Project for futsal Tactics board preview
Reference for project is
All features there are required here too
Project is using following technologies/libraries:
Firebase for storage and sharing:
This enables following features:
- saving tactics for each user separately
- sharing saved tactics by link
- collaborating on same tactics
Here is list of what needs to be done in project.
Reference for project is
Project is required to have all features of reference project but for futsal only.
NOTE: Functionality that is already done is scratched in description below.
Base for editor and image creation is SVG. Tactics board is SVG image generated client side and displayed with React
All drawing is done by modifying parameters of shape elements than SVG is generated and displayed.
Image can be saved:
- as set of parameters to be editable (JSON definition)
as PNG bitmap images as download
Target platforms
- web browsers on pc for phase 1
- web browsers on touch devices for phase 2
SVG image is generated using metric centimeter (cm) as default unit.
1 in SVG image equals 1cm in real world.
Main editing area is shown as default futsal pitch including all elements defined by futsal rules
Pitch is created as SVG image and is is base for all editing.
Tactics board has number of predefined shapes:
Number of predefined shapes is available for placing on pitch. Predefined shapes are dragged on pitch to be placed on desired position.
- lines
straight (should be replaced by b-spline)b - spline (default drawing shape for lines)
rectanglesellipses- filled irregular shapes
- text
- four different sizes, predefined text size
- needs debugging to show cursor before entering text
- needs selection, copy, cut, paste
All the shapes can be drawn with one of 6 colors.
Line options for shapes
- arrows at start, end or both for
- line pattern filled or dashed for
rectanglesellipses- filled irregular shapes
All shapes can be edited on pitch. Some of shapes have different edit options.
Edit options:
- drag (for placement)
rotate (all shapes)resize (all except for predefined shapes e.g. players, goals etc..)remove (return to default pool only for predefined shapes)rename (players only)
Sometimes futsal training is held on different pitch than original. For that purpose is is required to show overlay of:
exercises pitch (28mx20m)basketball pitch (28mx15m)volleyball pitch (18mx9m)
Overlay is shown as outline over original pitch as outline centered on pitch.
Animation is done using key frames. Adding new animation frame is done by copying positions and parameters of previous frame. Each shape that is moved on new key frame is moved on b-spline. Moving shape shows b-spline so moving path for shape can be edited.
UI consists of few simple controls:
- play
- pause
- seek forward and back by a key frame
- display current key frame with
- keyframe back
- keyframe forward
- playback position bar showing current position in playing animation
Except for playback position bar UI should be visible on app toolbar.
Animation is created by:
- adding key frames and moving (dragging) shapes to new positions
- editing b-splines between previous and new position to define move path
Each tactic can be shared as link. Base for sharing should be saved document. For sharing link should be generated to open existing tactics setup. Sharing should have options:
- view only
- edit
- collaborate
Collaborations should alow two or more different users to edit same tactics setup. Any change to element during collaboration will be propagated to both users after modifications is done.
Saving latest change can be done by any user during sharing session. Shared document is overwritten when any of users saves it.
UI using Material UI:
UI Icons additional:
UI alternatives:
FirebaseUI Web React:
SVG to png:
Check source and canvas part
SVG Convert to react:
- Maybe useful
SVG loading:
- Might be useful to modify SVG after insert
SVG manipulation library for react:
- Useless can't add elements
SVG Manipulation:
- Can't use with react
Example of custom react svg component:
- Maybe useful as example