This repository contains the source code of the examples of usage Stimulsoft Reports.Net reporting tool in the Windows Forms applications, using C# code and WinForms components.
This repository has many examples (Visual Studio Projects) each in different folders:
- Create Report in Runtime from Business Object
- Cross-Tab Runtime
- Custom Component
- Custom Component 2
- Custom Viewer
- Demo
- Export many files to One Big PDF
- Export Rendered Report
- Export Reports
- Global events Save and Load
- Globalized Reports
- Live Reports
- MDI Designer
- Memory Test
- My Copyrights
- Print Grid
- Print Test
- Realtime Preview
- Render in Thread
- Render in Thread 2
- Runtime Report Creation
- Runtime Table Creation
- Sample Progress
- Save and Load Report in Designer
- Selecting Columns
- Sub-Reports
- User Data in Reports
- Using Business Objects
- Using Linq in Reports
- Using Report Variables
- Viewer and Right-To-Left
- Work with Report Components
They are all combined in a Visual Studio solution (.sln-file).
The Report folder has all report files for sample projects (.mrt format), the Data folder has sample of data files (NWIND.MDB, Demo.xml and Demo.xsd) required for building reports.
In order to start simply open the Visual Studio solution file in the IDE Visual Studio and run the required project as Startup Project. The required libraries will be automatically downloaded from NuGet repository.
Stimulsoft Reports.Net is a .NET based reporting tool which helps you create flexible and feature rich reports. All reports are created in a report designer with handy and user-friendly interface. Using Stimulsoft Reports.Net you can create reports on the basis of various data sources. Created reports can be used both in Windows Forms and ASP.NET. Rendered reports can be exported to different formats.
You can try the Live Demo
Read more about Stimulsoft Reports.Net