This is a collection of scripts for diagnosing real-time Linux environments. Tested for kernel version 5.10.
Before running the scripts, be sure the following packages are installed in the system:
gnu coreutils
or equivalent (eg. busybox or toybox)sed
(to read /proc/config.gz if present)procps
This script checks if the system is configured correctly for RT. It does not require any special parameter.
Simple ps-like program to list RT applications.
Syntax: rtps [-k] [-f|-r|-b|-i|-d]
-k also show kernel threads
Scheduling Selection
-f only show FIFO processes
-r only show Round-Robin processes
-b only show Bulk processes
-i only show Idle processes
-d only show Deadline processes
Prints information about a list of processes
Syntax: rtproc -p pid1[,pid2,pid3...]
rtproc programname