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Using TeamRU

anitejb edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 3 revisions

NOTE: This documentation is meant for people looking to consume TeamRU. The structures of objects presented here are slightly different from their representations inside the database, and are missing certain fields that are used internally. For more information, please refer to developer documentation.

The User Object

Field Type What? Default
user_id string The user's email, a UID in the DB. Required
bio string A short blurb about the user. Empty string
skills string[] A list of the user's skills. Empty list
prizes string[] A list of the user's desired prizes. Empty list
interests string[] A list of the user's interests. Empty list
github string The user's GitHub handle. Empty string
seriousness int A value from 1 to 5, indicating the user's level of seriousness for attending the hackathon. 1 is least serious (just there to learn), 5 being most serious (hardk0r3). -1
team_id string The team_id of the user's team, if they are on a team. Empty string
hasateam boolean Whether a user is on a team or not. False

The Team Object

Field Type What? Default
team_id string A 15 character cryptographically secure random string, generated using shortUUID. Required
name string The team's name. Required
desc string The team's description. Required
members json[] A list containing JSONs with partial user objects, with fields user_id, bio, seriousness of each member on the team. Empty list
skills string[] A list of the team's skills. Empty list
prizes string[] A list of the team's desired prizes. Empty list
complete boolean The completion status of a team (team is not looking for members if this value is True). False
incoming_inv string[] A list containing the team_id of every team that has extended an invite to this team. Empty list
outgoing_inv string[] A list containing the team_id of every team that this team has invited. Empty list

For Users


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