The Library Mangement System is Python Based Tool which has two types of User in it , Basic User and Librarian User With Specified features for each of them.
Basic User Features :
- Borrow Book 📘
- Return Book 📒
- Reserve Book 📙
- See Catalog 📚
Librarian User :
- Add Book
- Remove Book
- Get Book Count (whole Library or Shelf with specific genre)
- Fetch Data from any Excel sheet(.xlsx)
Additional Feature (Brownie Challenge 🍰 )
- Testing Code for the given script
- Windows 🪟
- Linux 🐧
- Mac 🍎
- OpenPyXl
Run the it will install required dependencies
- Run
- Keep all the given Files in same folder
- test_data.xlsx is for testing excel sheet feature
- Librarian Login detail
- Email :
- pwd : cometodaddy