A Blockchain-based Toll Collection System for Heterogeneous Public Edge Platforms
Inside EdgeToll folder, there are 2 folder:
SmartContract (used smart contract development tool named truffle)
edgeBlockChain (used django for proxy server)
if you want to publish the contract in local:
- go to SmartContract
- Open Ganache client
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate --reset
So the address of contract can be found at Ganache, and you can get abi code at builds PC.json
- open a terminal and go to edgeblockchain in EdgeToll
- runserver
$ python manage.py runserver
All methods should be used as Post Request and listed parameters should be provided as data.
Register URL : ""
for edge device to register in server, after posting request, the proxy will open a paymentchannel for the provided address parameter:
- 'address' : the blockchain ethereum address of edge (string in python) return: gas fee of registeration
Send Check URL : ""
for user to post cheque to proxy parameter:
- 'senderAddress' : user address
- 'recipientAddress' = proxy address
- 'valueTransferred' = the value of cheque
- 'v' = the information of signed signature
- 'r' = the information of signed signature
- 's' = the information of signed signature
- 'edgeAddress' = the selected edge address
- 'withdraw' = whether to withdraw, can only be True or False (bool) return: gas cost of publish trasactions when 'withdraw' = True
Select Edge URL: ""
for user to select a target edge, parameter:
- 'edgesWiFi': available edges of user (ssid of WiFi) return: a target edge's ssid for connection