This repo is the official implementation of the paper:
- Official implementation based on OpenPCDet is released.
- 🔥 CAGroup3D is accepted at NeurIPS 2022.
- Implement CAGroup3D on OpenPCDet
- Fix the bug of slow inference (180ms->400ms) in our OpenPCDet version. Paper report is mmdet3d version.
This paper presents a novel two-stage fully sparse convolutional 3D object detection framework, named CAGroup3D. The proposed method first generates some high-quality 3D proposals by leveraging the class-aware local group strategy on the object surface voxels with the same semantic predictions, which considers semantic consistency and diverse locality abandoned in previous bottom-up approaches. Then, to recover the features of missed voxels due to incorrect voxel-wise segmentation, we build a fully sparse convolutional RoI pooling module to directly aggregate fine-grained spatial information from backbone for further proposal refinement.
The code is tested on the following environment:
- Unbuntu 18.04
- Python 3.7
- Pytorch 1.10
- CUDA 11.1
- Clone this repo and install the
git clone
# install spconv
pip install spconv-cu113
cd CAGroup3D/
python develop
# if you meet some pakage not matched errors, just pip install them individually before install pcdet
- Compile additional CUDA ops
# rotate iou ops
cd CAGroup3D/pcdet/ops/rotated_iou/cuda_op
python install
# knn ops
cd ../../knn
python develop
- Install MinkowskiEngine
apt-get install -y python3-dev libopenblas-dev
pip install ninja==
pip install \
-U git+ \
--install-option="--blas=openblas" \
--install-option="--force_cuda" \
-v \
# Or if you can not install MinkowskiEngine with pip sucessfully,
git clone
cd MinkowskiEngine
python install --blas=openblas --force_cuda
We haven't achieved compatibility with the generated data of OpenPCDet yet and use the same data format as MMdeteciton3d for now. We will try to implement indoor data pre-processing based on OpenPCDet as soon as possible.
follow MMdetection3D(0.15) to create data (ScanNetV2, SunRGBD). Note that the coordinate system adopted in MMdetection3D(0.15) is very different from MMdetection3D(>=1.0). We also provide processed data in GoogleDrive (highly recommended). For people from mainland China, we also provide BaiduDrive.
remember to modify the
in tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/scannet_dataset.yaml, sunrgbd_dataset.yaml or link the generated data as follows:
ln -s ${mmdet3d_scannet_dir} ./CAGroup3D/data/scannet
ln -s ${mmdet3d_sunrgbd_dir} ./CAGroup3D/data/sunrgbd
- Training,
can be set to 2x8 or 4x4.
cd tools/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={} ./scripts/ {num_gpus} --cfg_file cfgs/scannet_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt_save_interval 1 --extra_tag {your name} --fix_random_seed
- Testing
cd tools/
# test single pth
python --cfg_file cfgs/scannet_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt {your pth}
# or test all checkpoints
python --cfg_file cfgs/scannet_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --extra_tag {your name} --eval_all
# dist test is also supported
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={} ./scripts/ {num_gpus} --cfg_file cfgs/scannet_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt {your pth}
- Training,
can be set to 2x8 or 4x4.
cd tools/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={} ./scripts/ {num_gpus} --cfg_file cfgs/sunrgbd_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt_save_interval 1 --extra_tag {your name} --fix_random_seed
- Testing
cd tools/
# test single pth
python --cfg_file cfgs/sunrgbd_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt {your pth}
# or test all checkpoints
python --cfg_file cfgs/sunrgbd_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --extra_tag {your name} --eval_all
# dist test is also supported
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={} ./scripts/ {num_gpus} --cfg_file cfgs/sunrgbd_models/CAGroup3D.yaml --ckpt {your pth}
We reproduce CAGroup3D based on OpenPCDet(Paper reported is MMDet3D version). All models are trained with 4 3090 GPUs. The batch size of each card is 4 (2x8 is better). Please note that the pcdet version of scannet pretrained model has a higher mAP@50 (61.1 vs 60.3), but a lower mAP@25 (74.0 vs 74.5) than the original paper. Additionally, the sunrgbd pretrained model has a higher mAP@25 (67.1 vs 66.4) than the original paper. Since these two datasets fluctuate significantly, training more times should yield better results than the pre-trained models we provide.
Dataset | mAP@0.25 | mAP0.50 | mAP@0.25(repro) | mAP0.50(repro) | Pretrain Model && Log |
ScanNet | 74.5 | 60.3 | 74.0 | 61.1 | model, log |
Sun RGB-D | 66.4 | 49.5 | 67.1 | 49.1 | model, log |
Please consider citing our work as follows if it is helpful.
title={{CAG}roup3D: Class-Aware Grouping for 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds},
author={Haiyang Wang and Lihe Ding and Shaocong Dong and Shaoshuai Shi and Aoxue Li and Jianan Li and Zhenguo Li and Liwei Wang},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
editor={Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},
This project is based on the following codebases.