Software for Arduino Uno-based remote controlled car together with a Arduino Nano-based remote controlling and intercommunication via Bluetooth modules.
- Arduino Uno or compatible
- Battery or powerbank [ 5V, +1450 mAh ] to power-up Arduino and its components (bluetooth module and speaker)
- Battery or powerbank [ 12V, +4000 mAh ] to power-up motors
- Bluetooth HC-06 slave module
- L298N Driver to control motors
- Buzzer / piezo speaker
- 4 DC motors + wheels
- Optional dip switch to turn on/off the car
- Car structure, up to your imagination :-)
- Arduino Nano or compatible
- Battery or powerbank [ 5V, +1450 mAh ]
- Bluetooth HC-05 master/slave module
- Joystick analog 2-Axis with button
- Three switch buttons
- Optional dip switch to turn on/off the controller
- Controller structure, also up to your imagination
The software is splitted into Abstraction Layers so the responsability of each layer are very limited and will make easier the growth and maintenance of the project in a Architectural point of view. Using a objected-oriented language such as C++ accepted by Arduino, makes the implementation closer to this approach.
Dependencies: Needs to have access to Generic-Libraries/lib in this same repository
| |--RCC_Able
| | |- CAble.cpp
| | |- CAble.h
| |--RCC_Controller
| | |- CController.cpp
| | |- CController.h
| |- main.cpp
| |- main.h
|- platformio.ini
| |--Bluetooth_Lib
| |--Common_Lib
| |--Joystick_Lib
| |--Melodies_Lib
| |--Motors_Lib
| |--LowPower