Vulkan and C++ render engine, Require the Vulkan Library
Scene creation: Show how to Initilize the engine and render a basic object.
ScenePBR: Render a scene using a physically based model.
Move around the scene using:
up / down arrows to move forward / backward.
left / right arrows to move left / right.
space / left ctrl to move up / down.
F1 to lock the mouse cursor to the window.
Escape to close the program.
Guillaume JUSTE - main developer
東京工科大学メディア学部渡辺大地 / Tokyo University of Technology, Media science department, Watanabe Daichi 東京工科大学メディア学部阿部雅樹 / Tokyo University of Technology, Media science department, Abe Masaki
Maxime ROUFFET - Vulkan implementation counseling
Vulkan implementation : Vulkan tutorial
Lighting implementation : Learn openGL