Flexshop can be used as an educative tool to allow students to be more autonomous behind their machines.
Using the app, you can have direct and quick access to useful security rules, risks and required protection equipment
The app is provided as-is but you can use it as you wish !
UI/UX design work is accessible here please, do not modify unless you know what you're doing
- UI/UX design of the app
- Basic implementation of the design using Flutter
- Distant API schema design
- QR Code implementation in Flutter
- Slide interface on webapp
The mobile architecture uses the following components to work:
- Flutter
- font_awesome_flutter (^8.8.0)
- google_fonts (^0.3.10)
- flutter_multi_carousel (^1.0.0)
- flare_splash_screen (^3.0.1)
- flare_flutter (^2.0.1)
The web app uses the following components to work:
- Node.js
- express (^4.17.1)
- sqlite (^^3.0.6)
- bluebird (^3.7.2)
- dotenv (^8.2.0)
- multer (^1.4.2)
- twig (^1.15.1)
- Fabien AUBRET
- Lead Project Manager, Developer
- Engineering student (Mechanical, Manufacturing and Quality Check)
- Arts et Métiers Engineering school
- Hobbyist developer (Fullstack)
- Contact: fabien.aubret@gadz.org
- Grégoire NIAU
- Co-Project Manager, Developer
- Engineering student (Mechanical, Manufacturing and Quality Check)
- Arts et Métiers Engineering school
- Hobbyist developer (Python, Flutter)
- Contact: [gregoire.niau@gadz.org]
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.