- Introduction:
In this Project, we are going to design a database for a clothing store. In which we can add products as in a database by File Handling and we can work on them like making a purchase, Updating Id, Deleting them or simple a Proper Receipt printer, with a proper GUI Interface and working of calculation with Trees, also data transfer by Queues.
Here is Our Plan and Methodology to Develop the Program.
In this code, The user name, password will be asked at first, but before that the user will be asked that how many products the user want to add. After the credentials are varified the product details will be added in the database and after that simply we can perform differert functions on that app just like:
•Show all products •Add new Products •Search by ID's •Deleting ID's / Specific-All •Update ID's •Make a purchase / Single- Multiple •Update stock •Exit
How it Works Exactly.
User Side: • User can interact with the system through Graphic User Interface. • User is asked to log in through username and password. • User has multiple choices to perform different operations. • After the user has purchased the product(s), they are asked to enter their details to generate the receipt.
Developer Side: • Declared variables that are going to be used in Program (string variables for input and results). • According to demand the desired operations can be performed. • According to the Total Price the Discounts will be Given Up to been Displayed. • We have used classes, Abstract-classes, Static-Method, Objects, Encapsulation, Exceptional Handling, Queues, Trees, Lists, Dictionaries, Loops, Condition statements and other simple functions in our project.
- Specifications:
As we have a finite knowledge about Python concepts which we studied in this Semester. So, we tried our best applying all that knowledge, and our team experience to get our Project done.
We made code for the Clothing Management which makes the Work-Process easy to use: • Classes • Abstract Class • Static Method • Objects • Encapsulation • Exceptional Handling • File Handling • Trees(for evaluating expressions) • Lists • Functions • Different loops(if, else if, While, For) • Graphic User Interface(PySimpleGUI) • Random Library Imported
- Conclusion:
In conclusion, our project aimed to develop a clothing management system using Python. We successfully designed a database for a clothing store, allowing users to add products, perform various operations, and generate receipts. Through the utilization of classes, abstract classes, static methods, objects, encapsulation, exceptional handling, file handling, trees, lists, functions, and different loops, we created a user-friendly interface with PySimpleGUI.Thank you for considering our project. We look forward to any feedback and opportunities to further refine and enhance our skills in software development.