DexterousCooperation is a software repository that contains most of the code that has been written for a project on physical human-robot collaboration. The below image shows one example, in which a person and a robot collaboratively rotate a box. The corresponding video is here: https://www.honda-ri.de/human-robot-cooperative-object-manipulation-with-contact-changes The project depends on a few libraries for robot kinematics and control (https://github.com/HRI-EU/Rcs), trajectory generation (https://github.com/HRI-EU/Tropic), path planning (https://github.com/HRI-EU/Gras) and an entity-component header-only library (https://github.com/HRI-EU/ESLib). It is written in C++ and requires the standard C++11.
## LicenseThis project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Start command simulator:
bin/TestDexterousCooperation -m 1
- Press "go to start" button in GUI
- Optional: Check "Auto accept all confirmation requests" in GUI to enable movement to next canonical state
- Press 'o' for turning the box in one direction, 'i' to turn into the other direction
Start command real robot:
bin/TestDexterousCooperation -m 1 -lbr1 -lbr2 -ime_odometry -ief -sdh1 -sdh2 -fts1 -fts2 -vic -ttc 6
- Press "go to start" button in GUI
- Press d twice in viewer window to enable IME
- Press t in viewer window to tare force torque sensors
- Check "Auto" in GUI to enable automatic triggering on sensor signals
- Enjoy playing around with the robot
bin/TestDexterousCooperation -m 2
- Press "go to start" button in GUI
- Press "engage" button in GUI
- Press "close hands" button in GUI
- Optional: Check "Auto accept all confirmation requests" in GUI to enable movement to next canonical state
- Make sure that Vicon feedback is enabled in IMEComponent
bin/TestDexterousCooperation -m 2 -lbr1 -lbr2 -ime_vicon -ief -sdh1 -sdh2 -fts1 -fts2 -vicon
- Press d twice in viewer window to enable IME
- Press "Tare" button in GUI
- Press "go to start" button in GUI
- Press t in viewer window to tare force torque sensors
- Press "engage" button in GUI
- Press "close hands" button in GUI
- Check "Auto evaluate" in GUI to enable automatic triggering on sensor signals
- Change iiwa control programs to position control
bin/InitWheelBot -ime_vicon -vicon
bin/InitWheelBot -lbr1 -sdh1
bin/InitWheelBot -lbr2 -sdh2
bin/Rcs -m 5 -alpha 1 -algo 1 -lambda 0 -f config/xml/DexterousCooperation/PoseGraph/mode1/cHandDefinedCoupledJoints.xml -scaleDragForce 0.5 -dt 0.025
bin/Rcs -m 5 -alpha 1 -algo 1 -lambda 0 -f config/xml/DexterousCooperation/PoseGraph/mode1/cHandDefinedExplicitConstraints.xml -scaleDragForce 0.5 -dt 0.025
See the DcVision for the cool polygon detection and planning project.
bin/TestPolygonPlanner -m 1
source ~/ros-melodic.env
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://dexcoop-01:11311
bin/TestPolygonPlanner -m 1 -ros -ime_odometry -ief -lbr1 -lbr2 -sdh1 -sdh2
- Hit d to enable IME
- To toggle updating from ROS, use message GetPolygonsFromROS (in EventGui)
- To see from the robot's camera perspective, use message SetViewFromKinect
ROS topic: /dexco/polygon
source /opt/ros/<ros-version>/setup.bash
rostopic list
rostopic echo /dexco/polygon
rostopic info /dexco/polygon
rostopic hz /dexco/polygon
- How to show overlays
- source ~/ros-melodic.env
- rqt_image_view
- /dexco/plane_segmentation
- /dexco/rgb_overlay
- Single joint control:
bin/ExampleDcComponents -m 1 -dir config/xml/Scitos/ -f kinova_ulw2_6dof.xml -jaco
- Trajectory control:
bin/ExampleDcComponents -m 3 -dir /home/mgienger/AllRcs/RcsConfigFiles/xml/Scitos -f cAction.xml -jaco
- CANBlaBla cannot be found:
VICON PC locked: see DexterousCooperation/Support/Computing/vicon-pc
Can't connect to Jaco due to more than one USB device:
- Switch of other Jacos
- Problem also exists if one USB-Jaco is operated along with networked Jacos
- pip install clang==10.0.1 tqdm colorama
- Why don't you make import libraries from rapidjson, ESlib etc.?
- Because this breaks the event validation due to some white-listing issue with SOURCES and SOURCE_DIR
- Remove SearchNode.h from StateEstimatorComponent and other files that only have it for the vec3Str() function
- BoxObjectModel::triggerExecutionVisualization enable Holo-Code somehow
- Activate HoloComponent in TestDexterousCooperation
- Activate WITH_INTENTION_VISUALIZATION in TestDexterousCooperation
- Re-activate compliance wrench event in WheelPlanner
- Activate WITH_COMPLIANCE_WRENCH in TestDexterousCooperation
- Check if StateEstimatorComponent is still needed or can be removed -> no, still needed. Subscribes to PostUpdateGraph, and publishes the search state.