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For maintainer

What to edit

All content data are abstracted into src/data/*.json. To change the content without modifying the page structures,

  • Edit corresponding JSON files
  • Git commit, push.
  • Monitor the progress at GitHub Action

About Members' Portraits

(image of arbitrary aspect ratio)
5:6 on tablet+
1:1 on mobile

On tablet+ devices, each member's photo will be displayed in a 5:6 box, stretch-to-cover & centered. On mobile devices, each member's photo will be displayed in a 1:1 circle, stretched-to-cover & top-positioned.

Therefore, please make sure the face is visible in the overlapping area.

Handover of secrets and credentials

Automatic CD is configured using GitHub Actions. When a new maintainer takes over this website, he/she should do the following:

  • Go ask for access to the HCI website directory on the departmental ras server. (CS System will add your account to an authorized user group; prior endorsement email from prof may be needed)
  • Create an SSH keypair on your local machine by ssh-keygen command
    • It is suggested to generate a dedicated keypair for CI/CD platforms instead of using the same keypair at your local device by your own
    • My example command: ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/hci_ras_ed25519 -t ed25519 -C "Created by SURNAME First Name for CI tools to access HCI Lab content at HKUST CSE ras server"
  • Copy the SSH key to the server by ssh-copy-id
    • My example command: ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/hci_ras_ed25519 username@ras.server.url
  • Test SSH connection via the keypair
    • My example command: ssh -i .ssh/hci_ras_ed25519 username@ras.server.url
  • At the GitHub repository page, goto Settings – Security:Actions and change the following repository secrets
    • RAS_DEPLOY_USER: your username to log in to ras server
    • RAS_DEPLOY_KEY: your private key (.ssh/hci_ras_ed25519 in the above example) content (yes, it is pure text. Just open it and copy-paste)

For developer


The project currently uses

The current philosophy is as follows

  • Since the content is rather static, bake as many data at build-time as possible. For example, don't host a news.json on the server and let the website fetch it on every refresh. Instead, compile a mustache template HTML with news.json to get a static HTML.
  • Since content data are mostly compiled, use JS mainly for interactive widgets.

Get it running

  • Install node environment
  • Install pnpm
    • If you don't have node installed, you can also install pnpm as standalone app, then install node environment from pnpm
  • Run pnpm i to install dependencies
  • Run pnpm run build or pnpm grunt or npx grunt or npm run build (They are the same) to build changes on local machine
  • Run pnpm run watch or pnpm grunt watch or npx grunt watch or npm run watch (they are the same) to watch changes and build on save
  • Local builds are at build/. View it with your preferred tools (e.g., VS Code Live preview extension)


There is an html VS Code snippet.

Always keep responsiveness in mind when writing codes. (Adaptability on Mobile, Tablets, Desktops)

Mustache is a logic-less template language. The only if is whether a variable is falsy or empty. For other conditional logics (assign a color to each role), add a dataPreprocessor at scripts/mustache.js with the corresponding JSON file's name, where you can change value or add fields. Examples include

  • generating maintainer.jsons' url fields from people.json (to ensure single source of truth)
  • generating publications.json's authorLine fields from authors (to add commas and "and"s)

Tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS library. It encourages you to write bunches of utility classes instead of a single named class with complex CSS definitions. This makes issues easier to track, and styling more straightforward. Many redundant code issue can be solved by templating (mustache in this case). Custom utility classes can be added in tailwind.config.js (refer to their doc here). Custom named classes are defined in src/tailwind.css. Examples are

  • card for white shadowed area
    • because it is too common and not templatable (not gathering at one place)
  • link for normal <a> hyperlinks, and list for normal bullet point ul, ol.
    • Because they are too common. Didn't apply to all a's an ul's because some are used as buttons, navs, etc. with alternative styling.
  • tooltips for popper tooltips
    • Because they are library related. Should be defined for once are don't care at all. Refer to their website for more tailwindcss philosophy.

You can visit the JSON data file inside mustache template by their file names. The build script provides the JSON data as-is by file names.

Use camelCases for any content data file in data/*.json. This ensures the build script to make data visible to mustache without any accident. But use lower-kebab-cases for any other resource files (images, folders, JS, HTML/mustache...) to avoid unexpectedly broken URL on case-sensitive systems.

main.js is included on every page. Other .js files are named after HTML/mustache files and imported by each page.

Current performance compromises

At build time

  • In grunt, the mustache task always compiles all pages. Perhaps grunt-newer can somehow tell the task about the modified pages.

At runtime

  • ...


  • Perhaps I should migrate to jinja (or nunjucks)... Mustache is too basic and there is no wide syntax support in mainstream editors.
  • Tailwind seems an overkill for small projects.
  • And I also even want to go gulp instead of Grunt...