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Closed Dec 9, 2022 100% complete


ExoJAX Version 1.2 allows modelings with a number of molecular lines (for instance, 100 million lines) using a new algorithm (but beta version), PreMODIT. Also, the I/O of the molecular databases were switched to a common api with the RADIS team from the original one. Several other improvements in a spin rotation, instrumental responses are include.  


ExoJAX Version 1.2 allows modelings with a number of molecular lines (for instance, 100 million lines) using a new algorithm (but beta version), PreMODIT. Also, the I/O of the molecular databases were switched to a common api with the RADIS team from the original one. Several other improvements in a spin rotation, instrumental responses are include.  

Major changes

  • Moved on a common I/O of molecular/atomic database with radis.api for ExoMol/HITRAN/HITEMP #272
  • Removed old moldb for ExoMol/HITRAN/HITEMP
  • PreMODIT algorithm, applicable to a wide wavenumber range
  • Memory saved version of spin rotation and instrumental response

Minor changes

This milestone is closed.

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