments.
Before starting, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS2 Humble
- Nav2
- SLAM Toolbox
To run the navigation system, use the following commands:
- Run RViz node with miniRyś robot model
ros2 launch minirys_nav2_bringup namespace:=<robot_namespace>
- Run Nav2 navigation stack
ros2 launch minirys_nav2_bringup namespace:=<robot_namespace>
To run SLAM, use the following commands:
- Run RViz node with miniRyś robot model
ros2 launch minirys_nav2_bringup namespace:=<robot_namespace>
- Run SLAM Toolbox node
ros2 launch minirys_nav2_bringup namespace:=<robot_namespace>
In order to save a map you can use the map_saver tool from the ros2 map_server package
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f <map_file_name>