I am Hadi Elnemr,
pursuing a M.Sc. degree in Information Technology (INFOTECH program) with focus on Control Engineering in the University of Stuttgart (October 2023 - present). Doing my research project in Data-driven Model Predictive Control at the Institut für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik (IST). My research project is titled Implementation of a Data-Driven Model Predictive Controller for a Self-Stabilizing Bicycle.
Took a B.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the German University in Cairo (GUC) (graduated on June 2023).
Did my bachelor thesis at Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen) (March - September 2022).
My bachelor thesis topic was Lane-level Map Matching Algorithm for Model-scale Vehicles and was done under the supervision of MSc. Simon Schäfer and Dr.-Ing. Bassam Alrifaee at the Cyber-Physical Mobility Group.\
I am interested in Control, Optimisation, Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics.
I have experience in Autonomous Vehicles and Systems (Motion Planning, Control, Map Matching, Sensor Data Fusion), Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control, Data Science and Machine Learning, Embedded Systems and Microcontrollers (ATMega, Raspberry Pi, ESP, Arduino), Robotics, Communication Protocols, MAVLink, Robot Operating System (ROS, ROS2), Image Processing for Mechatronics Engineering, Bond Graph modelling technique and Finite Elements Method.
- I am currently learning Control, ROS2 and RVIZ2 in depth.
I studied Risk Assessment for Robotic Systems, Modeling and Analysis of Automation Systems, Autonomous Systems, Robotics, Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control, Image Processing, Bond Graph Technique and Finite Elements Method.
In Control Engineering, I studied:
- Classical Control Theory
- Closed and open loop control,
- Dynamics of mechanical systems,
- Mathematical modeling,
- Transient and steady-state response analysis,
- Stability analysis,
- Root-locus analysis and control system design,
- Bode Plots,
- Nyquist Plots
- Mechatronics course
- Embedded Systems
- AVR Programming, Microcontrollers: Ex. ATMEGA328P,
- Sensors,
- Actuators.
- Z-domain analysis for Discrete systems,
- Fourier series, transform, and their discrete versions (CTFS, CTFT, DTFS, DTFT),
- Team Project: applied a PID controller and a Complementary Filter to build a self-balancing vehicle two-wheeled vehicle.
- Embedded Systems
- Modern Control Theory
- State Space Fundamentals,
- Controllability,
- Observability,
- Stability
- Minimal Realizations,
- Design of Linear State Feedback / Output Feedback Control Laws,
- Observers and Observer-Based Compensators,
- Introduction to Optimal Control.
- Reinforcement Learning
- RL Algorithms,
- Convex Optimisation,
- Optimal Control: MPC, LQR, etc.
- Advanced Mechatronics
- Hybrid Automaton:
- Discrete and Continuous Systems control,
- Robust control:
- Sliding Mode Control,
- Lyapunov based controllers,
- LQR, and more.
- Hybrid Automaton:
- Autonomous Systems
- Kalman filter,
- Bayesian filter,
- Longitudinal and Lateral controller for autonomous vehicles,
- Lyapunov controllers again, etc.
- Classical Control Theory
I am currently doing my research project in Data-driven Model Predictive Control. The topic is titled: Implementation of a Data-Driven Model Predictive Controller for a Self-Stabilizing Bicycle.
- Research
- Debugging
- Teaching
- Linux
- Modeling
- Coding
- Problem Solving (Competitive Programming)
- Quick learning
- Logical and Creative Thinking
Please feel free to contact me for any projects suggestions or any advices on:
- GitHub
- Gmail
- My Website http://hadielnemr.github.io/