A music FPS game, using Max/Msp as sound engine
The commnication between Max and Unity is developed by using the plugin from https://www.uni-weimar.de/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/GMU:Tutorials/Visual_Interaction/How_to_Control_Unity_with_MaxMsp#References
To run the game, please first open the two patches under the folder MaxPatch and start the patch, then build the game in Unity .
W: Forward A: Left
S: Backward D: Right
Space: Jump hold Left Shift while moving: double speed
Left click: shoot
The goal of the player is to build a sequencer by shooting the enemies, feel the sound experience created by yourself and feel the aesthetic of this game!
please download Max/MSP to be able to load the sound engine:
The volume of each sound engine may need to be manully adjusted to create better sound experience.
Interface Preview