This project is a collection of simple tools for INDI astrophotography.
Currently it consists of two main projects:
- indi-sequence-shell: a bash only sequence generator
- indi-ccd-preview: a web application to preview images, meant to be useed as GUI complementary for indi-sequence-shell.
The typical workflow of this set of applications would be:
- start a screen session, or even better, tmux, for each shell, if you work remotely, to avoid killing the programs when you close your shell. It is recommended to start 3 sessions:
- indi server
- indi-ccd-preview
- indi-sequence-shell
- start the indi-ccd-preview server
- connect to indi-ccd-preview using your browser, to get an initial focus, choose the right field of view, and to get an initial preview of the correct exposures to use.
- create the sequence using indi-sequence-shell
- configure the sequence as described in indi-sequence-shell README
- start the sequence
- for each filter in the sequence, connect to indi-ccd-preview using your browser to refocus, then in the Misc tab you can automatically make the sequence continue.