Hey 👋🏽, I'm John Garcia!
Software engineer passionate about technology, currently living in Swtizerland🇨🇭. I'm a member of an amazing coders community @SoloLearn, working for 👨🏽💻 @Ajila, member of @helpwithcovid. Besides programming and learning, I really enjoy a good caffe, weird experiments with threejs library, and the road with my beautiful motorcycle 🏍.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on Cerescreations portofolio implementing my two loves Threejs and Svelte 🧡;
- 🌱 Learning Svelte, Spring Boot Framework and Threejs 3d animation library 🧡;
- 🤔 Looking for help with Data Structures and Algorithms;
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- 📫 How to reach me: johnkegd@gmail.com;
- ⚡ Fun fact: learning to code helped me cook better and faster. 😂;
- 😎 Cool fact: My Girldfriend @gwendolinanna is the number one🏆 in @SoloLearn Swtizerland🇨🇭. So she's coders too 🥰. Here her currently work on progress Gwendolinanna portfolio;
- 😎 Cool fact: My Brother @Manuelmid is currently learning code and is a very good and extremely creative 3d modeller. so my path with the 3d world seems to be predestined. Contact for any work Cerescrations;
Languages and Skills:
Github stats and others: