This guide will prepare on setting up your computer for the workshop.
We recommend to install Haskell locally on your computer instead of using a VM, because you can then use your favourite text editor and a familiar environment. If, however, you are having issues with doing so, we will provide an Ubuntu-based Vagrant VM, see below on Using Vagrant.
The easiest way to do so is using stack.
stack is a tool for building Haskell projects and managing dependencies,
including installing the GHC Haskell compiler itself. It is essentially
a wrapper around an older and 'lower-level' Haskell build tool called cabal
stack is available on most platforms, please follow the official guides from stack on how to install it on your OS.
Next, you should install GHC via stack.
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) is the 'default' Haskell compiler, which we will use.
To install it, simply run:
stack setup 7.10
This might take a while.
First, obtain this repository, either via git
git clone
or simply by downloading the zip archive and extracting it.
From within the fpv9-haskell-workshop
directory run stack build
cd fpv9-haskell-workshop/
stack build
Finally, you can try running the tests
stack test
If you see something like
Progress: 1/2Test suite not yet implemented
Completed 2 action(s).
then you are done!
Download this repo (see first part of Building the sample application
Enter the directory for this repo and run vagrant
cd fpv9-haskell-workshop/ vagrant up
Now run
vagrant ssh
Finally, perform the steps in Building the sample application.
We won't need any fancy IDE features during the workshop, so feel free to use any text editor you prefer. If you're not sure what to use, Atom has quite decent Haskell support.