Releases: Hagsten/Talkify
Minor bug fixes
2.5.9 Bump version
Minor bug fixes
2.5.7 more promise stuff.
Minor bug fixes
2.5.6 promise stuff
Minor bug fixes
2.5.5 Small fixes
Internal pubsub communication
Re-write of our internal communication. From mostly callbacks between components to a PubSub approach. This architecture will give us a greater flexibility in developing new features and might in the future be the single point of contact for users of Talkify.
No breaking changes.
Control center and sentence highlighting
The old "playbar" or "audiocontrols" are replaced with our new detatchable control center.
Sentence highlighting is now also possible.
No breaking changes except new UI around the control center.
Speech marks requests honors text highligting setting
If the setting to use text highligting is off then we do not send the marksId parameter to the API. If using the official Talkify API this would save users money if using plans with separate speech and marks payment.
Form reader
Added a new feature called "form reader" (
Use to create accessible forms!
Keyboard commands and voice commands
Adding support for both key and voice commands.
Everything is configurable. These features are default disabled to be non-breaking. You can configure your own keys and voice phrases to the supported commands.
Supported commands in this release:
play previous paragraph
play next paragraph
Minor fixes
2.1.2 Update