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Split case_split handler into two parts
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Refactoring of the function `case_split`. OptimAE introduces
a new kind of case_split: `optimized_split`. The previous code
manages all the case splits in a single function even if AE
processes optimized ones in a complete different way. This commit
divides the function `case_split` into two functions:
- `case_split` mostly as it was before OptimAE
- `optimizing_split` which try to optimize one case split by call.
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 4108bdc commit 44bf32a
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Showing 14 changed files with 258 additions and 236 deletions.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -682,11 +682,10 @@ let assume env uf la =

let two = Numbers.Q.from_int 2

let case_split env _ ~for_model ~to_optimize =
if to_optimize != None || Options.get_disable_adts () ||
not (Options.get_enable_adts_cs())
let case_split env _uf ~for_model =
if Options.get_disable_adts () || not (Options.get_enable_adts_cs())
Sig_rel.Split []
assert (not for_model);
Expand All @@ -703,12 +702,14 @@ let case_split env _ ~for_model ~to_optimize =
"found hs = %a" Hs.print hs;
(* cs on negative version would be better in general *)
let cs = LR.mkv_builtin false (Sy.IsConstr hs) [r] in
Sig_rel.Split [ cs, true, Th_util.CS(None, Th_util.Th_adt, two) ]
[ cs, true, Th_util.CS(None, Th_util.Th_adt, two) ]
with Not_found ->
Debug.no_case_split ();
Sig_rel.Split []

let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None

let query env uf (ra, _, ex, _) =
if Options.get_disable_adts () then None
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22 changes: 10 additions & 12 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -384,21 +384,19 @@ let new_equalities env eqs la class_of =
(* choisir une egalite sur laquelle on fait un case-split *)
let two = Numbers.Q.from_int 2

let case_split env _ ~for_model:_ ~to_optimize =
let case_split env _uf ~for_model:_ =
(Numbers.Q.mult two env.size_splits) (max_split ()) <= 0 ||
Numbers.Q.sign (max_split ()) < 0 then*)
if to_optimize != None then
(* no classical splits if we have something to optimize *)
Sig_rel.Split []
let a = LR.neg (LRset.choose env.split) in
Debug.case_split a;
Sig_rel.Split [LR.view a, true, Th_util.CS (None, Th_util.Th_arrays, two)]
with Not_found ->
Debug.case_split_none ();
Sig_rel.Split []
let a = LR.neg (LRset.choose env.split) in
Debug.case_split a;
[LR.view a, true, Th_util.CS (None, Th_util.Th_arrays, two)]
with Not_found ->
Debug.case_split_none ();

let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None

let count_splits env la =
let nb =
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ let empty _ = ()
let assume _ _ _ =
(), { Sig_rel.assume = []; remove = []}
let query _ _ _ = None
let case_split _ _ ~for_model:_ ~to_optimize:_ = Sig_rel.Split []
let case_split _env _uf ~for_model:_ = []
let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None
let add env _ _ _ = env, []
let new_terms _ = Expr.Set.empty
let instantiate ~do_syntactic_matching:_ _ env _ _ = env, []
Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ module type S = sig
r Sig_rel.facts ->
t * (r Sig_rel.literal * Explanation.t * Th_util.lit_origin) list

val case_split :
t -> for_model:bool ->
to_optimize: Th_util.optimized_split option ->
Sig_rel.case_split * t
val case_split : t -> for_model:bool -> Th_util.case_split list * t
val optimizing_split :
t -> Th_util.optimized_split -> Th_util.optimized_split option

val query : t -> E.t -> Th_util.answer
val new_terms : t -> Expr.Set.t
val class_of : t -> Expr.t -> Expr.Set.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,16 +690,18 @@ module Main : S = struct

(* End: new implementation of add, add_term, assume_literals and all that *)

let case_split env ~for_model ~to_optimize =
let cs = Rel.case_split env.relation env.uf ~for_model ~to_optimize in
let case_split env ~for_model =
let cs = Rel.case_split env.relation env.uf ~for_model in
match cs with
| Sig_rel.Split [] when for_model ->
| [] when for_model ->
let l, uf = Uf.assign_next env.uf in
(* try to not to modify uf in the future. It's currently done only
to add fresh terms in UF to avoid loops *)
Sig_rel.Split l, {env with uf}
| Sig_rel.Split _ -> cs, env
| Sig_rel.Optimized_split _ -> cs, env
(* TODO: Try to not to modify uf in the future. It's currently done only
to add fresh terms in UF to avoid loops. *)
l, {env with uf}
| _ -> cs, env

let optimizing_split env opt_split =
Rel.optimizing_split env.relation env.uf opt_split

let query env a =
let ra, ex_ra = term_canonical_view env a Ex.empty in
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/reasoners/ccx.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ module type S = sig
r Sig_rel.facts ->
t * (r Sig_rel.literal * Explanation.t * Th_util.lit_origin) list

val case_split :
t -> for_model:bool ->
to_optimize: Th_util.optimized_split option ->
Sig_rel.case_split * t
val case_split : t -> for_model:bool -> Th_util.case_split list * t
val optimizing_split :
t -> Th_util.optimized_split -> Th_util.optimized_split option

val query : t -> Expr.t -> Th_util.answer
val new_terms : t -> Expr.Set.t
val class_of : t -> Expr.t -> Expr.Set.t
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65 changes: 31 additions & 34 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,40 +244,37 @@ let assume env uf la =

let add env _ r _ = add_aux env r, []

let case_split env uf ~for_model ~to_optimize =
if to_optimize != None then
(* no classical splits if we have something to optimize *)
Sig_rel.Split []
let acc = MX.fold
(fun r (hss, _) acc ->
let x, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
match Sh.embed x with
| Cons _ -> acc (* already bound to an Enum const *)
| _ -> (* cs even if sz below is equal to 1 *)
let sz = HSS.cardinal hss in
match acc with
| Some (n,_,_) when n <= sz -> acc
| _ -> Some (sz, r, HSS.choose hss)
) None
match acc with
| Some (n,r,hs) ->
let n = Numbers.Q.from_int n in
if for_model ||
(Numbers.Q.mult n env.size_splits) (Options.get_max_split ()) <= 0
|| Numbers.Q.sign (Options.get_max_split ()) < 0
let r' = Sh.is_mine (Cons(hs,X.type_info r)) in
Debug.case_split r r';
[LR.mkv_eq r r', true, Th_util.CS (None, Th_util.Th_sum, n)]
Sig_rel.Split []
| None ->
Debug.no_case_split ();
Sig_rel.Split []
let case_split env uf ~for_model =
let acc = MX.fold
(fun r (hss, _) acc ->
let x, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
match Sh.embed x with
| Cons _ -> acc (* already bound to an Enum const *)
| _ -> (* cs even if sz below is equal to 1 *)
let sz = HSS.cardinal hss in
match acc with
| Some (n,_,_) when n <= sz -> acc
| _ -> Some (sz, r, HSS.choose hss)
) None
match acc with
| Some (n,r,hs) ->
let n = Numbers.Q.from_int n in
if for_model ||
(Numbers.Q.mult n env.size_splits) (Options.get_max_split ()) <= 0
|| Numbers.Q.sign (Options.get_max_split ()) < 0
let r' = Sh.is_mine (Cons(hs,X.type_info r)) in
Debug.case_split r r';
[LR.mkv_eq r r', true, Th_util.CS (None, Th_util.Th_sum, n)]
| None ->
Debug.no_case_split ();

let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None

let query env uf a_ex =
try ignore(assume env uf [a_ex]); None
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151 changes: 74 additions & 77 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2092,87 +2092,84 @@ let mk_const_term c ty =
| Ty.Treal -> E.real c
| _ -> assert false

let optimizing_split env uf opt =
(* soundness: if there are expressions to optmize, this should be
done without waiting for ~for_model flag to be true *)
let {Th_util.order; r = r; is_max = to_max; e; value } = opt in
assert (match value with
| Unknown -> true
| _ -> false
let repr, _ = Uf.find uf e in
let ty = E.type_info e in
let r1 = r in (* instead of repr, which may be a constant *)
let p = poly_of repr in
match P.is_const p with
| Some optim ->
Printer.print_dbg "%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;
let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
let o = Some {Th_util.opt_ord = order; opt_val = Th_util.Value t2} in
let s = LR.mkv_eq r1 r2, true, Th_util.CS (o, Th_util.Th_arith, in
Sig_rel.Optimized_split { opt with value = Value s; }

| None ->
let sim = if ty == Ty.Tint then env.int_sim else env.rat_sim in
let p = if to_max then p else P.mult_const Q.m_one p in
let l, c = P.to_list p in
let l = List.rev_map (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (List.rev l) in
let sim, mx_res = Sim.Solve.maximize sim (Sim.Core.P.from_list l) in
match Sim.Result.get mx_res sim with
| Sim.Core.Unknown -> assert false
| Sim.Core.Sat _ -> assert false (* because we maximized *)
| Sim.Core.Unsat _ -> assert false (* we know sim is SAT *)
| Sim.Core.Unbounded _ ->
"%a is unbounded. Let other methods assign a value for it@."
E.print e;
let value = if to_max then Th_util.Pinfinity else Th_util.Minfinity in
Sig_rel.Optimized_split { opt with value }

| Sim.Core.Max(mx,_sol) ->
let {Sim.Core.max_v; _} = Lazy.force mx in
let max_p = Q.add max_v.bvalue.v c in
let optim = if to_max then max_p else Q.mult Q.m_one max_p in
Printer.print_dbg "%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;

let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
let o = Some {Th_util.opt_ord = order; opt_val = Th_util.Value t2} in
let s = LR.mkv_eq r1 r2, true, Th_util.CS (o, Th_util.Th_arith, in
Sig_rel.Optimized_split { opt with value = Value s; }

let case_split env uf ~for_model ~to_optimize =
match to_optimize with
| Some x ->
if is_num_term x.Th_util.e then
optimizing_split env uf x
let case_split env uf ~for_model =
let res = default_case_split env uf ~for_model in
match res with
| [] ->
if not for_model then []
(* Some other theory should find an optimium for e *)
Sig_rel.Split []
match case_split_union_of_intervals env uf with
| [] -> model_from_unbounded_domains env uf
| l -> l
| _ -> res

let optimizing_split env uf opt_split =
if not @@ is_num_term opt_split.Th_util.e then
(* Some other theory should find an optimium value for e. *)
(* soundness: if there are expressions to optmize, this should be
done without waiting for ~for_model flag to be true *)
let {Th_util.order; r = r; is_max = to_max; e; value } = opt_split in
assert (match value with
| Unknown -> true
| _ -> false
let repr, _ = Uf.find uf e in
let ty = E.type_info e in
let r1 = r in (* instead of repr, which may be a constant *)
let p = poly_of repr in
match P.is_const p with
| Some optim ->
Printer.print_dbg "%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;
let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
let o = Some {Th_util.opt_ord = order; opt_val = Th_util.Value t2} in
let s = LR.mkv_eq r1 r2, true, Th_util.CS (o, Th_util.Th_arith, in
Some { opt_split with value = Value s }

| None ->
let res = default_case_split env uf ~for_model in
match res with
| [] ->
if not for_model then Sig_rel.Split []
| None ->
match case_split_union_of_intervals env uf with
| [] -> Sig_rel.Split (model_from_unbounded_domains env uf)
| l -> Sig_rel.Split l
let sim = if ty == Ty.Tint then env.int_sim else env.rat_sim in
let p = if to_max then p else P.mult_const Q.m_one p in
let l, c = P.to_list p in
let l = List.rev_map (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (List.rev l) in
let sim, mx_res = Sim.Solve.maximize sim (Sim.Core.P.from_list l) in
match Sim.Result.get mx_res sim with
| Sim.Core.Unknown -> assert false
| Sim.Core.Sat _ -> assert false (* because we maximized *)
| Sim.Core.Unsat _ -> assert false (* we know sim is SAT *)
| Sim.Core.Unbounded _ ->
"%a is unbounded. Let other methods assign a value for it@."
E.print e;
let value = if to_max then Th_util.Pinfinity else Th_util.Minfinity in
Some { opt_split with value }

| Sim.Core.Max(mx,_sol) ->
let {Sim.Core.max_v; _} = Lazy.force mx in
let max_p = Q.add max_v.bvalue.v c in
let optim = if to_max then max_p else Q.mult Q.m_one max_p in
Printer.print_dbg "%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;

let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
let o = Some {Th_util.opt_ord = order; opt_val = Th_util.Value t2} in
let s = LR.mkv_eq r1 r2, true, Th_util.CS (o, Th_util.Th_arith, in
Some { opt_split with value = Value s; }
| _ -> Sig_rel.Split res

(*** part dedicated to FPA reasoning ************************************)

let best_interval_of optimized env p =
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,9 @@ let assume env uf la =
raise e
else assume env uf la

let case_split _ _ ~for_model:_ ~to_optimize:_ = Sig_rel.Split []
let case_split _env _uf ~for_model:_ = []

let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None

let query _ _ _ = None

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ let empty _ = ()
let assume _ _ _ =
(), { Sig_rel.assume = []; remove = []}
let query _ _ _ = None
let case_split _ _ ~for_model:_ ~to_optimize:_ = Sig_rel.Split []
let case_split _env _uf ~for_model:_ = []
let optimizing_split _env _uf _opt_split = None
let add env _ _ _ = env, []
let new_terms _ = Expr.Set.empty
let instantiate ~do_syntactic_matching:_ _ env _ _ = env, []
Expand Down

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