In this assignment, you will write a generic directed weighted graph (GDWG) with value-semantics in C++. Both the data stored at a node and the weight stored at an edge will be parameterised types. The types may be different. For example, here is a graph with nodes storing std::string
and edges weighted by int
using graph = gdwg::graph<std::string, int>;
Formally, this directed weighted graph G = (N, E) will consist of a set of nodes N and a set of unweighted/weighted edges E.
All nodes are unique, that is to say, no two nodes will have the same value and shall not compare equal using operator==
Given a node, an edge directed into it is called an incoming edge and an edge directed out of it is called an outgoing edge. The in-degree of a node is the number of its incoming edges. Similarly, the out-degree of a node is the number of its outgoing edges.
A graph can include both weighted and unweighted edges. In graph theory, unweighted edges are typically treated as having a weight as 1. This applies to this assignment as well, therefore, you need to differentiate between weighted and unweighted edges in your implementation.
You need to make use of dynamic polymorphism to implement a base edge
class, from which unweighted_edge
and weighted_edge
classes will inherit. The edge
class will represent a directed edge from a source node src
to a destination node dst
. The derived classes will specialise the behaviour of the edge based on whether it is weighted or unweighted.
To summarise, you will need to implement the following classes along with gdwg::graph
- edge: An abstract base class representing an edge in the graph, which can be either weighted or unweighted. It declares pure virtual functions that must be implemented by its derived classes.
- weighted_edge: A derived class of
that represents an edge with an associated weight. - unweighted_edge: A derived class of
that represents an edge without an associated weight, the weight is treated as 1.
Note that edges can be reflexive, meaning the source and destination nodes of an edge could be the same.
G is a multi-edged graph, as there may be two edges from the same source node to the same destination node with two different weights. However, two edges from the same source node to the same destination node cannot have the same weight.
Some words have special meaning in this document. This section precisely defines those words.
Preconditions: the conditions that the function assumes to hold whenever it is called; violation of any preconditions results in undefined behaviours.
Effects: the actions performed by the function.
Postconditions: the conditions (sometimes termed observable results) established by the function.
Returns: a description of the value(s) returned by the function.
Throws: any exceptions thrown by the function, and the conditions that would cause the exception.
Complexity: the time and/or space complexity of the function.
Remarks: additional semantic constraints on the function.
Unspecified: the implementation is allowed to make its own decisions regarding what is unspecified, provided that it still follows the explicitly specified wording.
An Effects element may specify semantics for a function
in code using the term Equivalent to. The semantics forF
are interpreted as follows:-
All of the above terminology applies to the provided code, whether or not it is explicitly specified.
[Example: If
has a Preconditions element, but the code block doesn’t explicitly check them, then it is implied that the preconditions have been checked. —end example] -
If there is not a Returns element, and
has a non-void
return type, all the return statements are in the code block. -
Throws, Postconditions, and Complexity elements always have priority over the code block.
Specified complexity requirements are upper bounds, and implementations that provide better complexity guarantees meet the requirements.
The class synopsis is the minimum text your header requires to compile most tests (this doesn’t mean that it will necessarily link or run as expected).
Blue text in code will link to C++ Reference or to another part of this document.
This section makes use of [stable.names]. A stable name is a short name for a (sub)section, and isn’t supposed to change. We will use these to reference specific sections of the document.
Student: Do we need to define
gdwg::graph<N, E>::operator!=
?Tutor: [other.notes] mentions that you don’t need to so you can get used to C++20’s generated operators.
—end example]
It’s very important your constructors work. If we can’t validly construct your objects, we can’t test any of your other functions.
Effects: Value initialises all members.
Throws: Nothing.
graph(std::initializer_list<N> il);
- Effects: Equivalent to:
graph(il.begin(), il.end());
template<typename InputIt>
graph(InputIt first, InputIt last);
Preconditions: Type
models Cpp17 Input Iterator and is indirectly readable as typeN
. -
Effects: Initialises the graph’s node collection with the range
[first, last)
graph(graph&& other) noexcept;
- Postconditions:
is equal to the valueother
had before this constructor’s invocation.other.empty()
. All iterators pointing to elements owned by*this
prior to this constructor’s invocation are invalidated. All iterators pointing to elements owned byother
prior to this constructor’s invocation remain valid, but now point to the elements owned by*this
auto operator=(graph&& other) noexcept -> graph&;
Effects: All existing nodes and edges are either move-assigned to, or are destroyed.
is equal to the valueother
had before this operator’s invocation.other.empty()
.- All iterators pointing to elements owned by
prior to this operator’s invocation are invalidated. - All iterators pointing to elements owned by
prior to this operator’s invocation remain valid, but now point to the elements owned by*this
graph(graph const& other);
- Postconditions:
*this == other
auto operator=(graph const& other) -> graph&;
- Postconditions:
*this == other
.- All iterators pointing to elements owned by
prior to this operator’s invocation are invalidated. - Returns:
The edge
class is an abstract BASE class that declares PURE virtual functions which must be implemented by its derived classes.
You will note that ONLY the member functions listed below can be specified as public
, you are free to create other private virtual functions to help with the implementation of the derived classes and the features required for gdwg::graph
NOTE: We didn't specify the keywords for functions such as const
, virtual
, override
, or noexcept
, this is intentional. You should use them where appropriate.
auto print_edge() -> std::string;
- Effects: Returns a string representation of the edge.
- Returns: A string representation of the edge.
- Remarks: The format of the string representation is
src -> dst | W | weight
if the edge is weighted, andsrc -> dst | U
if the edge is unweighted.
- Note:
will be used in theoperator<<
overload for thegraph
auto is_weighted() -> bool;
- Effects: identify whether the edge is weighted.
- Returns:
if the edge is weighted, andfalse
auto get_weight() -> std::optional<E>;
- Effects: Returns the weight of the edge,
if the edge is unweighted. - Returns: The weight of the edge.
auto get_nodes() -> std::pair<N, N>;
- Effects: Returns the source and destination nodes of the edge.
- Returns: A pair of the source and destination nodes of the edge.
As a polymorphic base class, edge
should also have a public virtual destructor.
class inherits fromedge
and represents a weighted edge in the graph. -
It MUST implement the
class’s pure virtual functions to provide appropriate funtionality for weighted edges. -
Additionally, the
class should have a constructor that takes thesrc
node, andweight
as parameters and initialises the correspondingprivate
member variables.
class inherits fromedge
and represents an unweighted edge in the graph. -
It MUST implement the
class’s pure virtual functions to provide appropriate functionality for unweighted edges. -
Similar to the
class, theunweighted_edge
class should have a constructor that takes thesrc
node anddst
node as parameters and initialises the corresponding private member variables.
Note: The edge-related functions (e.g., insert_edge
, replace_node
) will be responsible for creating and managing the appropriate edge
objects (weighted_edge
or unweighted_edge
) based on the provided parameters.
auto insert_node(N const& value) -> bool;
Effects: Adds a new node with value
to the graph if, and only if, there is no node equivalent tovalue
already stored. -
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
if the node is added to the graph andfalse
auto insert_edge(N const& src, N const& dst, std::optional<edge> weight = std::nullopt) -> bool;
Effects: Adds a new edge representing
with an optionalweight
. If weight isstd::nullopt
, anunweighted_edge
is created. Otherwise, aweighted_edge
with the specified weight is created. The edge is only added if there is no existing edge betweensrc
with the same weight.[Note: Nodes are allowed to be connected to themselves. —end note]
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
if the node is added to the graph andfalse
otherwise. -
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::insert_edge when either src or dst node does not exist")
if either ofis_node(src)
.[Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
auto replace_node(N const& old_data, N const& new_data) -> bool;
Effects: Replaces the original data,
, stored at this particular node by the replacement data,new_data
. Does nothing ifnew_data
already exists as a node. -
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
if a node that contains valuenew_data
already exists andtrue
otherwise. -
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::replace_node on a node that doesn't exist")
.[Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
auto merge_replace_node(N const& old_data, N const& new_data) -> void;
Effects: The node equivalent to
in the graph are replaced with instances ofnew_data
. After completing, every incoming and outgoing edge ofold_data
becomes an incoming/ougoing edge ofnew_data
, except that duplicate edges shall be removed. -
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::merge_replace_node on old or new data if they don't exist in the graph")
if either ofis_node(old_data)
.[Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
Note: The following examples use the format (Nsrc, Ndst, E).
Basic example.
- Operation:
merge_replace_node(A, B)
- Graph before: (A, B, 1), (A, C, 2), (A, D, 3)
- Graph after : (B, B, 1), (B, C, 2), (B, D, 3)
Duplicate edge removed example.
- Operation:
merge_replace_node(A, B)
- Graph before: (A, B, 1), (A, C, 2), (A, D, 3), (B, B, 1)
- Graph after : (B, B, 1), (B, C, 2), (B, D, 3) —end example]
Diagrammatic example.
- Operation:
auto erase_node(N const& value) -> bool;
Effects: Erases all nodes equivalent to
, including all incoming and outgoing edges. -
was removed;false
otherwise. -
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
auto erase_edge(N const& src, N const& dst, std::optional<E> weight = std::nullopt) -> bool;
- Effects: Erases the edge representing
with the specified weight. If weight isstd::nullopt
, it erases theunweighted_edge
. If weight has a value, it erases the weighted_edge between src and dst with the specified weight. - Returns:
if an edge was removed;false
otherwise. - Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated.
- Throws:
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::erase_edge on src or dst if they don't exist in the graph")
if eitheris_node(src)
. [Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note] - Complexity: O(log n + e), where n is the total number of stored nodes and e is the total number of stored edges.
auto erase_edge(iterator i) -> iterator;
- Effects: Erases the edge pointed to by
. - Complexity: O(log n + e), where n is the total number of stored nodes and e is the total number of stored edges. [Note: This complexity requirement is slightly weaker than a real-world container to help make the assignment easier. —end note]
- Returns: An iterator pointing to the element immediately after
prior to the element being erased. If no such element exists, returnsend()
. - Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated. [Note: The postcondition is slightly stricter than a real-world container to help make the assignment easier (i.e. we won’t be testing any iterators post-erasure). —end note]
auto erase_edge(iterator i, iterator s) -> iterator;
Effects: Erases all edges between the iterators
[i, s)
. -
Complexity O(d(log n + e)), where d =
std::distance(i, s)
. [Note: This complexity requirement is slightly weaker than a real-world container to help make the assignment easier. —end note] -
Returns: An iterator equivalent to
prior to the items iterated through being erased. If no such element exists, returnsend()
. -
Postconditions: All iterators are invalidated. [Note: The postcondition is slightly stricter than a real-world container to help make the assignment easier (i.e. we won’t be testing any iterators post-erasure). —end note]
auto clear() noexcept -> void;
- Effects: Erases all nodes from the graph.
- Postconditions:
[[nodiscard]] auto is_node(N const& value) -> bool;
if a node equivalent tovalue
exists in the graph, andfalse
otherwise. -
Complexity: O(log n) time.
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() -> bool;
- Returns:
if there are no nodes in the graph, andfalse
[[nodiscard]] auto is_connected(N const& src, N const& dst) -> bool;
- Returns:
if an edgesrc
exists in the graph, andfalse
otherwise. - Throws:
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::is_connected if src or dst node don't exist in the graph")
if either ofis_node(src)
. [Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
[[nodiscard]] auto nodes() -> std::vector<N>;
Returns: A sequence of all stored nodes, sorted in ascending order.
Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of stored nodes.
[[nodiscard]] auto edges(N const& src, N const& dst) -> std::vector<gdwg::edge>;
Returns: A sequence of edges from
, start with the unweighted edge (if exists), then the rest of the weighted edges are sorted in ascending order. -
Complexity: O(log n + e), where n is the number of stored nodes and eis the number of stored edges.
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::edges if src or dst node don't exist in the graph")
if either ofis_node(src)
. [Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
[[nodiscard]] auto find(N const& src, N const& dst, std::optional<E> weight = std::nullopt) -> iterator;
- Returns: An iterator pointing to an edge equivalent to the specified
, andweight
. If weight isstd::nullopt
, it searches for anunweighted_edge
. If weight has a value, it searches for aweighted_edge
with the specified weight. Returnsend()
if no such edge exists. - Complexity: O(log n + e), where n is the number of stored nodes and e is the number of matching edges (either weighted or unweighted) between src and dst.
[[nodiscard]] auto connections(N const& src) -> std::vector<N>;
Returns: A sequence of nodes (found from any immediate outgoing edge) connected to
, sorted in ascending order, with respect to the connected nodes. -
Complexity: O(log n + e), where e is the number of outgoing edges associated with
. -
std::runtime_error("Cannot call gdwg::graph<N, E>::connections if src doesn't exist in the graph")
. [Note: Unlike Assignment 2, the exception message must be used verbatim. —end note]
[[nodiscard]] auto begin() const -> iterator;
- Returns: An iterator pointing to the first element in the container.
[[nodiscard]] auto end() const -> iterator;
- Returns: An iterator denoting the end of the iterable list that
points to. - Remarks:
[begin(), end())
shall denote a valid iterable list.
[[nodiscard]] auto operator==(graph const& other) -> bool;
contain exactly the same nodes and edges, andfalse
otherwise. -
Complexity: O(n + e) where n is the sum of stored nodes in
, and e is the sum of stored edges in*this
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, graph const& g) -> std::ostream&;
Note: You are REQUIRED to use print_edge
function implemented by both unweighted_edge
and weighted_edge
to format the output, failed to do so will incur mark deduction.
Effects: Behaves as a formatted output function of
. -
. -
Remarks: The format is specified thusly:
[source_node1] [edges1]
[source_node2] [edges2]
[source_noden] [edgesn]
[source_node1], …, [source_noden] are placeholders for all nodes that the graph stores, sorted in ascending order. [edges1], …, [edgesn] are placeholders for the below output format:
[node1 -> node1] | U
[noden -> node1] | W | [weight]
[noden -> node2] | W | [weight]
[noden -> noden] | W | [weight]
where [noden -> node1] | U
, …, [noden -> noden] | W | [weight]
are placeholders for each node’s connections and the corresponding weight the edge has, start with the unweighted edge(if exists), then the rest of the weighted edges are sorted in ascending order.
[Note: If a node doesn’t have any connections, then its corresponding [edgesn]
should be a line-separated pair of parentheses —end note]
using graph = gdwg::graph<int, int>;
auto const v = std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, std::optional<int>>>{
{4, 1, -4},
{3, 2, 2},
{2, 4, std::nullopt},
{2, 1, 1},
{6, 2, 5},
{6, 3, 10},
{1, 5, -1},
{3, 6, -8},
{4, 5, 3},
{5, 2, std::nullopt},
auto g = graph{};
for (const auto& [from, to, weight] : v) {
if (weight.has_value()) {
g.insert_edge(from, to, weight.value());
} else {
g.insert_edge(from, to);
auto out = std::ostringstream{};
out << g;
auto const expected_output = std::string_view(R"(
1 (
1 -> 5 | W | -1
2 (
2 -> 4 | U
2 -> 1 | W | 1
3 (
3 -> 2 | W | 2
3 -> 6 | W | -8
4 (
4 -> 1 | W | -4
4 -> 5 | W | 3
5 (
5 -> 2 | U
6 (
6 -> 2 | W | 5
6 -> 3 | W | 10
64 (
CHECK(out.str() == expected_output);
—*end example* ]
Note that the iterator
has a different value type compared with gdwg::edge
. You will need to convert the edge to the iterator value type when dereferencing the iterator.
template<typename N, typename E>
class graph<N, E>::iterator {
using value_type = struct {
N from;
N to;
std::optional<E> weight;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = void;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
// Iterator constructor
iterator() = default;
// Iterator source
auto operator*() -> reference;
// Iterator traversal
auto operator++() -> iterator&;
auto operator++(int) -> iterator;
auto operator--() -> iterator&;
auto operator--(int) -> iterator;
// Iterator comparison
auto operator==(iterator const& other) -> bool;
explicit iterator(unspecified);
- Elements are lexicographically ordered by their source node, destination node, and edge weight, in ascending order.
- Nodes without any connections are not traversed.
- [Note:
gdwg::graph<N, E>::iterator
. —end note]
- Effects: Value-initialises all members.
- Remarks: Pursuant to the requirements of
, two value-initialised iterators shall compare equal.
explicit iterator(unspecified);
- Effects: Constructs an iterator to a specific element in the graph.
- Remarks: There may be multiple constructors with a non-zero number of parameters.
auto operator*() -> reference;
- Effects: Returns the current
, andweight
auto operator++() -> iterator&;
- Effects: Advances
to the next element in the iterable list.
[Example: In this way, your iterator will iterator through a graph like the one below producing the following tuple values when deferenced each time:
gdwg::graph<int, int>
(1, 7, 4)
(1, 12, 3)
(1, 21, 12)
(7, 21, 13)
(12, 19, 16)
(14, 14, 0)
(19, 1, 3)
(19, 21, 2)
(21, 14, 23)
(21, 31, 14)
—*end example*]
- Returns:
auto operator++(int) -> iterator;
- Effects: Equivalent to:
auto temp = *this;
return temp;
auto operator--() -> iterator&;
- Effects: Advances
to the previous element in the iterable list. - Returns:
auto operator--(int) -> iterator;
- Effects: Equivalent to:
auto temp = *this;
return temp;
auto operator==(iterator const& other) -> bool;
- Returns:
are pointing to the same elements in the same iterable list, andfalse
Your graph is required to own the resources (nodes and edge weights) that are passed in through the insert functions. This means creating memory on the heap and doing a proper copy of the values from the caller. This is because resources in your graph should outlive the caller’s resouce that was passed in in case it goes out of scope. For example, we want the following code to be valid.
auto main() -> int {
gdwg::graph<std::string, int> g;
std::string s1{"Hello"};
// Even though s1 has gone out of scope, g has its own
// copied resource that it has stored, so the node
// will still be in here.
std::cout << g.is_node("Hello") << "\n"; // prints 'true';
Your graph is required to use smart pointers (however you please) to solve this problem.
For each node, you are only allowed to have one underlying resource (heap) stored in your graph for it.
For each edge, no matter it's weighted or unweighted, you should avoid using unnecessary additional memory wherever possible.
[Hint: In your own implementation you’re likely to use some containers to store things, and depending on your implementation choice, somewhere in those containers you’ll likely use either std::unique_ptr<T>
or std::shared_ptr<T>
—end hint]
You could feasibly implement the assignment without any smart pointers, through lots of redundant copying. For example, having a massive data structure like:
std::map<N, std::vector<std::pair<N, E>>>
You can see that in this structure you would have duplicates of nodes when trying to represent this complex structure. This takes up a lot of space. We want you to build a space efficient graph. This means only storing one instance of each node and edge.
You must:
- Include a header guard in
- Use C++20 style and methods where appropriate
- Make sure that all appropriate member functions are
-qualified - Leave a moved-from object in a state with no nodes.
- Implement this class within the namespace
. - do not implement an overload for
in Assignment 3.
You must NOT:
- Write to any files that aren’t provided in the repo (e.g. storing your vector data in an auxilliary file)
- Add additional members to the public interface.
- Should try to mark member functions that will not throw exceptions with
- Are not required to make any member function
unless directly asked to in the spec.
We have deliberately removed the const
-qualifiers for most member functions from the specification. You are required to work out which functions must be const
-qualified. You must ensure that each operator and member function appropriately either has:
- A
member function; or - A non-
member function; or - Both a
and non-const member function
Please think carefully about this. The function declarations intentionally do not specify their constness, except for the begin()
and end()
member functions. These are const
-qualified to help you out.
In most cases you will only need a single function in the overload set.
As noted in the compulsory internal representation section, you are unlikely to want to use this directly within your representation. However, it is used by the iterator
type, and is good practice to have for a container.
This assignment will contribute 20% to your final mark.
The assessment for the assignment recognises the difficulty of the task, the importance of style, and the importance of appropriate use of programming methods (e.g. using while loops instead of a dozen if statements).
50% |
Correctness The correctness of your program will be determined automatically by tests that we will run against your program. You will not know the full sample of tests used prior to marking. |
25% |
Your tests You are required to write your own tests to ensure your program works. You will write tests in the filtered_string_view.test.cpp file. Please read the Catch2 tutorial or review lecture/lab content to see how to write tests. Tests will be marked on several
factors. These include, but are not limited to:
25% |
C++ Style & Best Practices Your adherence to good C++ best practices as shown in lectures and as documented on the coure website. This is based on how well you use modern C++ methodologies taught in this course as opposed to using backwards-compatible C methods. This section will also include marks for how well you follow general best porgramming practices, including maintaining small functions, reducing nesting in loops, having meaningful variable names, etc. You may also receive a penalty for this section if your code is not formatted perfectly according to the clang-format config file in your repo. |
Please note: Significant penalties may apply if you do not comply with the 'Git Commit Requirements' requirements as described in section 4 below.
It's imperative that we are able to track your progress when marking.
For assignment 1, there are some requirements for us to track your ongoing progress:
- You must make commits on at least 3 unique days prior to due date.
- All of your commits to master must successfully compile (according to the pipeline). You are given 3 exceptions.
- Your commits must be meaningful in description (e.g. "Continued work on loop speed")
- Each commit include no more than 50 lines additions of code (this may differ in future assignments). You are given no exceptions.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines in their entirety may result in a mimumum 20% penalty. Any moderate or significant failure may result in a 0 grade.
Please note: If you choose to work on separate branches before merging into master, you must squash your commits when merging back in. This means that you can make many commits on other branches fine, it's just whatever comes back to master needs to be a single commit that compiles with no more than 50 line additions.
The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted.
The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions.
Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct.
Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person — apart from the teaching staff of COMP6771.
If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be penalised, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.
Every time you make commits or pushes on this repository, you are acknowledging that the work you submit is your own work (as described above).
Note you will not be penalised if your work has the potential to be taken without your consent or knowledge.
PLEASE NOTE: We have a record of ALL previous submissions of this assignment submitted. If you find a solution from a friend, or online, we will find it and you will receive 0 for the assignment and potentially 0 for the course. Trust me, at least 1 person does it every term and I encourage you not to think you'll get lucky.
If you want to check if you've actually not totally screwed it all up, and see if they pass a very basic compilation example, then run this command on the CSE systems.
6771 dryrun ass3
This assignment is due Friday 2nd of August, 19:59:59.
To submit your assignment, you must you've pushed all of your code to your gitlab master branch. You can check if you've done this properly by seeing what code is on the gitlab site on your master branch.
We will collect the latest work on your master branch of gitlab at the time of submission.
It is your responsibiltiy to ensure that your code can run successfully on a CSE machine / VLAB when cloned fresh from Gitlab.
Late submissions are not accepted, except in the case of ELS adjustment or Special Consideration approval.