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Merge branch 'dev/gfdl' into ALE_remap_scalar_in_Z
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marshallward authored Feb 7, 2024
2 parents 46ef67c + 07bace6 commit d554e62
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Showing 3 changed files with 200 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ subroutine convert_temp_salt_for_TEOS10(T, S, HI, kd, mask_z, EOS)
do k=1,kd ; do j=HI%jsc,HI%jec ; do i=HI%isc,HI%iec
if (mask_z(i,j,k) >= 1.0) then
S(i,j,k) = Sref_Sprac * S(i,j,k)
T(i,j,k) = EOS%degC_to_C*poTemp_to_consTemp(EOS%S_to_ppt*S(i,j,k), EOS%S_to_ppt*T(i,j,k))
T(i,j,k) = EOS%degC_to_C*poTemp_to_consTemp(EOS%C_to_degC*T(i,j,k), EOS%S_to_ppt*S(i,j,k))
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
end subroutine convert_temp_salt_for_TEOS10
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137 changes: 122 additions & 15 deletions src/framework/MOM_intrinsic_functions.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,26 @@ module MOM_intrinsic_functions
! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use iso_fortran_env, only : stdout => output_unit, stderr => error_unit
use iso_fortran_env, only : int64, real64

implicit none ; private

public :: invcosh, cuberoot
public :: intrinsic_functions_unit_tests

! Floating point model, if bit layout from high to low is (sign, exp, frac)

integer, parameter :: bias = maxexponent(1.) - 1
!< The double precision exponent offset
integer, parameter :: signbit = storage_size(1.) - 1
!< Position of sign bit
integer, parameter :: explen = 1 + ceiling(log(real(bias))/log(2.))
!< Bit size of exponent
integer, parameter :: expbit = signbit - explen
!< Position of lowest exponent bit
integer, parameter :: fraclen = expbit
!< Length of fractional part


!> Evaluate the inverse cosh, either using a math library or an
Expand All @@ -28,6 +42,7 @@ function invcosh(x)

end function invcosh

!> Returns the cube root of a real argument at roundoff accuracy, in a form that works properly with
!! rescaling of the argument by integer powers of 8. If the argument is a NaN, a NaN is returned.
elemental function cuberoot(x) result(root)
Expand All @@ -37,24 +52,28 @@ elemental function cuberoot(x) result(root)
real :: asx ! The absolute value of x rescaled by an integer power of 8 to put it into
! the range from 0.125 < asx <= 1.0, in ambiguous units cubed [B3]
real :: root_asx ! The cube root of asx [B]
real :: ra_3 ! root_asx cubed [B3]
real :: num ! The numerator of an expression for the evolving estimate of the cube root of asx
! in arbitrary units that can grow or shrink with each iteration [B C]
real :: den ! The denominator of an expression for the evolving estimate of the cube root of asx
! in arbitrary units that can grow or shrink with each iteration [C]
real :: num_prev ! The numerator of an expression for the previous iteration of the evolving estimate
! of the cube root of asx in arbitrary units that can grow or shrink with each iteration [B D]
real :: np_3 ! num_prev cubed [B3 D3]
real :: den_prev ! The denominator of an expression for the previous iteration of the evolving estimate of
! the cube root of asx in arbitrary units that can grow or shrink with each iteration [D]
integer :: ex_3 ! One third of the exponent part of x, used to rescale x to get a.
real :: dp_3 ! den_prev cubed [C3]
real :: r0 ! Initial value of the iterative solver. [B C]
real :: r0_3 ! r0 cubed [B3 C3]
integer :: itt

integer(kind=int64) :: e_x, s_x

if ((x >= 0.0) .eqv. (x <= 0.0)) then
! Return 0 for an input of 0, or NaN for a NaN input.
root = x
ex_3 = ceiling(exponent(x) / 3.)
! Here asx is in the range of 0.125 <= asx < 1.0
asx = scale(abs(x), -3*ex_3)
call rescale_cbrt(x, asx, e_x, s_x)

! Iteratively determine root_asx = asx**1/3 using Halley's method and then Newton's method,
! noting that Halley's method onverges monotonically and needs no bounding. Halley's method is
Expand All @@ -65,35 +84,115 @@ elemental function cuberoot(x) result(root)

! This first estimate gives the same magnitude of errors for 0.125 and 1.0 after two iterations.
! The first iteration is applied explicitly.
num = 0.707106 * (0.707106**3 + 2.0 * asx)
den = 2.0 * (0.707106**3) + asx
r0 = 0.707106
r0_3 = r0 * r0 * r0
num = r0 * (r0_3 + 2.0 * asx)
den = 2.0 * r0_3 + asx

do itt=1,2
! Halley's method iterates estimates as Root = Root * (Root**3 + 2.*asx) / (2.*Root**3 + asx).
num_prev = num ; den_prev = den
num = num_prev * (num_prev**3 + 2.0 * asx * (den_prev**3))
den = den_prev * (2.0 * num_prev**3 + asx * (den_prev**3))

! Pre-compute these as integer powers, to avoid `pow()`-like intrinsics.
np_3 = num_prev * num_prev * num_prev
dp_3 = den_prev * den_prev * den_prev

num = num_prev * (np_3 + 2.0 * asx * dp_3)
den = den_prev * (2.0 * np_3 + asx * dp_3)
! Equivalent to: root_asx = root_asx * (root_asx**3 + 2.*asx) / (2.*root_asx**3 + asx)
! At this point the error in root_asx is better than 1 part in 3e14.
root_asx = num / den

! One final iteration with Newton's method polishes up the root and gives a solution
! that is within the last bit of the true solution.
root_asx = root_asx - (root_asx**3 - asx) / (3.0 * (root_asx**2))
ra_3 = root_asx * root_asx * root_asx
root_asx = root_asx - (ra_3 - asx) / (3.0 * (root_asx * root_asx))

root = sign(scale(root_asx, ex_3), x)
root = descale(root_asx, e_x, s_x)

end function cuberoot

!> Rescale `a` to the range [0.125, 1) and compute its cube-root exponent.
pure subroutine rescale_cbrt(a, x, e_r, s_a)
real, intent(in) :: a
!< The real parameter to be rescaled for cube root
real, intent(out) :: x
!< The rescaled value of a
integer(kind=int64), intent(out) :: e_r
!< Cube root of the exponent of the rescaling of `a`
integer(kind=int64), intent(out) :: s_a
!< The sign bit of a

integer(kind=int64) :: xb
! Floating point value of a, bit-packed as an integer
integer(kind=int64) :: e_a
! Unscaled exponent of a
integer(kind=int64) :: e_x
! Exponent of x
integer(kind=int64) :: e_div, e_mod
! Quotient and remainder of e in e = 3*(e/3) + modulo(e,3).

! Pack bits of a into xb and extract its exponent and sign.
xb = transfer(a, 1_int64)
s_a = ibits(xb, signbit, 1)
e_a = ibits(xb, expbit, explen) - bias

! Compute terms of exponent decomposition e = 3*(e/3) + modulo(e,3).
! (Fortran division is round-to-zero, so we must emulate floor division.)
e_mod = modulo(e_a, 3_int64)
e_div = (e_a - e_mod)/3

! Our scaling decomposes e_a into e = {3*(e/3) + 3} + {modulo(e,3) - 3}.

! The first term is a perfect cube, whose cube root is computed below.
e_r = e_div + 1

! The second term ensures that x is shifted to [0.125, 1).
e_x = e_mod - 3

! Insert the new 11-bit exponent into xb and write to x and extend the
! bitcount to 12, so that the sign bit is zero and x is always positive.
call mvbits(e_x + bias, 0, explen + 1, xb, fraclen)
x = transfer(xb, 1.)
end subroutine rescale_cbrt

!> Undo the rescaling of a real number back to its original base.
pure function descale(x, e_a, s_a) result(a)
real, intent(in) :: x
!< The rescaled value which is to be restored.
integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: e_a
!< Exponent of the unscaled value
integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: s_a
!< Sign bit of the unscaled value
real :: a
!< Restored value with the corrected exponent and sign

integer(kind=int64) :: xb
! Bit-packed real number into integer form
integer(kind=int64) :: e_x
! Biased exponent of x

! Apply the corrected exponent and sign to x.
xb = transfer(x, 1_8)
e_x = ibits(xb, expbit, explen)
call mvbits(e_a + e_x, 0, explen, xb, expbit)
call mvbits(s_a, 0, 1, xb, signbit)
a = transfer(xb, 1.)
end function descale

!> Returns true if any unit test of intrinsic_functions fails, or false if they all pass.
logical function intrinsic_functions_unit_tests(verbose)
function intrinsic_functions_unit_tests(verbose) result(fail)
logical, intent(in) :: verbose !< If true, write results to stdout
logical :: fail !< True if any of the unit tests fail

! Local variables
real :: testval ! A test value for self-consistency testing [nondim]
logical :: fail, v
logical :: v
integer :: n

fail = .false.
v = verbose
Expand All @@ -107,7 +206,15 @@ logical function intrinsic_functions_unit_tests(verbose)
fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, 1.0)
fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, 0.125)
fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, 0.965)

fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, 1.0 - epsilon(1.0))
fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, 1.0 - 0.5*epsilon(1.0))

testval = 1.0e-99
v = .false.
do n=-160,160
fail = fail .or. Test_cuberoot(v, testval)
testval = (-2.908 * (1.414213562373 + 1.2345678901234e-5*n)) * testval
end function intrinsic_functions_unit_tests

!> True if the cube of cuberoot(val) does not closely match val. False otherwise.
Expand All @@ -117,7 +224,7 @@ logical function Test_cuberoot(verbose, val)
! Local variables
real :: diff ! The difference between val and the cube root of its cube.

diff = val - cuberoot(val**3)
diff = val - cuberoot(val)**3
Test_cuberoot = (abs(diff) > 2.0e-15*abs(val))

if (Test_cuberoot) then
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