A list of free hosting services with their caracteristics, plus if they does have any JavaScript protection from bots. (only JavaScript protections, not CloudFlare or others protections !)
Webhosting4Free © 2023-endofthetime by HGStyle is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (code released under MIT License)
If yes, the website use a protection and bots (like GD clients in GDPSes) cannot access to the page. If no, everyone can access to the page. If its written "unknown", this is unknown for now (because no one tested).
About JavaScript redirections: it seems that iFastNet-based free hosting services have JavaScript redirections, they are added automatically by iFastNet on every free hosting service that they host to make API/game servers hosting impossible. Paid plans on iFastNet-based services does not have this limitation. Read this InfinityFree thread for more informations.
If you use an host and you discover that the free plan has changed, please login to GitHub, create a new issue that contain the website name, the website URL (the new one if it changed), the new disk space value with the unit (Gb or Mb, warning: Go is not equal to Gb and Gib is not equal to Gb !) and the new bandwith space per month (still with the unit). Ill do every other things, like re-test does the host has JavaScript redirects or not and ill re-rate it if needed. You can also open an issue if an host has changed his name, his url or if it got deleted, open an issue if you have found annother hosting free service, ill be happy to add it ! Thanks for your help !
LAST CHANGE: Added WebHostMost
Website name | Website URL | Disk Space | Bandwidth / month | My rating | JS/Redirects |
141412 | https://141412.xyz/ (go to their Discord) | 400 Mb | Unlimited | 6/10 | No |
MercureHosting | https://mercurehosting.com/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 8/10 | No |
FreeHostingEU | https://www.freehostingeu.com/ | 200 Mb | 4 Gb | 4/10 | No |
EOHost | https://eohost.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 5/10 | No |
ByetHost | https://byet.host/ | 1 Gb | 50 Gb | 6/10 | Yes |
GoogieHost | https://googiehost.com/ | 1 Gb | 100 Gb | 6/10 | Unknown |
PlanetHoster | https://planethoster.com/World-Lite | 750 Mb | Unlimited | 4/10 | Unknown |
AwardSpace | https://awardspace.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 5/10 | No |
InfinityFree | https://infinityfree.net/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 7/10 | Yes |
FreeHostingNoAds | https://freehostingnoads.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 5/10 | No |
AlwaysData | https://alwaysdata.com/ | 100 Mb | Unlimited | 7/10 | No |
5hark | http://5hark.net/ | 10 Gb | 100 Gb | 6/10 | Yes |
AcesHost | http://aceshost.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
FreeWebHostingArea | http://freewebhostingarea.com/ | 1.5 Gb | Unlimited | 8/10 | No |
AgilityHoster | https://agilityhoster.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
AtSpace | https://atspace.com/ | 1 Gb | Unlimited | 7/10 | No |
AlotSpace | https://alotspace.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
Biz.NF | https://biz.nf/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
DC7.US | http://dc7.us/ | 10 Gb | 100 Gb | 7/10 | Yes |
Free4U | http://free4u.runhosting.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
RunHosting | https://runhosting.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
FreeHoster | http://free-hoster.net/ | 1 Gb | 50 Gb | 6/10 | Yes |
Cloudy | http://cloudy.eu.org/ | 1 Gb | 10 Gb | 5/10 | Yes |
cPanelFree | https://cpanelfree.com/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 5/10 | Unknown |
UKHost4u | https://ukhost4u.com/free-website-hosting-uk/ | 10 Gb | 256 Mb | 3/10 | Unknown |
AeonFree | https://aeonfree.com/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 5/10 | Yes |
FreeHosting | https://freehosting.com/ | 10 Gb | Unlimited | 5/10 | Unknown |
J77.US | http://j77.us/ | 7.777 Gb | 77.777 Gb | 6/10 | Yes |
FnHost | https://fnhost.org/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 6/10 | Yes |
TekCities | https://tekcities.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
TitanHost | https://titanhost.net/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 6/10 | Yes |
uHostAll | https://uhostall.com/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 6/10 | Yes |
V90.US | http://v90.us/ | 10 Gb | 100 Gb | 7/10 | Yes |
FreePHP | http://freephp.buyhostnow.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
ROYAL Web Hosting | http://royalwebhosting.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
CGI WebHost | https://cgiwebhost.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
A-Host | http://a-host.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
Free-Hosting | https://free-hosting.org/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 6/10 | Yes |
iBestHosting | http://ibesthosting.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
uHostFull | http://uhostfull.com/ | 5 Gb | Unlimited | 6/10 | Yes |
FreeSiteHosting | http://freesitehosting.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
FreeHostPro | http://freehostpro.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
FreeHostSpace | http://freehostspace.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
FreeWebPageHost | http://freewebpagehost.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
RedWebHost | https://redwebhost.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
WebFreeHosting | https://webfreehosting.net/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
0fees | http://0fees.us/ | 300 Mb | 10 Gb | 5/10 | Yes |
125mb | https://125mb.com/ | 1 Gb | 5 Gb | 6/10 | No |
WebHostMost | https://webhostmost.com/free-web-hosting | 125 Mb | Unlimited | 5/10 | No |
More comming soon™ !
I've made a little programm that do this !
Its all in Python, so you need Python and PIP (the Python package installer).
Before using it, open a terminal and execte this command:
python3 -m pip install Js2Py requests
To use it, download it in your Python programm folder, then edit your Python programm to add:
import bypassJSredirects
To use it, do:
bypassJSredirects.bypassJSredirects('method', 'url', {"headername": "headervalue"}, {"dataname": "datavalue"})
It will return a requests.Response
object, so you can access the response easily.