Trip-MAML is a Multi-Aspect Multi-Lingual dataset for aspect-oriented opinion mining annotated at the sentence-level, consisting of Tripadvisor hotel reviews in English, Italian, and Spanish.
This dataset is an extension of the Trip-MA dataset, which covers the English part of the corpus consisting of 442 English hotel reviews.
The Trip-MAML extension adds 500 Italian and 500 Spanish hotel reviews that have been manually annotated at the sentence-level with Multi-Aspect sentiment labels by strictly following the same annotation protocol.
A more detailed description on the dataset and its annotation process can be found in [1, 2].
If you use the dataset, please cite:
[1] Marcheggiani, D., Täckström, O., Esuli, A., & Sebastiani, F. (2014). Hierarchical multi-label conditional random fields for aspect-oriented opinion mining. ECIR 2014.
[2] Jiménez Zafra, S. M., Berardi, G., Esuli, A., Marcheggiani, D., Martín-Valdivia, M. T., and Moreo Fernández, A. A Multi-lingual Annotated Dataset for Aspect-Oriented Opinion Mining. EMNLP 2015.