Open rotating mechanical fault data set
众所周知,当下做机械故障诊断研究最基础的就是数据,再先进的方法也离不开数据的检验。笔者通过文献资料收集到如下几个比较常用的数据集并进行整理。鉴于目前尚未见比较全面的数据集整理介绍。数据来自原始研究方,笔者只整理数据获取途径。如果研究中使用了数据集,请按照版权方要求作出相应说明和引用。在此,公开研究数据的研究者表示感谢和致敬。如涉及侵权,请联系我删除(。欢迎相关领域同仁一起交流。很多优秀的论文都有数据分享,本项目保持更新。星标是比较通用的数据集。个别数据集下载可能比较困难,需要的可以邮件联系我,如版权方有要求,述不提供。 注:给索要数据的朋友,希望是真的试过了无法获取再来索要。伸手党确实不受欢迎。另外,也欢迎修改提供公开的新数据源。
- 数据下载连接( CWRU数据集是使用最为广泛的,文献较多。不一一举例。其中University of New South Wales 的Wade A. Smith在2015年进行了比较全面的总结和对比[1]。比较客观的综述和分析了使用数据进行诊断和分析研究的情况。官方网站提供的是.mat格式的数据,MATLAB直接使用比较方便。
- Github上有人分享了在python中自动下载和使用的方法。
- R语言中使用的方法:
- Smith W A, Randall R B. Rolling element bearing diagnostics using the Case Western Reserve University data: A benchmark study[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015,64-65:100-131.
NRG Systems总工程师Eric Bechhoefer博士代表MFPT组装和准备数据。
- 数据链接:(
- 声学和振动数据库链接(
- MATLAB 文档关于MFPT轴承数据的故障诊断举例。 连接( 使用该数据集的相比于CWRU少一些。2012年更新。 一些对数据描述的论文[2]。
- Lee D, Siu V, Cruz R, et al. Convolutional neural net and bearing fault analysis[C]//Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp), 2016: 194.
- 链接:
- 相关说明及论文[3, 4]。
- Bin Hasan M. Current based condition monitoring of electromechanical systems. Model-free drive system current monitoring: faults detection and diagnosis through statistical features extraction and support vector machines classification.[D]. University of Bradford, 2013.
- Lessmeier C, Kimotho J K, Zimmer D, et al. Condition monitoring of bearing damage in electromechanical drive systems by using motor current signals of electric motors: a benchmark data set for data-driven classification: Proceedings of the European conference of the prognostics and health management society, 2016[C].
- 由FEMTO-ST研究所建立的PHM IEEE 2012数据挑战期间使用的数据集[5-7]。
- github链接:
- Porotsky S, Bluvband Z. Remaining useful life estimation for systems with non-trendability behaviour: Prognostics & Health Management, 2012[C].
- Nectoux P, Gouriveau R, Medjaher K, et al. PRONOSTIA: An experimental platform for bearings accelerated degradation tests.: IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, PHM'12., 2012[C]. IEEE Catalog Number: CPF12PHM-CDR.
- E. S, H. O, A. S S V, et al. Estimation of remaining useful life of ball bearings using data driven methodologies: 2012 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 2012[C].2012 18-21 June 2012.
- 数据链接
- 相关论文[8, 9]。
- Gousseau W, Antoni J, Girardin F, et al. Analysis of the Rolling Element Bearing data set of the Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems of the University of Cincinnati: CM2016, 2016[C].
- Qiu H, Lee J, Lin J, et al. Wavelet filter-based weak signature detection method and its application on rolling element bearing prognostics[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006,289(4):1066-1090.
- 数据链接:
- 数据描述: Time domain gear fault vibration data (DataForClassification_TimeDomain) And Gear fault data after angle-frequency domain synchronous analysis (DataForClassification_Stage0) Number of gear fault types=9={'healthy','missing','crack','spall','chip5a','chip4a','chip3a','chip2a','chip1a'} Number of samples per type=104 Number of total samples=9x104=903 The data are collected in sequence, the first 104 samples are healthy, 105th ~208th samples are missing, and etc.
- 相关论文[10]。
- P. C, S. Z, J. T. Preprocessing-Free Gear Fault Diagnosis Using Small Datasets With Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Transfer Learning[J]. IEEE Access, 2018,6:26241-26253.
- 链接:
- 使用数据集的论文[11]。
- B. W, Y. L, N. L, et al. A Hybrid Prognostics Approach for Estimating Remaining Useful Life of Rolling Element Bearings[J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018:1-12.
- github连接: 由东南大学严如强团队博士生邵思雨完成[12]。“Highly Accurate Machine Fault Diagnosis Using Deep Transfer Learning” Gearbox dataset is from Southeast University, China. These data are collected from Drivetrain Dynamic Simulator. This dataset contains 2 subdatasets, including bearing data and gear data, which are both acquired on Drivetrain Dynamics Simulator (DDS). There are two kinds of working conditions with rotating speed - load configuration set to be 20-0 and 30-2. Within each file, there are 8rows of signals which represent: 1-motor vibration, 2,3,4-vibration of planetary gearbox in three directions: x, y, and z, 5-motor torque, 6,7,8-vibration of parallel gear box in three directions: x, y, and z. Signals of rows 2,3,4 are all effective.
- 链接: [藻类跑道数据集] [CFRP复合材料数据集] [铣削数据集] [轴承数据集] [电池数据集] [涡轮风扇发动机退化模拟数据集] [PHM08挑战数据集] [IGBT加速老化Sata集] [投石机]数据集] [FEMTO轴承数据组] [随机电池使用数据组] [电容器电应力数据组] [MOSFET热过载时效数据组] [电容器电应力数据组 - 2] [HIRF电池数据组]
需要参赛才能下载数据,数据使用需要获得版权方授权。多台压缩机,汽轮机的转子部件脱落数据。很实用。 工业大数据创新平台
- [1]mith W A, Randall R B. Rolling element bearing diagnostics using the Case Western Reserve University data: A benchmark study[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015,64-65:100-131.
- [2]rstraete D, Ferrada A, Droguett E L, et al. Deep learning enabled fault diagnosis using time-frequency image analysis of rolling element bearings[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2017,2017.
- [3] Bin Hasan M. Current based condition monitoring of electromechanical systems. Model-free drive system current monitoring: faults detection and diagnosis through statistical features extraction and support vector machines classification.[D]. University of Bradford, 2013.
- [4] Lessmeier C, Kimotho J K, Zimmer D, et al. Condition monitoring of bearing damage in electromechanical drive systems by using motor current signals of electric motors: a benchmark data set for data-driven classification: Proceedings of the European conference of the prognostics and health management society, 2016[C].
- [5] Porotsky S, Bluvband Z. Remaining useful life estimation for systems with non-trendability behaviour: Prognostics & Health Management, 2012[C].
- [6] Nectoux P, Gouriveau R, Medjaher K, et al. PRONOSTIA: An experimental platform for bearings accelerated degradation tests.: IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, PHM'12., 2012[C]. IEEE Catalog Number: CPF12PHM-CDR.
- [7] E. S, H. O, A. S S V, et al. Estimation of remaining useful life of ball bearings using data driven methodologies: 2012 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 2012[C].2012 18-21 June 2012.
- [8] Gousseau W, Antoni J, Girardin F, et al. Analysis of the Rolling Element Bearing data set of the Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems of the University of Cincinnati: CM2016, 2016[C].
- [9] Qiu H, Lee J, Lin J, et al. Wavelet filter-based weak signature detection method and its application on rolling element bearing prognostics[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006,289(4):1066-1090.
- [10] P. C, S. Z, J. T. Preprocessing-Free Gear Fault Diagnosis Using Small Datasets With Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Transfer Learning[J]. IEEE Access, 2018,6:26241-26253.
- [11] B. W, Y. L, N. L, et al. A Hybrid Prognostics Approach for Estimating Remaining Useful Life of Rolling Element Bearings[J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018:1-12.
- [12] S. S, S. M, R. Y, et al. Highly Accurate Machine Fault Diagnosis Using Deep Transfer Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019,15(4):2446-2455.