SEEK to evaluate Super Enhancer-expression correlations and identify expression assocaited Super Enhancers (eSEs) using single-cell multi-omic Data
With necessary modifications, the proposed workflow is versatile and is logically adaptable to current established single-cell multi-omic measures of transcriptome and histone modification, including Paired-Tag, CoTECH, SET-seq, EpiDamID and others. The below pipeline is constructed for Paired-Tag data processing. For data from other platforms, specific tools (e.g, reachtools for Paired-Tag) are likely needed for processing the data with their specific formats and settings such as barcodes and demultiplexing. Users can check with their orginal papers for appropriate tools and protocols and accordingly modify the STEPs 1-2 of this pipeline.
macs,, macs2 was used in this pipeline
Seurat,, Seurat v4.0.2 was used in this pipeline
Others: Tool dependencies of all above tools.
pipeline coded in this work:
- Process same-cell multi-omic data of each sub-libarary, following the protocol in
- Merge bam files.
- (Optional) Extracting H3K27ac data from pooled data of different histones.
- Constrcut Seurat object with single-cell transcriptome data.
- Identify cell types and generate corresponding barcode lists.
In the mouse brain study, the RNA sequencing read counts were normalized using the “LogNormalize” method and further centered and scaled by standard deviations. 2000 highly variable feature were selected, and dimension of their space was reduced using the top 20 principal components. Further, cell clusters were identified using the Louvain optimization-based clustering method, and were visualized in reduced dimensions of Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). Based on the expression of markers that were used in the original study of GSE152020, 18 cell types were identified, including 7 FC cell types (FC L2/3, FC L4, FC L5, FC PT, FC NP, FC CT, FC L6), 3 HC cell types (HC CA1, HC CA2/3, HC DG), 3 Interneurons (InNeu-CGE, InNeu-Sst, InNeu-Pvalb), Oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC), Oligodendrocytes (Oligo), Astrocytes, Endothelial cells and Ependymal cells (Fig. S1).
- Extract data for the specific cell type.
- Call peaks of H3K27ac modification.
- Identify SE based on the rank of the H3K27ac signal.
- Pool SEs identified in all cell types.
- Quantify histone modification at all SEs in each single cell.
Conjugate histone modification data into above seurat object.
- Perform standard correlation analysis to identify eSEs.
- Integrative analysis and visualization of eSEs.
w.exp<-weight.calc(count.exp, celltype=celltype)
w.histone<-weight.calc(count.histone, celltype=celltype)
wcorr<-wcorr.calc(dat.exp, dat.histone,w.exp,w.histone,celltype=celltype)
wcorr.plot(dat.exp, dat.histone,w.exp,w.histone,celltype=celltype, cell="FcNeu", peak="chr2:73584986-73596983_Chn1",color="red")
Note: Although the probability of that zero is from non-expression but not drop-out is considered, but the correlation calculation is still strongly affected by the number and proportion of non-missing values. Thus, we suggest to remove features with small numbers of non-missing values to achieve a reliable correlation assessment. Our study analyzed SE-gene pairs that have non-missing multi-modal data in more than 300 cells and more than 20 cells in each major neuron type.